Magneto of Hyuga

Chapter 111:

Hyuga Satoru smiled and said.

Uchiha Fuyue heaved a sigh of relief, and Hyuga Satoru generously admitted, which also means that there will be some chatting next.

For the Uchiha family, who Hokage is is far more important than other families.

Because this is directly related to the communication between the Uchiha family and the village in the next ten years.

If Orochimaru is in the Danzo faction, then there is no doubt that he will cast the water gate.

At least Watergate isn't interested in Shakers.

But if Orochimaru was on Hinata Satoru's side, the situation would change.

At the very least... Hyuga Satoru has no dislike for the Uchiha family.

Otherwise, the only kaleidoscope on the bright side of the clan would not have been soaked.

"Wu, how sure are you that Orochimaru will be selected?"

Uchiha Fuyue stared at Hinata Satoru with piercing eyes.

"Seventy percent!"

Hyuga Satoru thought about it.

It's not too modest, after all, the current popularity of Orochimaru is higher than that of Minato.

The only variable is the counterattack of the Hokage series.

As the current Hokage, Hiruzen Sarutobi has a lot of big clans under his control, and it is hard to say if there are any arrangements in advance.

A gleam of light appeared in Uchiha Fuyue's eyes, and he said solemnly.

"What if I include my Uchiha clan?"

Hyuga Satoru took a slight breath.

"Nine percent!"

Deduct 10% to prevent Orochimaru from floating.

"That's good."

Uchiha Fuyue breathed a sigh of relief and showed a faint smile.

Ninety percent, this chance is enough for him to give it a shot.

Orochimaru is not the next Hokage. The key is to be able to form an alliance with the Hyuga clan, which will be of great benefit to the future development of the Uchiha clan.

"Wow, then even if our two clans are allied, when the Junin vote comes, I will let all Uchiha Junin vote for Orochimaru."

"If that's the case, then I'll retire first."

Uchiha Fuyue laughed and got up from the stool.

"Okay, I'm starting to look forward to that day."

Hyuga Satoru also smiled and stood up.

In the original time and space, the Uchiha family should have chosen Minato. It seems that his appearance changed the original time line.

"That's right, Wu."

Uchiha Fuyue seemed to remember something, and showed an expression you know to Hyuga Satoru.

"If you plan to propose to Rin someday, don't forget to tell me!"

Hyuga Satoru embarrassedly used his toes to pull out the three rooms and one living room.

Although Uchiha Rin and Fuyue are not related by blood, as the only kaleidoscope on the bright side of Uchiha, he will naturally be greatly valued by his patriarch.

"Rin chose you because her vision is good enough."

Fuyue couldn't help but sigh with emotion.

He originally refused, the kaleidoscope is of great importance and must be firmly grasped in the clan.

But when he saw Uchiha Rin's determination, he was gradually shaken.

Force a clan who has awakened to a kaleidoscope to rebel, or use her to form an alliance with the Hinata clan?

Fuyue chose the latter.

That's why he came here today.

With Rin, at least Hyuga Satoru would not be hostile to Uchiha.

Chapter 137 The Fourth Generation! Orochimaru! Orochimaru! four generations

Two months passed in a flash.

During this time, the debate about Hokage in the village also reached a climax.


Bang! Bang!

The sound of two colorful salutes opened the prelude to the Jounin voting.

The crowded square in front of the Hokage Building suddenly boiled.

On the roof of the building, Tsunade looked at the dense crowd below and pouted helplessly.

"It's true, the old man has already said that I'm not interested in Hokage, so he decided to make me one of the candidates by default."

"I really want to go back to sleep!"

Tsunade couldn't help but complain.

Minato, who was standing beside him, scratched his hair in embarrassment when he heard Tsunade complaining so plainly.

On the contrary, Orochimaru has always been smiling slightly, showing a completely different leadership temperament, overlooking the crowded square below.

With the Hokage hat and hat behind him, Sarutobi Rizan was a little helpless, and temporarily adding Tsunade to the Hokage candidate was a no-brainer.

He has already counted the confirmed votes, and he is not completely sure that he can overwhelm Orochimaru.

