Magi's Grandson
Demon territory capture operation has started
After encountering a demon for the first time, no demon appeared in particular, and he was able to advance to the vicinity of the old imperial border as planned.
Today is camping here.
The monsters are likely to come when this group is solidified, but it seems that the monsters will not come because the magic tools will be installed outside the camp.
By the way, it is called a magical tool to avoid monsters, but it is actually a magical shutoff magical tool.
It is in the shape of a string, and it surrounds the camp all around, and it can avoid monsters because it can no longer detect the magic power inside the magic tool.
It is said that the monsters are barely visible when you shut off the magic, just by not leaking the magic to the outside.
Although it is a setting, it is not always activated, so it seems that it will continue to activate magic tools at night. Since it is "almost" and not "at all", there is also a sense of lookout.
Speaking of which, this is the first camp.
When I was a little excited, I was called out.
"I'm sorry. The angel, the saint, and the war maiden are ready for camp."
After the battle, Maria came to be called "Sen Otome-sama".
Maria, who is not used to her, is writhing in shame each time.
Well, as soon as she could get used to her, she abandoned her, followed the soldier who came to her call, and reached a tent for camping.
Two tents are set up for one person and one tent is set for one person.
"Then, here is the tent of the angel and the saint, and here is the tent of the war maiden."
A little bit! Men and women can stay in the same tent during this war! ?
Sure, Sicily is a fiancee, but in this situation you won't be able to stay in the same tent!
"And then ... there are so many alone ... if possible, soundproofing magical tools or barriers ..."
"Do you want to do that in this situation! Or do you stay in the tent with you!"
"Huh? Is that so?"
"That's right!"
What are you thinking! ?
"I told you, many people are alone. Under such circumstances, if you stay in the same tent, no matter how much your fiance, you're going to be very dissatisfied, right?"
"I agree"
Assari affirmed!
"That might be frustrating at an extra point. I'm staying at this one-person tent, and Sicily and Maria stay at this two-person tent. Is that okay?"
"I am okay"
"I'm okay, but are you okay?
"I stayed in the same tent as Shin and there was no courage to come out of the tent while everyone was watching in the morning ..."
Absolutely, you can see it with curiosity. I don't have such courage!
"It's smart. Oh ... it was good. If I wanted to hear my voice all night ..."
"So you say you don't!"
"Huh ..."
Sicily hid behind me.
"Now, that's no longer a concern, and let's have dinner. I'm preparing dinner at that tent. Don't expect too much because it's a marching meal."
"I'll leave everything for the camp. I won't complain."
You are also exempt from your sleep, and if you complain, you'll get a bee.
…… I was different from the previous one! That could complain! ?
"And then, when you're done, there's a bath in that tent. That's for men, this is for women. Well, there's a male soldier and a female soldier standing at the entrance, so make a mistake. There will not be "
what? Wrong flag?
Well, when you actually finished the meal and headed for the bath, there were two soldiers, so it wouldn't be any better if you mistakenly entered the woman's bath without a watch.
There are frequent in and out.
But still, is it a bath in the camp?
According to what I heard, the hot water supply equipment used in this bath was developed and popularized by Grandma, and with the advent of this equipment, bathing was widely spread.
She is a grandmother.
This way, I once again respected my grandmother who made and spread useful magic tools, and I became proud that it was my grandma.
When entering the bath tent, a bath was set up like a large pool.
Indeed, do you take air in like a plastic pool and take a bath? Is it some kind of demonic leather? You can carry it with you, and the hot water can be covered with magic tools.
You can take a bath while camping.
... It is strange that there is no buoy when there is this.
The hot water supply is shaped like a faucet, and there are a number of them.
The manner in which a person taking a bath sheds magic for a few minutes and adds hot water seems to be manners.
It seems that moisture in the air is collected and converted into water, so it seems to circulate endlessly in the tent.
Washed body and hair using soap that is naturally decomposed, and before entering the bath, apply magical power to the hot water supply tool and add hot water.
"Well ..."
I thought at your home in Sicily, but after traveling a long distance in a carriage, you're getting tired.
I think baths are important in maintaining the speed of march and restoring the strength of soldiers.
"Thank you very much, angel. How about hot water control?"
"No ... that kind of angel is a bit ... but it's a good hot water."
"Huff. Speaking of which, it was your angel's grandmother who developed this magic tool.
The soldier who gave me the guidance from the previous time was also taking a bath.
Apparently, you don't intend to correct your angel call.
I was troubled.
"But, the magic of the war maiden was amazing. Anyway, could Ultimate Magicians use that kind of magic?"
