Magneto of Hyuga

Chapter 114:

The former patriarch of Hyuga has been imprisoned here by Hyuga Satoru since the coup, guarding him 24 hours a day.

Even when they go to the toilet, there are clansmen staring at them, and there is no chance of suicide.

The hands that had their fingers chopped off by Hyuga Satoru had been overwhelmed with a lot of blood blisters and calluses.

"Are you here to laugh at me?"

Sun Xiang Shui Yue sneered at himself.

He hated him so much that he didn't kill Hyuga Gou when he was weak and let him destroy Hyuga's thousands-year-old foundation with his own hands.

"Patriarch Shuiyue, do you know why I left your white eyes?"

Hyuga Satoru asked calmly.

Sun Xiang Shuiyue's face sank. As far as he knew, most of the clan's eyeballs had been gouged out, but his patriarch was intact.

Hinata Satoru glanced at him.

"Come out, I think you should be curious about what Hyuga looks like now?"

Hyuga Shuiyue hesitated, and followed Hyuga Go out of the cramped room.

As soon as he stepped out, he was shocked by the sight in front of him.

Is this... Hyuga?

The clan's land has been completely renewed, and all kinds of strange things that he has called his name are constantly refreshing his cognition.

In the past few months, he has been locked here, and he has never peeped outside with his white eyes.

His heart was dead, numb and dull to all changes in the outside world.

Following behind Hyuga Satoru, the shock in his eyes deepened with every step he took.

If this trend develops, it is only a matter of time before Hyuga surpasses Uchiha and becomes the No. 1 Konoha clan, right?

"Aren't you curious about where the clansmen are now?"

Hyuga Satoru suddenly chuckled.

Sun Xiang Shuiyue was stunned for a moment, and then he realized that all he had been seeing were the changes in the clan, but none of the clan members had seen it.

"Where is what I really want you to see!"

In Hyuga Plaza, a large number of clansmen gathered here, looking at each other curiously.

"The patriarch asked me all to come and gather, is it just for us to drink the potion?"

"I don't know! I feel itchy after drinking the potion."

"Do you feel this way too? I also feel a little itchy on my forehead."

Hyuga Risari, who was standing in front of the clan, was a little puzzled. Not long ago, Hyuga Satoru asked him to gather all the clansmen in the square and drink the potions distributed at the same time.

It's all done now, but nothing seems to happen.

"What the **** is going to do?"

Hinata Riba couldn't help but be curious.

At this moment, there was a sudden commotion in the crowd, and a clansman tore off the forehead guard on his forehead, and kept scratching with some discomfort.

"It's so itchy! The forehead is so itchy!"

"Me too, it's so itchy, something seems to be coming out of my forehead!"

"Your a caged bird, the caged bird is gone!"

In just a few breaths, the square instantly boiled.

"The caged bird is really gone!"

"It is true! We are no longer slaves!"

Deafening cheers sounded, constantly echoing in the sky above the square.

Hyuga Risari shivered and used the reflection of the forehead guard to shine on his forehead, the reflected picture, his forehead was smooth and clean, and the caged bird's curse had disappeared.

The excitement in my heart is mixed with five flavors.

Tears burst out at once.

He suddenly thought of what Hyuga Satoru had said before.

Taking a deep breath, he shouted towards the clansmen who were still boiling in the square.

"Everyone, from today onwards, no matter what status you were before..."

The clan gradually quieted down and listened to his speech.

"Whether you are a ninja or a commoner, noble or cheap, each of us now has the right to pursue freedom, and the cage that imprisoned us has disappeared!"

"Master Wu has improved the caged bird. It will no longer be able to control our minds, and it will no longer be able to torture our bodies. It has become a pure guardian. When we encounter danger, it will guard our eyes until the last moment..."

With tears in his eyes, Hyuga Risari roared with all his might.

"In Shin Hyuga, everyone is free!"

In an instant, the square boiled, filled with excited cheers.

"Long live Lord Wu! Long live the patriarch!"

"for freedom!"

Countless lines of tears fell from the corners of his eyes.

