Magi's Grandson
I thought information manipulation was horrible
With the students who served in this operation, we left the battlefield.
Prior to the graduates returning on foot, we decided to return to the Aalsheide Royal Castle at the gate.
The students were told they would be part of the Ahlsheid army and were told to go back and report to Uncle Dis.
The soldiers greeted us as we moved to the usual guard post at the gate.
The soldiers praised us for defeating the evil spirits, but at the same time we were told that the people were talking about the grandfather and grandma.
It was known to the world that the demon approached Aalsheide, and that the grandfather and grandmother defeated it.
"... Is this a maz?"
"Yes ... the people seemed to know that we had escaped the demon ..."
"In the story of the Guru, you said that the people might be concerned about missing the demon! What do you do? I'll be blamed!"
Alice's concerns are legitimate.
Despite defeating Orikado Majin, what is to blame ...
We just failed.
For the time being, let's go to report to Uncle Dis, who is in Ojo.
Then, maybe you get angry ...
Everyone followed the soldier who was leading me, feeling depressed.
Because I had contacted him before returning to Ahlsheid, he was passed straight through the audience.
I didn't change clothes and stayed in combat uniforms.
Such a question crosses my mind, but has already arrived during the audience.
And when the big door opens ...
We were greeted with great applause.
"Welcome back, heroes who saved the world!"
There is already an uncle Diss on the throne, stood up and greeted us and told him to come near.
Follow the voice and approach the throne.
During that time, applause did not stop.
(What ’s going on?)
(I don't know. Isn't it a problem to miss our demon?)
When I went to the audience because I thought I was angry, I was unexpectedly welcomed.
I talk to Org in a whisper with a little confusion, but I can only imagine that this is not a problem.
Damn, grandma. Say something that threatens you.
I can't say it in my mouth, so shout with my heart.
He approached the throne and sat down on his knees when he heard the words from Uncle Dis.
"August, Sin-Walford, and others did well too. It is an unparalleled achievement for destroying all the attacking evil spirits.
"Thank you. But we've missed the last stuff, and as a result we're at risk of putting everyone at risk. We can't be very praised."
Uncle Dishes praises you, but the Org thinks he doesn't deserve praise for his last misjudgment. Me too.
It's a battlefield debut with only reflections, so it's quite concave.
"Don't worry. The wise men and the guru have defeated the witches that you have missed. The past heroes were still heroes, resulting in the delight of the people. There is no one to blame. ''
e? Are not everyone angry?
I thought so and looked around, everyone was smiling, and there was no one with a gaze of blame.
Since it was the grandfather who finally stabbed the genie, did everyone go consciously there and didn't greatly reflect our failure?
I was a little relieved to not be blamed ... I don't think I was allowed to do this.
It is true that we have failed, and this is a perfect result.
Even if you can't blame this, you can't forget.
I still have a lot to learn.
"That's a reward, but there's no more medal. I want you to wait a little longer ..."
"Your Majesty. We have served here as part of the military operation. If you receive rewards, everyone is equal. I hope that we will not be treated specially."
Ogre rejected Uncle's offer.
To be honest, we went on a business trip because it was only the last witch battle.
That's why it's annoying to say medal or reward.
The biggest achievement is those of the military who are still defeating monsters in the territory of evil spirits.
"I see. I understand. As soon as the army returns, I'll give you a bounty for all the soldiers you've served. And it's a turn-off vacation. Everyone is upbeat! Because you're the hero who saved the world! What! "
With those words, the report to Uncle Disney was over.
After leaving the audience, we gathered in the room of Org and discussed whether Uncle Dith was true that no one was blaming us.
"There is no reason for my father to tell a lie there. Even the civilians, military officers, and nobles who attended were praised. Couldn't the people think that they were the same?"
"But maybe this was just what Unth said to reassure us."
"It will not be"
Org made a statement.
"Rather, the people who know the details are those who were in the audience earlier, but they're fine because they were praised."
Really. Do people at the top of the country know more about the story?
If the people are aware of it, it may be that something slightly different from the fact has been circulated.
Still, I couldn't trust what I couldn't see with my own eyes, so I decided to go to the city and explore the city.
Only me can use optical camouflage without a cloak, and it will definitely come off when everyone goes.
You can't see each other.