"Yes. Well, Maria was originally an Org ... it's three seats next to His Highness Augusto, so she was excellent. Now, can everyone else do that much?"
"Ah, that's about ...?"
"Some people are better at healing magic like Sicily, some are in close combat, and some are better at strengthening their bodies."
By practicing precision magic, Sicily's attack magic has also improved greatly.
It's no exaggeration to say that everyone can use the same amount of attack magic.
Then, the people who were listening around began to utter words.
"Is everyone at that level ..."
"Eh? That Saint can use that much magic?"
"Even though that magic can be used, there is a guy who goes to close proximity ..."
"... Is there this strategy?"
Oops, everyone began to question their significance.
I want to follow you here.
"Of course, we need your help. We don't know how many months it would take to perform this operation alone. No matter how many years it would take. Wouldn't it be enough to disturb the public for so long? We need your help to solve it. ''
Do you feel like this?
The reaction of everyone around you is ...
"I see ... to keep people from worrying ..."
"That's right! We'll help the people!"
"Yabae ... I'm all over!"
"I'll do it ... I'll do it! Everyone!"
"Ooh oh!
Poo! surprised!
Don't scream suddenly!
"What! What happened!"
Look! The lookout soldier has flew away!
"No, nothing. It's just a determination."
"Hahhh ...
I was excited unexpectedly, but if morale got better, wouldn't it?
When my body was warm enough, I got out of the bath.
After that, it seems that there was a scream from the male bath at regular intervals.
Sicily and Maria break up in front of the bath with Shin, and come to the woman bath.
"Wow, not a real bath"
"That's true. I didn't expect to take a bath in the camp."
Woman of Ultimate Magicians who talked about going home at the gate in the event of an emergency, but seemed satisfied after taking a full-fledged bath.
"Speaking of which, the family of Saints was the Viscount Claude of Aalsheide, famous for its hot springs."
"Huh? Yes, yes."
"I'm sorry to have a simple bath compared to my home"
"No, no! It's good enough! I never thought I would take a bath in a camp."
This is an honest impression.
If there was no bath, and there was no time to go back to the bath at the gate, Sicily even thought he did not want to go to Shin's side.
Because you are worried about your own smell.
But here is a bath without any doubt.
I was just relieved that such fears were gone.
"Taking the bath in this way is thanks to the guru's magic tool. Nobody has experienced the current army, but in the past it seems that he did not take a bath during the march."
"It's a hot-water supply magic tool. When the magic tool comes out, my grandfather seems frightened.
"that must have been hard……"
"However, the spread of bathing with hot water supply tools has generally increased the value of hot springs. Hot springs are a bit different from ordinary baths."
A hot spring is spring water from groundwater heated by geothermal heat. The hot springs that spring up through the underground veins contain various components, and bring various effects.
It is said that the spread of bathing has made the hot springs more attractive and worthwhile.
"If you think so, it's your grandmother who raised our value."
"Grandmother? ... Oh, surely the Saint was engaged to the angel who was the grandmother of the guru."
Sicily answers without any shyness, probably because it has been a long time since his engagement.
"Speaking of which, I've read 'The New Hero's Story. Is it true that it's written in it? I'm just getting used to the angel helping the Saint."
"Ah ... yes, yes ..."
After all, it doesn't seem that she's used to it. I was shy at the beginning.
And since the love banana has begun, the female soldiers around have also gathered.
"Saint. Where did you like your angel?"
"Where are you ... I just noticed that I liked it ..."
The female soldiers are excited about Sicily's reply.
"Well then! What kind of an angel are you?"
"Um ... strong, cool, family and friends, that ... gentle ..."
The female soldiers are excited again.
"Is the war maiden still the same impression?"
"A war maiden ... Well, it's almost nothing wrong."
"Well, the war maiden is also your angel ..."
"I don't know."
Everyone looks surprised at Maria, who cut and discarded it immediately.
"Sure, if that were the only thing, I think some kids in the same team would love Shin ..."
Is there something? The women soldiers took a breath and waited for Maria to speak.
"Anyway, I don't know the world, I don't know the weight of myself ... I often find that Shin thinks normal and deviates from our common sense. Such a trouble maker that walks with me will not have a body together."
"Mmm. You don't have to say that ..."
"Because you're so fond of Singh, we may be able to tolerate that, but we ..."
Female soldiers can't hide their embarrassment in the content that is different from the appearance of Shin, which is generally rumored to the public.
"But I thought that the magic of the war maiden was far from our common sense, but ..."
"I'm surprised by my magic, can't you see Shin's magic? That's ... how many times? Sicily, how much is Shin really?"
"Well?-I've never seen anything seriously ... I said that when I did a magic experiment in the wilderness, I suppressed it a lot ..."
