Magneto of Hyuga

Chapter 108:

And he also needs to take this opportunity to negotiate a deal with Hokage.

"Ok, I see."

Ri almost nodded, hesitated, and said.

"Well, Satoru, what should I do with the caged bird?"

This matter is a big worry for him, the clan is gone, but now the clan's caged bird curse has not been lifted.

He still didn't know what Hyuga Satoru was planning.

"Well, don't worry."

Hyuga Satoru smiled.

"The caged bird does protect the clansman in a sense. I will find an opportunity to make a unified arrangement to erase the ugly mark and control effect, and only retain the ability to protect the white eyes. New Sun Xiang does not need that kind of thing."

"Is that so?"

The day difference was relieved.

Opening the eyes of the Hyuga clan is too simple, this method may be the best result.

The two of them walked on the brand-new streets of the Hyuga clan, chatting and laughing, talking about the future of Hyuga.

Not far behind.

The former Hyuga Sect's mansion, now the Hyuga Academy.

A group of newly enrolled Hyuga children were holding brand-new books. Cheerful songs rang out from their mouths, and the birds on the trees outside the school shook their wings and flew into the sky.

"Rise, starving slave."

"Rise, suffering people of the world."

"The blood is boiling."

"Fight for the truth."

"There has never been a savior."

"It doesn't depend on the Immortal Emperor..."

Chapter 133 Sarutobi's Decision


Huoying Building Conference Room.

The air was a little depressed, as if stagnant and turned into water.

The high-level officials at the conference table looked at each other and saw the solemnity in each other's eyes, but no one spoke.

Sarutobi Hizan took a deep breath, looked at the two of Hyuga Satoru who were sitting across from the long table, and was the first to break the calm and said tentatively.

"Satoru, I heard...Hinata has changed, and it is no longer the same as before?"

Hyuga Satoru smiled and said.

"Of course, rotten things will naturally be broken, the war is over, the whole Konoha is like a new tree, and I will naturally not fall behind."

As soon as he finished speaking, he heard a cold hum.

"Hmph, Hinata has been passed down for thousands of years, and I have never heard of rumors about decay. Only you, Hyuga Satoru! The following crime will set off a coup d'état. Do you want to do it again to Konoha?"

It was Danzo who spoke, staring at Hin Xiangwu with a hint of gloom.

At the same time as his voice fell, the surrounding Konoha executives could not help but change their expressions slightly, staring at Hin Xiangwu with a trace of fear.

"Elder Danzang is such a powerful official!"

Hyuga Satoru stared at Danzo with a sneer.

Danzo's remarks directly gave him a vicious hat, and raised the issue that was originally only within the Hinata clan to the level of the entire Konoha Village.

"This is an internal matter of Hyuga. It's better for Danzo elders to distinguish between primary and secondary, and whether Hyuga is rotten, I think Danzo elders should know better than me?"

"Elder Danzo should hate caged birds more than anyone else, right? Otherwise, the white-eye specimens at the roots may not be less than those of white-eyes."


Tuanzang was at a loss for words, staring at Sun Xiangwu.

When everyone around the conference table heard the words, they could not help but frown slightly.

In particular, Uchiha Fugaku next to him showed a look of disgust at Danzo.

"All right."

Sarutobi Hiizhan had to speak to interrupt the debate, otherwise once Danzo's troubles were shaken out, he would have to come out and wipe his ass.

"Rizai, you are the new patriarch of Hyuga, do you have anything to say?"

He looked at Hinata Risari, who was sitting next to Hinata Satoru.

"Of course." Hinata Risai smiled, "I am the younger brother of the former patriarch. As far as understanding of Hinata is concerned, I think no one knows better than me."

"About the drawbacks of the Hyuga clan system, I think many of the clan chiefs here are aware of it. The current Hyuga is no longer the rotten and backward Hyuga that used to be."

"After a while, we will expand some industries that Konoha has never had before. At that time, it may be necessary to deal with the patriarchs. I hope you can bear more."

"Oh? That's right, then congratulations to Patriarch Rizai in advance."

Hearing this, many of the ninja clan chiefs at the long table showed kind smiles.

If Hinata really opens up some industries that have never existed before, then maybe there will be a channel for exchange of interests with him.

The development of a big family is absolutely indispensable to the support of the capital chain behind it.

Compared with the original stubborn and closed Hyuga, a Hyuga who will exchange interests with them is naturally more popular.

Seeing that many families around him were already standing in line, Hyuga Satoru struck while the iron was hot and smiled at Sarutobi Hizan.

"Hinata will always be Konoha's Hyuga, there is no doubt about that."

The meeting room fell silent again.

Sarutobi Hiizhan's face was complicated.