When we went to the town, the people were excited about the story of the grandfather and grandmother fighting against the demon, and that we had destroyed a group of demon.
In the store, there were banners stating “Ultimate Magicians Demon Commemorative Sale”, and Walford Shokai was a thriving shop owned by me.
Especially Exchange Swords and Jet Boots sold like flying.
Because there is a communication device, the situation of daily operations may have been reported to Aalsheide.
Aside from the exchange sword, it is good that jet boots spread.
After the turmoil is over, we may be able to provide entertainment for everyone.
And I went to my house to see the situation ...
I did not get close to the house.
The street in front of the house is completely occupied by people and completely closed.
What a troublesome neighborhood.
The guards are on a business trip and the traffic is being organized.
Restricted to stop in front of the gate and to keep people out of the street.
From a distance, Alex and his security guards were desperately working in front of the gate.
Sorry, do your best!
After that, I went around the city and looked into Mark and Olivia's parents' shops, but I couldn't hear any words to blame us.
On the contrary, we could only hear praise for our defeat of the demon.
To briefly explain the story flowing among the people.
It was said that we did not escape the demon, but somehow the old man detected and defeated the demon who escaped by detecting the attack in advance.
It is the wise man that the grandfathers detected the invasion of the demon. Everyone was convinced that.
I don't know the exact reason, but a sage may have the power to detect the approaching witch.
It was like that.
The heroic religion has gone too far, and I think any grandfather is an ant, kore.
There was a person who ran ahead in reality.
We missed the devil and didn't notice it.
I have never heard of any mistakes made in the subsequent tracking.
I guess you did not purposely instill the anxiety in the people, but explained it in such a way to eliminate the anxiety.
Do the people hear stories that are not true but not true?
The final result is the same, but the impression is completely different due to the different progress.
Is this an information operation?
After collecting information in the city, I opened the gate behind an unpopular alley and returned to the room of Org.
"Ah! Welcome back, Shin Brother!"
May-chan was there, and we received all our passionate welcome.
"Gehu! Pohi, it's been a while ... Mei-chan"
May-chan greets her with a full smile.
My brother, I can't help kneeling here.
Even if Mei's magic skill goes up and she receives a reinforced body!
"It's been a long time, Shin-san"
"Oh, oh. Erie after a long time."
Elie, the fiance of the Org, is also here, holding Mei-chan and greeting her knees back.
"How was it? Is it okay?"
"Oh, it's okay but not okay ..."
"What does it mean?"
When I asked the Org, I talked about what I saw in the city right now.
Then, everyone gradually became a slim face.
"That ... is that a fuss?"
"I can't really walk the town!"
The words of Maria and Alice would be all.
It was difficult to walk out before, but it seems like this is a bad idea.
It is different from what you were worried about, but you may not be able to go out easily anymore.
"It's terrifying to manipulate information ... I was celebrated as a hero when I was prepared to be cursed."
"How about the store? How was your store?"
"Ishigama-tei? It was a large line. Then everyone was disappointed without Olivia and came out of the store. I'm regrettable, don't tell the lined customers about it, and the number of disappointing customers will increase more and more ... "
"Is that ... I have to go to the store?"
"That's right ... I know everyone knows that Olivia is a waitress with her daughter there ..."
It is Olivia's place where the public is known.
So everyone was gathering.
The bean workshop nearby was busier than usual, but not so much.
"Olivia ... Good luck!"
"Ufufu, do your best. Olivia"
"Alice and Yuri both think it's someone else!"
This might be a fuss for customers if you don't have Olivia come to the store for a short while.
But if the confusion gets bigger, you have to tell them that you will not go to the store anymore.
"I'm glad I remember the gate. I never thought it would be such a fuss."
"In that case ... only me would float ..."
"What's that? Elie"
Eli sighs as if she were worried.
Elie just floats?
"It's a wedding. It's the end of the Majin riot, and you're going to do it?"
That's true, but I greeted Pope Catherine directly and I don't think there's any problem ...
"Because of the bride and groom, I'm not the only Ultimate Magician."
"What is that?"
"That's not the case! You're the nation ... No, you're the hero of the world.
Huh? Did you care about that?
Oh no ... I don't think any heroic elements are expected of anyone who will be the Crown Princess ...