"Ah ... are you laying all that way around and are you still holding it down?"
"If you're serious, maybe one city is gone?"
The female soldiers who utter words in the words.
And Sicily to say it lightly.
(How much do you love me!)
, There was total tsukkomi in my heart.
And Maria.
(Not a city, but a country ...?)
Speaking of the maze, Maria was nervous in her heart.
Get out of the bath tent and return to your tent.
My body was still hot, so when I was cool outside, the Sicily returned.
"Return. How was the bath?"
"It was pleasant. I never thought I would take a bath in the camp."
"Yes. If this is the case, the next march is okay."
It's a magical tool for avoiding monsters and supplying hot water.
Well, outside the tent was to cool, but there was also a purpose.
"My tent is small for one person, so why not go to that tent?"
Speaking of that, I enter the tent where Sicily and Maria stay.
It's for two people, but it's not enough to sleep, so it's big enough.
"Then, activate this magic tool ..."
What you have just started is the soundproofing magic tool.
It transmits “sound vibration” only from the magic tool to the area that surrounds this tent. In other words, it is a magic tool that does not leak sound beyond that range.
By the way, it is not always activated.
Because it is not possible for anyone to know what to do.
And I took out something.
Chillin, Chillin.
I took out a bell.
The sound was for the “wireless communication device”.
"M? Who? Shin?
"Oh, are you tired, are you okay now?"
"Wait a minute ... okay, okay"
"This is okay too!
"This is also ready."
When I rang a bell at the wireless communicator on the open channel, there were replies from Org, Alice and Tony.
Perhaps everyone is around.
"I had a fight with the demon before I reached the border. Everyone?"
"I didn't have any monster attacks before I got here. Perhaps the leading unit had been subdued. '
"I just came out a little! But it was just a medium size and there was almost no large one, so it didn't turn!
"I just came out a little bit. But I didn't come because the soldiers defeated me. ''
We plan to bring a wired communication device to each camp, but we will carry it while burying the line in the ground, so it will not be able to keep up with the speed of the march slightly.
So we had to hold a briefing to get the latest information from each camp.
By the way, since the wireless communicator is still secret, it is impossible to report to the headquarters what we have learned here.
Nowadays, the messenger soldier with this information is running a horse to the wire communication machine, exchanging information, and is on his way back.
But still, the place of the Org. Alice and Tony came out a little.
We came out on a fair scale.
What? What ’s the difference?
"We got a pretty good number. Why is there such a difference?"
"Isn't it because there's Shin?
"Come on! It's a trouble constitution!"
"It's not such a playful story, is Shin's basic magical power much higher than any of us? Isn't that drawn to you?
I was confessed that my constitution was a joke, but I was sweaty with the words that followed.
There is a basic magic power.
Humans have no organs to store magic, but they live in a world full of magic, and human bodies have magic. It affects human life activities.
The magical power that is attached to your body from the beginning is called the basic magical power.
So, people in this world can activate magic tools even if they can't use magic.
And when magic is used and the amount of magic that can be controlled increases, the amount of magic attached to the body increases.
And the demon is drawn to the magic power.
At the time of the training, the monsters were purposely gathered and the monsters were called.
I practice magical control every day since I was little, so my basic magical power has increased accordingly.
That means ...
"Until now, monsters came out a lot ..."
"First, definitely because of Shin"
"... Is it really?"
"Unfortunately, all this is really serious"
"Because there is no Shin-kun, this is extremely peaceful! It's a demon defeat march!
"That's right. I guess this is normal. I feel peaceful ... "
"This was a big deal ... a lot of demons appear, and Maria calls me a" war maiden "."
"Hey! You don't have to report it!"
"cheek? I guess something is going to be fun
"It's not fun!"
"But at the same time, Shin's three people are two people. Well, enviable ”
"It's not as good as I say ... if I'm ashamed ..."
I ended up just talking about the appearance of the demon on that day, after which it was a chat.
After finishing the report, I said good night to them and returned to my tent.
The tent where the commander stays is quite large because the tents sometimes hold a strategy meeting.
Ralph, angels, and opponents of Saints gathered in the tent, and looked sad.
"Sir Ralph ... can you beat that? And it seems that it wasn't Shin-Walford that gave that magic."
"The power of being a member of the team. How much magic do you cast if you are a representative?"
Isn't it impossible for the opponent who witnessed Maria's magic to win this as expected?
While this is extremely reluctant, why not accept the title of the example?
Yes, I was giving up.
Most opponents have tried to give up withdrawing Shin's angel declaration, but Ralph alone has not.
He is serious.
