The reason for this is very simple. The Fountain of Life has been healing and nourishing the body.

Although this kind of training is more tiring, it is also more perfect for the body. This kind of switching between pain and comfort even makes Liu Pingan enjoy it a little.



Time passed, and before he knew it, an afternoon had passed. The sky was red and the sun was setting.

But Liu Ping’an didn’t notice it, and was just immersed in the complex feeling of pain and comfort.

Soon, the sun set and the sky was dark. Liu Ping’an seemed to forget the passage of time and forget to eat. Even if his stomach was growling

, he didn’t notice it. Or, Liu Ping’an’s attention was highly concentrated, and he didn’t pay attention to these things at all, and ignored them instinctively.

Time passed little by little. Liu Ping’an has been standing in the fountain of life, constantly turning and moving, constantly waving the ninja sword in his hand, and the bioelectricity keeps splashing inside and outside the body.

The moon sets and the sun rises, the sky is bright, and when another morning comes, with the perception like a huge wave sweeping over his heart, he can feel the heart and the sword in the perception. After waving the ninja sword like instinct, Liu Ping’an opened his eyes like knives.

Then he lay down in the fountain of life with a tired face, and only got up to eat after a long time to fill his hungry stomach.


After eating and drinking, Liu Ping’an couldn’t help but sigh. In fact, he had always been conscious, but the process of practice was too exciting. Liu Ping’an couldn’t refuse and didn’t want to stop, so he has been practicing until now.

Standing on the shore, with a clang, a white light flashed, and the ninja sword was quickly pulled out by Liu Ping’an, and then the sword light flashed continuously, and three swords were slashed in the air in an instant.

In the end, the ninja sword seemed to be stuck to Liu Ping’an’s palm, circling around the palm and back of his hand, or circling back and forth with his left and right hands.

Although this move is extremely fancy, it also demonstrates a high level of swordsmanship. Even if it cannot achieve the unity of man and sword, it can be said to be an extension of the hands and feet.



Liu Ping’an sheathed his sword and laughed wildly,”Awesome! It’s so damn awesome!”

In the next few days, Liu Ping’an did not practice ninjutsu anymore, because now the realm of each skill is no lower than mastery, which is enough.

It takes too much time to practice to the extreme.

When there were fewer skills in the past, it didn’t hurt to practice more, but now that there are more skills, we should pursue diversity instead of sticking to one skill.

You must know how to adapt when practicing.

Now it is important to increase the storage of ninjutsu, rather than putting it aside and practicing it when there are no ninjutsu to practice in the future.

But to be honest, what Liu Ping’an wants most is the shadow clone technique, preferably the multiple shadow clone technique, if it can be combined with the proficiency ability…

No, not if, it must be possible, because the shadow clone practice relies on memory. As long as the practiced memory returns, or practice with all your strength, the proficiency should be increased.

Even if it can’t, It doesn’t matter, just take it slow. As long as you are alive, there are infinite possibilities.

Therefore, Liu Ping’an practiced the change of chakra nature, the change of lightning chakra nature.

In fact, since the development of the Rasengan, Liu Ping’an has also tried to practice the change of wind chakra nature. After all, the practice method is very simple, just let the chakra cut the leaves.

It’s a pity that there has been no effect, and Liu Ping’an couldn’t figure out the reason. Now that he has obtained the practice method of lightning chakra nature change, Liu Ping’an understands what’s going on.

That is, Liu Ping’an does not have wind attribute chakra. To be precise, he does not know wind escape ninjutsu and cannot convert chakra into wind attribute chakra.

The premise of practicing chakra nature change is to practice with chakra of corresponding attributes. Of course, those who are born with corresponding attributes are excluded.

Uzumaki Naruto The reason why he can practice wind-attribute chakra nature change is because his chakra attribute is naturally wind-attribute, so even if he doesn’t know wind-style ninjutsu, he can practice it.

Ninjas who don’t have wind-attribute chakra need to learn wind-style ninjutsu to transform chakra into wind-attribute chakra, so that they can practice wind-attribute chakra nature change.

The same is true for the practice of lightning-style chakra nature. Either you learn lightning-style ninjutsu to transform chakra into lightning-attribute chakra, or you are born with lightning-attribute talent.

It just so happens that Liu Ping’an just has lightning-attribute talent, so Liu Ping’an is extremely grateful to the treasure-giving boy of the Cloud Ninja. What a good person.

He gave basic swordsmanship, lightning-style swordsmanship, and lightning-style chakra nature change.

Normally, whose ninjutsu scroll will specifically write down the practice method corresponding to the chakra nature change ? It must be specially prepared by the ninja clan for the younger generation, but it turned out to be a bargain for him.

And most importantly, the practice method of lightning chakra opened Liu Ping’an’s eyes, and even thought of the practice method of changing the five basic chakra properties.

This is actually related to chakra paper. As we all know, chakra paper can measure the properties of chakra.

Among them, the wind attribute is tearing, the thunder attribute is wrinkling, the earth attribute is breaking, the water attribute is soaking, and the fire attribute is burning.

The practice method of changing the wind attribute chakra property is to let the wind attribute chakra cut objects, which can be leaves at the beginning, then paper, and finally waterfalls and the earth.

The practice method of changing the thunder attribute chakra property is to let the thunder attribute chakra electrocute objects to make the objects wrinkle. It can also be leaves, paper, and cloth at the beginning.

This is the practice method recorded on the scroll. Although it is only the first stage, it will be helped by proficiency later, so Liu Ping’an doesn’t feel anything is missing.

After all, no matter what road you take, the door is the most important. If you can’t enter the door, you will just waste your time. After entering the door, although you may still waste your time, it is at least better than not being able to enter the door.

Of course, the main thing is the training method of other chakra property changes. Can you also practice in the direction of chakra paper changes?

If you can, then you can brush up on skills again. The most important thing is that if you practice the property change, you will have the corresponding chakra attribute talent, and you can evolve other talents.

No matter how awesome the skills are, Liu Ping’an’s foundation is still talent. Although hard work is important, it can only determine the lower limit. Talent is the foundation that determines the upper limit, and there is no other, except for plug-ins.

Although the electromagnetic force is not obvious now, in fact, the super-electromagnetic gun is Liu Ping’an’s strongest skill now.

What’s more, Liu Ping’an’s future path is magnetic field rotation, not the six realms. As long as the magnetic field can rotate, the six realms are nothing, just ants.



With this surging feeling, Liu Pingan became more motivated to practice. He held the leaves between his palms and simply tried to gather chakra to discharge electricity through friction. It was successful at once.


An electric current flashed, and the leaves in the palm of my hand suddenly became wrinkled, like a ball of insects, twisted and crooked.

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