"Mr. Ellie, I care too much. Erie is a prince's bride who everyone envy? Isn't that special enough?"
"Is that so?"
Sicily's persuasion is dispelling Elie's concerns.
It's the same with me, but I'm convinced when Sicily tells me.
"That's right, so let's state the ceremony together."
"Sicily ... yeah, I understand. Thank you."
Pia, I was persuaded.
But, if you think about it, it's the Crown Princess.
The future is a queen.
Even though she's still a Duke's daughter, there's no reason she's not special.
Depending on the times, your marriage fever may happen.
What were you worried about?
They are talking to each other about the expectation for the ceremony, such as how the dress can be managed and they can go to the Pope.
"Yeah, no way.
"I'm surprised too. I'm not usually in a position to think about that."
"It's too special ... we are"
"I understand it somehow"
When I first came to this country, I never dreamed this would happen.
I grew up in the back of a mountain, but I was supposed to come to the royal capital to get to know the common sense of the world and make friends.
I could make her with a lot of friends ...
"I never thought I would make a hero a festival"
"Yes? I'm the grandson of a hero, so I thought I'd be a hero as soon as I did something."
"Because I didn't know that grandpas were so heroic"
"Such a thing"
"Well, I've almost accomplished the purpose of coming to the royal capital, I have made friends and she has. And I don't wear common sense in Oita."
Hmm? that?
"Shin-dono ... I don't think you've come to know that common sense, right?"
Says Thor as amazed.
`` We created an insane magic tool like a communication device, greatly increased the ability of wizards and knights who felt a bit stagnant, elucidated the mysteries of magic stones, and achieved achievements in improving the ability of the whole world Did Shin know the common sense? Please make the joke moderate. ”
"It's not at all. I'm the most surprised so far. Don't be surprised."
What a hell. He was still ignorant of common sense. Recently I weighed myself ...
"That's more Shin. You're not trying to make anything anymore?"
"Hmm? ..."
"Is there ..."
The corner shop and the bean workshop are attached to it.
I was thinking a lot, but I wasn't able to make it with this fuss.
"Isn't it likely it will take you a long time before the wedding can be done? Until then, I'm thinking of doing it during the magical tool development period."
"... I'll ask you to give it my weight. Don't break the country's economy."
"I'm sorry, I'm thinking about that, so I guess I didn't make it right now
"If you can solve the problem, why not develop ..."
"Oh, not that!
Is that so?
But you may want to make magic tools that may make your life more convenient.
I think even more when I look at my grandma.
Because the grandmother who is grateful and respected by everyone is cool.
The reason why the wedding ceremony comes before that is because it is the head of state, Pope Catherine, who is performing this wedding.
The operation is still ongoing and has not yet been completed.
What we are doing now is a demon elimination, and if we finally set up around the Imperial City, we will be once declared to end.
Since the head of state cannot do a wedding during the operation, the wedding cannot be done until the end declaration is issued.
When will it be? Is there an end declaration when we advance?
When I was expecting such things from the future, I heard from Ogre as if I remembered something.
"Speaking of which, it's almost the end of the year."
"Isn't it time now?"
"What is it?"
"Shin's birthday"
Speaking of which, after the summer holidays dawned, I was full of my mind and forgot about the strategy to capture the magical territory.
Autumn is almost over, and was that time?
"Speaking of which, is your birthday?"
I've forgotten everything, but I don't know about anyone else's birthday, except for the birthday of Org's birthday and Taedachi Tadashi.
"I am also the end of the year."
"Me too. She has a birthday near her."
Maria and Sicily are coming soon.
"I'm done! Early spring!"
"Me too. Born in spring."
Alice and Lynn were really older.
"Huh? Really?"
"Huh! I'm your older sister!"
"You should hear what your sister says"
Even if it is overpowered by a few months ...
"I'm done. I'm on summer vacation."
"I'm done and I'm done. I'm sitting before the summer vacation."
Did Thor and Julius finish?
"I'm new!"
"I am too"
"Oh, me too."
"I'm coming soon"
Tony, Yuri and Olivia are new and Mark is coming soon.
"I was spring!"
"I was just after my summer vacation."
May-chan is in spring and Ely is right after the summer vacation?
"Speaking of which, I'm not celebrating my birthday at all."
