
As soon as the school bell rang, the students of the Ninja School left the school one after another. Liu Ping’an walked quickly in the crowd, and after leaving the gate of the Ninja School, he went straight to the store not far away.

After buying some balloons and a ball in the store, Liu Ping’an went straight home excitedly. There was no other way. The Rasengan was an A-level ninjutsu, and it was an unprinted ninjutsu from the beginning.

Its strength lies in its attributelessness, which is the ultimate in chakra form changes. Although for Liu Ping’an, who has proficiency, any ninjutsu can be unprinted and unlimited.

But you have to have talent. A good cook cannot cook without rice. If you don’t have a ninjutsu, you can’t brush it. Now you have a ninjutsu that can be brushed, and it is a self-created A-level ninjutsu. It is normal to be in a good mood.

Soon, Liu Ping’an arrived home and entered the world of orbs directly. Standing next to the lake, Liu Ping’an put the balloons and balls aside and began to think.

“What is the method of practicing Rasengan? First the balloon, then the ball, that’s for sure, after all, it’s easier first and then harder.”

“But should I use the balloon directly or with a water balloon? Forget it, I’ll know after trying them all.”

Without thinking too much, Liu Pingan picked up a balloon, blew it up, tied it, put it in his palm, and then began to control the chakra to inject it into the balloon and rotate it.

Normally, the first step in practicing the Rasengan should be to accurately concentrate the chakra in the palm.

However, Liu Pingan’s chakra control is at the grandmaster level, so it is too easy to do this, so he went straight to the balloon stage.


After a few seconds, the balloon burst while the chakra was rotating. Liu Pingan raised his eyebrows. It was so easy, but he didn’t care about it. The easier it was, the better.

After all, his chakra control had reached the level of a grandmaster, so it was not surprising that he could do this.

The next one was a water balloon. Liu Pingan directly controlled the fountain of life to inject it into the balloon, and then tied it after it was inflated by the water, and then placed it in the palm of his hand and injected chakra into it.

The core of this step is to let the chakra rotate in it. It doesn’t matter if it is regular or irregular. The important thing is to rotate it, and finally let the water flow rotate together to make the water balloon burst.


Within a few seconds, the water balloon exploded on the spot. The process was extremely easy and Liu Ping’an did not feel any pressure.

With a thought, he wiped away the residue of the balloon, and Liu Ping’an raised his palm, and the blue chakra condensed and rotated in his palm.

Liu Ping’an was not happy about this, because this chakra was very loose, without the feeling of being materialized, and was not included in the skill column.

However, Liu Ping’an was not disappointed, and there was still progress. As the saying goes, Liu Ping’an’s chakra control is now at the level of a grandmaster.

Even without practicing with balloons and water balloons, the chakra can condense and rotate in the palm of the hand, but it is extremely loose, even looser than it is now.

Practicing with balloons and water balloons is to find the feeling of condensing into materialization within a certain range. Now it is still a little bit short, so it is just right to use a leather ball to make up for it.

Putting the leather ball in the palm of his hand, Liu Ping’an controlled the chakra to be injected into it, and spun wildly inside the leather ball. With the help of the leather ball’s toughness, the chakra was continuously compressed and condensed during the rotation until it reached a near point.


With a loud bang, the ball exploded while expanding and deforming. This time it lasted for a long time, more than five seconds before it exploded. But because of this, Liu Pingan found the feeling of controlling the chakra to rotate, compress, and condense into substance.

He raised his palm, condensed, rotated, and compressed the chakra, and controlled the chakra in a spherical range, allowing the chakra to rotate freely without deliberately interfering with the rotation law.


At this moment, invisible airflow gathered and swirled around the chakra sphere, even blowing Liu Ping’an’s hair up and down. At the same moment, the Rasengan was also included in the skill column, and because it was successfully performed once, it increased a little proficiency, and the relevant insights emerged in Liu Ping’an’s mind.


Liu Pingan couldn’t help but grin, he finally succeeded.

It turned out that if he wanted to make the Rasengan substantial, the key was to limit the chakra to the range of the sphere and rotate automatically, and absolutely no interference was allowed.

It didn’t matter whether the rotation was regular or not, what was important was to compress the restricted range, so that the chakra would collide with each other due to the high density, and thus rage irregularly and wildly within a certain range, like a storm in the palm of your hand.

Of course, you still have to actively control the rotation at the beginning. This is the starting point, the end point, and the source of power. After that, a series of compression restrictions will be carried out, and the Rasengan will be completed.

The next moment, the Rasengan slowly stopped rotating, the invisible airflow dissipated, and the chakra was taken into Liu Pingan’s body.

Normally, the Rasengan has a high chakra density and an amazing rotation speed. If it is not maintained, it will only dissipate with the chakra, and the chakra cannot be taken back at all.

But Liu Pingan’s chakra control was strong, so he controlled the power to reduce and took back the chakra, but only most of it was taken back, and some of it was still consumed.

However, this is enough to defy the heavens. With Liu Ping’an’s current chakra, if the Rasengan dissipates after one use, then there will be only a small amount of chakra left.

After all, the Rasengan is an A-level ninjutsu, and it consumes a lot of chakra. A Genin who can use it once must have a lot of chakra, of course, except for those with special bloodlines.

Now that he can recover some of it, Liu Ping’an can still cast the Rasengan once, but he can only cast it once more. If it consumes more chakra, he will not have enough chakra.

“There will be some more to come.” Liu Pingan smiled happily.



Time flies, spring goes and summer comes, autumn goes and winter comes, winter goes and spring comes again, spring comes and summer comes, the four seasons go back and forth, time flies.

During the days in the Ninja School, Liu Pingan never cared, he was just paddling every day, and then went home to practice at night. He just stayed at home to practice on weekends and holidays, and didn’t waste any time.

After all, if you are not strong enough, you can’t slack off in practice if you want to live safely, and you can’t slack off when you work hard.

During this period, because of the practice of Rasengan, the proficiency of other skills has increased a little slowly, but it is worth it.

Because specializing in a certain item means that other places are weak points, it is a weakness. The so-called one trick is to eat all over the world. It is indeed very powerful, but it is also because of the limited time and energy.

Liu Pingan has a gifted gem, which can make him an all-round strong man. Naturally, there is no need to leave obvious weaknesses in pursuit of speed, so he will practice more Rasengan.

Come to think of it, it’s also the fault of the ninja school. Damn, because it’s a cannon fodder class and they don’t even teach physical skills. There’s no other way. In order to prevent close combat from becoming a weakness, Liu Ping’an can only practice more Rasengan.


Konoha’s 40th year.

November. The weather has started to turn from cool to cold. Although it hasn’t snowed, there is still a cold wave.

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