No one noticed that in a corner next to the square, Hyuga Shuiyue watched the whole process in a daze.

The deafening roar of excitement continued to ring in his ears.

At this moment, he suddenly felt very small.

Every cheer was like a branding on his soul.

"Did you see it?"

Hinata Wuyouyou's questioning sounded from behind.

He opened his mouth, but only a bitter smile appeared at the corner of his mouth.

"This is the new sun direction, a new sun direction with freedom and equality, Patriarch Shuiyue, since you have read the whole process, then please..."

Hyuga Satoru sighed.

"go to hell!"

Silver fluid flashed.

Sun Xiang Shuiyue suddenly found that the world in his eyes was constantly spinning. When he was calm, he saw his headless body that fell, and also saw the clansmen who were constantly cheering on the opposite square.

Am I really wrong?

At the last moment, his eyes moved slightly.

He saw a line of birds flying freely in the sky.

Chapter 140 The Corporate Culture of Xiao Organization

Shady cave.

A huge outsider golem stood in the shadows with a hideous face.

Nagato stood on a finger of the outsider golem and glanced at the other members of Akatsuki around him.

A pair of reincarnation eyes, exuding a vague coercion.

"Konoha's Hokage election is over, and the result is a little bit surprising to me."

His low voice echoed in the cave.

"I didn't expect that Hokage would actually be Orochimaru. It seems that something we didn't expect happened."

The one who spoke was absolutely, with a faint smile.

Nagato was silent.

He had met Orochimaru, the man who had a strong interest in his physical structure at the first meeting, if it wasn't for Jiraiya to stop him.

Perhaps on the battlefield of World War II, he had been secretly taken away by Orochimaru.

The country of rain, the country that weeps...

There was a slight anger in Nagato's heart.

If it wasn't Konoha's ninja, how could his parents die? And Yahiko... unforgivable.

A bag of rice!

These stupid people who don't know a bag of rice!

For the nuclear level!

I will fight rice myself!

Obito looked indifferent, and the two writing wheels outside the spiral mask could not see any color.

Although the atmosphere was a bit depressing, Zero on the side didn't change at all, looking around at random, it seemed that he didn't pay attention to the lecture at all.

Obito stared at Zero with a hint of curiosity.

The last newcomer to join has always been quite mysterious.

Wearing a mask like him, Sharonyan couldn't see through the body at all, and the only few shots he showed, there was no clear style for his abilities.

Who is this zero?

Nagato also noticed Zero, and there was also a hint of curiosity in his eyes.

What is the relationship between zero and the motor?

Why do they have to show people with masks, is there any connection between these two people?

No matter what they are thinking, there is only one way to surrender in the eyes of my immortals.

"Everyone, after my deliberation, as the core members of the Xiao organization, we must have uniform clothes."

After Nagato finished speaking, he gestured to Xiao Nan next to him.

Xiao Nan nodded, with paper wings growing out of his back, and distributed a stack of clothes to the three of Obito.

Classic black red cloud robe.

"From now on, this is our team uniform. It's the symbol of Akatsuki. You must never take off this robe at any time, understand?"

Obviously, his excited voice did not cause any waves.

The three put on their robes expressionlessly.

No one noticed that in the dark space, the red cloud and black robe behind Zero began to change.

The nano-scale metal started from a corner, slowly engulfing the red cloud robe, decomposing the original cloth material, and replacing it with fine nano-materials.

It's like the picture of Iron Man's nano armor transformed.

Just the robe behind.

Because there was no chakra involved, and it was in the shadow of the backlight, no one noticed.

"It's not enough just to dress uniformly. Although we currently have only 5 people in our organization, we will definitely recruit more ninjas in the future, so the code name is very important."

Nagato spread out his palm, slightly mobilized the repulsion force, and the ring in his palm floated out, floating in the air.

Different texts are engraved on the ring.

Xuan, three, south, jade...

Nagato said solemnly: "This is a special ring I made with Samsara Eye. It carries part of the aura of an outsider golem, which can be used to contact and seal the tailed beast."

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