Many high-level officials at the long table also looked back and forth at Sarutobi Hizan and Hyuga Satoru. In principle, this kind of remarks should be more appropriate for the patriarch Rizai.

But a discerning person can see at a glance that Hyuga Risari is obviously a puppet recommended by Hyuga Satoru.

Among the Hyuga clan, it is Hyuga Satoru who really controls the power.

Whenever Hokage asks a question, Hyuga Risari will subconsciously look at Hyuga Satoru's face before choosing not to answer.

The sitting posture between the two is also very interesting. No matter the movement or the posture of the day difference, they are all headed by Hyuga Satoru.

This is what shocked them. A patriarch in his twenties would actually be headed by a teenage clan leader.

Whether it was his strength or ability, Hyuga Satoru had to be taken seriously by them.

Hyuga Satoru sneered in his heart.

It was exactly what he expected them to see.

With Hyuga guarding him, he can definitely suppress the hearts of some malicious people.

As for Danzo, if he really doesn't open his eyes, he doesn't mind letting him disappear.

The statement has also been made, of course, only half of it.

Hyuga will always be Konoha's Hyuga, but whether Konoha is the original Konoha or not, this may be the case.

Sarutobi Hizan was still hesitating.

Sun Xiangwu suddenly said: "Lord Hokage, I have something I want to discuss with you. The ability of Baiyan is actually very suitable for medical treatment, Hokage should also know it?"

"So I want a group of clansmen to settle in Konoha Hospital to study, and they can stay in Konoha Hospital after they finish their studies. I don't know what Hokage thinks."

Sarutobi Hiizan kept silent. Konoha's medical resources have always been scarce. If Hinata can really supply a group of medical ninjas, it will naturally be of great benefit to the village.

And there is also the new industry that Rizai said, although I don't know what it is, it should also be able to stimulate the economic development of Konoha.

Hyuga Satoru sneered in his heart, a Hyuga who can promote the medical development of the village and boost the per capita GDP output value, I don't believe that Sarutobi Rijian will not be moved.

Sure enough, it didn't take long for Sarutobi Hiizhan to sigh.

"It's up to you!"

Next to him, Hyuga Hizai was overjoyed, Sarutobi Hizan seemed to agree to send his clansmen to Konoha Hospital for further study, but in fact he recognized the existence of New Hinata.

"However, I'm a little curious."

Sarutobi Hizan paused and looked straight at Hinata Satoru.

"The original clans of the Hinata clan? Satoru, what are you going to do with it?"

The air was quiet again, and everyone's eyes were focused on Hyuga Satoru.

"This is a family matter for the Hyuga family."

Hyuga Satoru smiled slightly and looked at him so straight.

Sarutobi Hiru cut his tongue and was speechless for a long time.

Hyuga Satoru seemed to be answering his question, but in fact he was reminding him.

When the news of Xiang Wu's death came the day before, the Zong family also responded to him in the same way.

And his choice at the time was to make a deal with the Zong family, hoping to get the bloodline of Hyuga Satoru.

With a long sigh, Sarutobi Hizan knew that it was no longer his turn to decide about Shin Hinata.

Can only speak helplessly.

"That's it."

"This meeting is not mainly to discuss about Hyuga. I think you all know that the war is over, and Konoha is in vain, and I am old, and the village needs new leaders."

"I don't know what you guys think about the candidate for the fourth generation of Hokage?"

His voice just fell.

There was a rustling discussion at the long table.

Some people choose Orochimaru, some people choose Minato Namikaze, and some people choose Tsunade, who has recovered from hyperphobia.

Hyuga Nisashi approached Hyuga Satoru and said in a low voice.

"Satoru, do you want us to recommend you to be Hokage?"

Hyuga Satoru gave him a strange look.

The matter of Shin Hyuga has just been determined. If he is elected as Hokage, wouldn't the Hokage faction be directly blown up?

And he was only 14 years old, even if he was a Hokage, he was already an adult.


Hyuga Satoru narrowed his eyes. If he really wanted to choose someone to be Hokage, it would not be impossible for him to rely on Shin Hyuga's growing influence in the village.

Orochimaru? Watergate?

Who is more in his interest?

As for Tsunade... Even if the fear of blood is cured, with her character, unless the three generations die violently in place, it is impossible to become Hokage.

There was a debate in the conference room, and in the end, the most voted candidates were Orochimaru and Minato.

Sarutobi Hizan sighed helplessly.

It was finally decided to start the fourth-generation Hokage election in two months.

Chapter 134 Orochimaru, do you want to be Hokage?

after the meeting.

Hyuga Satoru found Orochimaru.

The two smiled at each other and came to the top of the Hokage Building.

From here, if you look into the distance, you can look around the scene of most of Konoha, and you can see the village that is thriving again after the war.

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