It's too serious to be as flexible as everyone else.
The person who is called the angel of God must be a man who respects God with seriousness.
I even think I must be a priest.
It's impossible for him to accept Shin.
"Yet, there's still a chance ... if we can defeat the devil first, ..."
The opposition humans stared at Ralph, who began to grumble, with a compassionate glance.
And the next day.
Finally, we step into the territory of the evil spirits.
As an aside, the fact that I didn't share a tent with Sicily yesterday was seen by male soldiers with respect.
It has been acclaimed that he has the will of iron that he can endure such a cute fiancee to accompany him.
... I don't doubt what that kind of respect is ... but I'm glad I didn't get the extra remorse of the male soldiers.
By the way, it is the Devil's territory that has finally stepped on.
Of course.
There is no reason that monsters obey the borders in a legitimate manner, and there is a barrier at the border of the demon territory, and it is not that monsters cannot cross it.
I tried using search enemy magic, but there is no sign of a demon so far.
It is thirty minutes to proceed in such a demon territory.
"Oops. Come on."
At last there was a monster reaction.
The response has been quite large and it's heading straight for you.
Probably here ... I wonder if I knew my magical power ...
Monsters are starting to gather here and there, and they are increasing in number and becoming large herds.
"After all, there are so many. It's not an exaggeration to see the demons overflowing with demons."
This group will not end.
Rather, how much will you gather after this ...?
"All members, battle ready! The opponent is a demon! No extra tactics needed! Cut and cut, cut off!"
Thus, the strategy to capture the magical territory started in earnest.
"Magic division! Attack magic, shoot!"
Commanders of the Allied Arms of Derm, Els and Ys issued a command, and the magical divisions began to cast and magic was released.
The power is subtle, but when a lot of people cast magic at once, it's just powerful.
And when the Magic Division finished casting magic, the knights and soldiers plunged into the swarm of monsters.
As expected, it is a regular army of the country. It is not uncommon for mid-sized demons to hunt alone.
Large monsters can be hunted without problems by dealing with multiple people.
"That's amazing. This isn't our turn, right?"
"If you say that kind of flag smell ..."
"Ah, you came out."
"Well, not my fault!"
This is from the side I said.
Evil power that is different in size from medium and large.
"Emergency class emergence! All members, quickly retreat!
"Ooooooooo! !
What appeared is a very large wolf.
He is likely to be in the forest of Nantoka.
Usually, wolves are classified as medium-sized, but they become monsters.
As a result, it may be a disaster class.
Disaster-grade wolves are more cunning than lions and tigers, which become disaster-classes when they become monsters.
I've come to troublesome things ...
"Sicily, Maria. This is the first disaster-grade wolf?"
"I've never seen ..."
"The guys are quick anyway, so it helps to stop them."
"I understand!"
"... Have you ever done it by example?"
Well that's why.
I can beat it but it's troublesome.
So, ask the two to support me.
Explain the support to the two, take out the vibration sword, and plunge from the front.
"What !? It's unreasonable!"
A surprising voice comes out of the soldier who was watching the battle situation, but it is not unreasonable!
The wolf tries to avoid me, who has plunged from the front, in the side step.
"Gyawan! ? Gaa aa!
The magic of Sicily and Maria, who instructed both sides of the wolf to cast magic, matches the action of the wolf who side stepped, and falls into agony with the Sicily ice spear.
If you do not miss this aircraft, activate jet boots and approach the wolf.
With, my vibrating sword was bitten well on the belly of the sword.
Absolutely by chance! ?
The sword stopped because it could not be cut except for the vibrating blade.
"Oh! @ Shin-kun!"
Sicily raises a frustrated voice, but the wolf can't move well as he bites his vibration sword.
I fall into a stalemate for a moment, but ... bad, Wolf.
I can use magic, not just swords.
Chew the vibration sword and shoot the magic of the super-heated flame into the mouth from the slightly opened tusks.
"Gya Aan!
The super-heated flame from inside the mouth burned the wolf's body and quickly died.
If you were a disaster-grade wolf, if you felt the magical sign, you would release the sword and take the distance ...
I'm decent ...
"Shin, you ... I'm gonna do something ..."
"Hmm? Oh, I slammed it off because I got stuck ..."
"Sorry, magic entered your mouth ..."
Well, anyway, the disaster-level defeat has been completed.
"Su, Sugee! I've killed a disaster-grade wolf!"
"Don't be too late for your angel! I'll show you our strength!"
"Ooooooooo! !
The morale of the soldiers has climbed as a result of defeating the disaster class.
If this is the case, demon defeat should not proceed smoothly.
I'm a little bit moody ...
Is everyone ok?
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