I didn't know.
"This year is special. Devils appear, wars occur, groups of devils attack .... Most families refrain from flashy celebrations and events and celebrate only with their relatives. That was it. "
Really. How old is it?
Hmm? Your engagement party was flashy?
"Speaking of which, when is Shin's birthday?"
"Huh? Oh yeah. Twenty days at the end of the year is my birthday ..."
"Eh !? 20 days?"
"Really !? Shin?"
Sicily and Maria are surprised at Mecha.
"It's the same as Sicily's birthday."
"Huh? Really !?"
"Yes, it's true."
Really! ? surprised! Pia ... but ...
"I don't know the real birthday, just because my grandpa picked it up on the 20th day of the end of the year ..."
"Ah ... that's right ..."
"But! That's amazing because my grandfather saves my life on that day! I'm destined!"
Sicily wants to feel fate anyway.
But that's right. It feels fateful that my grandfather saved my life on Sicily's birthday.
I guess I made that day my birthday because I was about a year old.
"This is a rule."
"Shin, Claude, and Messina will be flashing together for Shin's birthday this year."
"Your Highness! That's good!"
"Let's do it! I'm looking forward to it!"
Maria and Sicily seem to agree.
But why did you suddenly celebrate your birthday?
"As I said earlier, I've been self-restraining at fancy banquets until now, during the war."
"That's it, but I think my engagement party was pretty flashy ..."
"You were a hero who defeated the evil spirits. We were trying to dispel the public's anxiety by celebrating your luck with a grand celebration. No announcements or parties other than you have been held. ''
"Well, really?"
I knew for the first time.
"That's why it's been a long time since Shin's engagement party. Shin's birthday will be flashy."
"Wait a minute. What's the mark? I told you I'm almost there."
"Please stop, Ssu, Walford. I'm just happy to be at Ultimate Magicians. I'm sorry for the small family to do it!"
I was rejected with tears from Mark.
Do you hate that much …….
"I can't flirt with Olivia?"
"What the mark, right?"
"Eh !? No, no ..."
Over there!
"Mark that is as erotic as anything else"
"No! I'm not! I'm going to be hosting Ultimate Magicians, and it's going to be a ridiculous person ..."
A ridiculous person? … Oh, like Uncle Dis.
I don't want to refrain.
"What about the venue? @ Shin's house?"
"Isn't it nice? I guess it will come with Uncle?" I think it's best because my servants are used to it.
"Okay. Then go to Shin's house. You have to get ready."
Org is so motivated to hold our birthday and is taking the initiative.
I wasn't able to show me much, and it seemed as if I was shaking something off.
Don't worry too much about losing calm at the end of the operation and making repeated judgment mistakes.
It will not be forgotten or remorseful only in Org.
After swallowing it, you must be cheerful and cheerful so as not to be depressed.
I understood the heart of such an org, and I just saw it with warm eyes.
"Oh! Shin looks staring at Augusto-sama !? In such a short distance away!"
"Elie, don't do that delusion!"
How long have you been pulling! ?
"I'm kidding. I know that much."
"Well, stop it now ... every time you get that story, your mind wears off ..."
"Oh, I'm sorry.
"You don't have to imitate the Org! What is it? I have an attitude that respects what her husband does!"
"It's natural to be a wife."
"Huh? I can't do it ... it's out of standard."
"What worried Sicily!"
I'm not even getting to Sicily!
"Huh, hoo, hoo hoo. Ahahahaha!"
When I was playing against Erie and Sicily, the Org who heard it started laughing.
No, don't laugh and cry about Ellie.
"I'm glad ... I finally laughed normally ..."
Erie muttered with a loud voice that could only be heard by me and Sicily.
"August, who returned from the operation, was pretending to be calm until recently.
Really. I'm noticing that childhood friend and fiancé Elie doesn't notice.
"But he finally laughed normally. This is safe."
Elie's face was smiling with a glad smile when she recovered, probably because she was really worried about Org.
"Huh ... don't feel like you've been laughing after a long time. Ellie, I forgive. Keep making fun of Shin."
"I don't give you that permission! I heard that permission for the first time!"
what is it? Permission to tease me!
"Yes! I understand!"
"You don't even accept Ellie!"
I'm done! This couple!
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