“A tree that stands out in the forest will be destroyed by the wind. When you are weak, you should be careful. You handled this matter very well.”

Tsunade said seriously,”The person you met is definitely a descendant of the Kumo Ninja clan, so unless you are strong enough, you must not reveal any information, otherwise you will be targeted by the Kumo Ninja.”

“You can only practice the Thunder Blade Technique secretly, and never let others know. Do you understand?”

“Yes, I understand. Liu Pingan nodded honestly.

“” Good!” Tsunade smiled with satisfaction, this disciple is good, he is worry-free and so talented. As for how Liu Ping’an killed those Cloud Ninjas, she didn’t ask, because everyone has a trump card.

Tsunade stood up and said,”You have a good foundation, there is no need to test you, and you have good chakra control. Can you climb trees and walk on water?”

“Yes!” Liu Pingan nodded, and he was looking forward to what kind of ninjutsu he would teach. Could it be the A-level palm technique?

Tsunade nodded. Genius? You can’t judge by common sense. There’s no need to care how he learned it.

“The next ninjutsu I’m going to teach you is my famous ninjutsu – the strange power technique. This is a ninjutsu that can only be learned by those with strong chakra control.”

“If you don’t have enough chakra control, you will either fail to learn or hurt yourself and others. Do you want to learn?” Tsunade raised her eyebrows.

“I want to learn, I want to learn!” Liu Ping’an’s eyes widened and he nodded frantically. Just kidding, super strength is not as good as medical ninjutsu. Tsunade also has her considerations. First of all, Liu Ping’an’s punches and kicks are somewhat lacking, and super strength can make up for the shortcomings.

Then, ninjas ultimately speak with strength. For ordinary ninjas, learning medical ninjutsu and staying in the rear is a good thing.

But for real geniuses, it is a pure waste of time. Medical ninjutsu can be learned, but strength is the most important, and the priorities cannot be reversed.

So Tsunade did not continue to teach medical ninjutsu, but taught super strength, hoping that Liu Ping’an would grow up as soon as possible until he could stand on his own.

“The essence of supernatural powers is the activation of the body……”Tsunade told Liu Pingan about the training method of super strength.

Liu Pingan gradually understood super strength. It turned out that super strength was also driven by Yang escape chakra.

Healing can even be said to be the pre-ninjutsu of super strength. After learning healing, transform Yang escape chakra and control it to perfectly integrate it into cells.

Yang escape can be said to be vitality. The integration of Yang escape chakra into cells not only enhances vitality, but also strengthens the strength and recovery of the body. This is the activation of the body.

After the body is activated, it requires strong chakra control to manipulate Yang escape chakra to finely strengthen cells.

After all, the endurance of cells is limited. If Yang escape chakra is fused less, the power is small. If it is fused more, the cells are easily broken.

This requires fine manipulation. While controlling Yang escape chakra to integrate into cells and strengthen cells, Yang escape chakra should be used to continuously heal cells to prevent them from being broken.

In theory, as long as cells are continuously healed before being broken, the strength of cells can be strengthened without limit, and the power can be strengthened without limit.

Of course, this is only in theory. Any ninjutsu has a theoretical upper limit. What level it can be exerted depends on the user.

Moreover, when the cells are strengthened, the body is also strengthened. The stronger the strength, although the defense may not be equal to the strength, it is still no problem to withstand the reaction force.

Even if you are injured, what is medical ninjutsu for? The prerequisite ninjutsu for super strength is healing.

As Tsunade carefully explained the content of super strength training and various details, super strength was also included in the skill column.

The next moment, Tsunade clenched her right fist, and the Yang Release Chakra instantly activated her arm, strengthened the cells, walked to the wall created by the Earth Flow Wall, and punched it.


Most of the half-meter-thick earth wall collapsed in an instant, with rubble flying and dust flying. The horrifying scene made Liu Ping’an’s heart extremely hot. Damn, this is the ninjutsu that men should practice!

Thinking of this, Liu Ping’an began to control the chakra, directly omitting the transformation of chakra by healing techniques, simply transforming the Yang escape chakra, and controlling the Yang escape chakra to gather in his right arm.

Under the control of his own will, Liu Ping’an felt as if he saw cells through the chakra. It was a wonderful world that could not be explained, but could be seen. Liu Ping’an did not think much about it, and focused on manipulating the Yang escape chakra to activate the flesh cells, strengthen the cells, and constantly repair the cells, so that the cells were always in a strengthened state.

Although only a small number of cells can be strengthened, when he opened his eyes and looked at reality, Liu Ping’an still felt that his right arm was full of strength and wanted to release it.

He walked quickly to the half of the earth flow wall left, and punched it in Tsunade’s unbelievable eyes.


Seven or eight out of ten of the earth wall was blown up on the spot, with broken stones flying everywhere and buzzing, leaving only a few scraps.

This was just the first attempt. If it hit a person, it would probably turn him into a pulp. If the proficiency level was good, the power would be unimaginable.

When Liu Ping’an absorbed the first successful perception, Tsunade opened her mouth slightly, her heart trembled slightly, and her eyes were full of horror,”Monster, this kid is simply a monster”

“He could learn such a complicated ninjutsu at once, this… this……”

Tsunade had no idea what to think, she just felt her head buzzing, but the next moment, she felt full of strength, excitement rushed to her heart, because this was her disciple.

Liu Pingan did not practice anymore, after all, it was a no-mark taijutsu, and he could improve his proficiency at any time, so he should not be too abnormal.

Looking at Tsunade with a wandering look, Liu Pingan felt a little happy in his heart, but he was not complacent, but called out softly with a calm face,”Tsunade teacher, Tsunade teacher……”

“Ah! Good!”

After Tsunade realized what was happening, she nodded in satisfaction and said,”Not bad, very good, just a little worse than I was at the beginning, so I still need to work hard and not be proud, understand.”

Although he knew that Tsunade was bragging, Liu Pingan still nodded seriously,”Hai Yi, Teacher Tsunade, I will work hard to emulate you.”

“Oh… OK.”

Tsunade blushed slightly, a little embarrassed, but the next moment she waved her hand carelessly and said,”Okay, let’s stop here today, I’m hungry.……”

“I’ll go cook now.” Liu Ping’an went back to cook sensibly. This was a big boss who had no shortage of ninjutsu, so he had to serve him well.

Tsunade looked at Liu Ping’an’s receding back, then looked at the earth wall that Liu Ping’an had completely shattered, her eyes a little vague,”Grandpa, Second Grandpa, I have accepted a monster disciple.”

“Although I don’t know what his future will be like, I will do my best to guide him, bless my granddaughter, and bless her peace. I believe that the ninja world will change because of him.”

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