Many of them are out of the worship of the name of Sannin.

Pulling Tsunade in would dilute the votes that would have gone to Orochimaru.

It is equivalent to increasing the probability of Watergate being selected in disguise.

In order to convince Tsunade, his wallet is still aching.

Don't blame me, Orochimaru, you really don't fit the position of Hokage.

Only a ninja like Minato who truly inherited the will of fire is the best Naruto candidate.

Sarutobi Hizan sighed secretly in his heart.

"let's start!"

His voice just sounded.

A huge ballot box was moved to the Hokage Building by several Anbu, and the Jōnin who had already prepared were lined up neatly, casting their pre-prepared ballots into it.

Generally speaking, it is difficult for commoner ninjas to grow up to the level of Jōnin, so relatively speaking, the number of Jōnin in big families far exceeds that of commoners.

Therefore, in this election, the candidates are still fighting for more power from the family, disguisedly ignoring the commoner Junin.

Danzo sneered as he looked at Sarutobi Hizan's back.

"The old fox Sarutobi must not have thought that the old man arranged for a large number of civilians to vote for Orochimaru. This gap is enough to give Orochimaru an advantage."

As the leader of the root, is it not easy to persuade a few commoners?

It was the same with White Fang.

It's just that I didn't want him to become Hokage at the time, but now I want Orochimaru to become Hokage.

Hyuga Satoru and Uchiha Fuyue looked at each other and smiled. Although they didn't know what Danzo was planning, it seemed that they were going to make wedding dresses for them now.

Hinata and Uchiha.

Definitely the two most powerful tribes in Konoha.

Especially Uchiha.

Once you open the three hook jade, you will directly have the strength of Shang Nin.

If it wasn't for Sarutobi Hiizan who has been deliberately suppressing the number of Uchiha's jounin, maybe Uchiha's jounin would have been even more.

After the Hokage clan and the Hokage clan voted, they went to Hyuga and Uchiha.

The two families lined up in a long queue, casting their votes into the half-person-high ballot box.

After that, there are some small clans, and the strength of these lesser-known clans is obviously much worse.

There are even only one or two jounin in some families.

After that, it was the Jōnin who was promoted as a commoner.

Just a glance at it, you can see that compared to the family jounin, most of these civilian jounin are of mixed quality, and even many are disabled.

Tuanzang sneered.

In the election of the Shangnin, whether it is a wealthy Shangnin or a disabled commoner, the votes in the hands are all equally powerful.

Compared with the big family, these civilians are obviously the objects of better control.

"Orochimaru, thank the old man! You have become Hokage, don't forget the old man's favor to you!"

Time passed slowly.

The Jonin voting is over.

Sarutobi Hizan breathed a sigh of relief, he roughly counted every Jounin vote.

If nothing else, there is no doubt that Minato is Hokage.

"Let's start checking tickets!"

He ordered quietly.

A few Anbu hurried over and started checking the tickets.

"Wait, Hokage-sama, you shouldn't mind my supervision, right?"

Hyuga Satoru walked over.

Everyone witnessed it during the voting period, and there was no room for manipulation, but checking the votes still had to be guarded against.

A trace of displeasure flashed across Sarutobi Hizan's face.

"what ever."

"Then thank you Hokage-sama."

Hyuga Satoru opened his eyes.

The following Hyuga Sunrise and a large number of Hyuga Shinobi opened their eyes at the same time.

Keep an eye on the check-in process.

Cold sweat dripped from the foreheads of those Anbu wickets. This was the first time in their lives that they had suffered so many scorns at the same time.

For a time, there was a feeling that the bottoms were all seen.

The action of checking tickets could not help but speed up a bit.

It didn't take long for the check-in to complete.

Sarutobi Hizaki asked with a slight smile, "How is it? Who was selected?"

The Anbu looked at each other nervously and reported together.

"Master Hokage, Master Orochimaru has the most votes."


The smile on Sarutobi Hizan's face instantly froze.

Staring at the Anbu somewhat ugly.

"Are you sure there is nothing wrong?"

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