Magneto of Hyuga

Chapter 118:

Prepare as thoroughly as possible.

Fire Room.

Orochimaru pressed his fingers against his chin, thinking about the village's protection work, whether there were any omissions.

After going through it carefully in his mind, he nodded.

"It should be no problem."

After he became Hokage, Jiraiya left the village on the grounds of looking for inspiration for a new book. Tsunade also wandered around the world in taverns, casinos, and Sannin. Currently, he is the only one left in the village.

Even so, the current strength of Konoha must not be underestimated!

Far more than any other Ninja village.

Such a powerful strength, coupled with severe protection, should be foolproof.

"It's a pity that we can't observe Ren Zhuli's childbirth process in person. This is extremely important research data."

Orochimaru secretly said it was a pity.

Nine-tailed people Zhuri give birth, which can only be encountered once in decades.

However, as a male, only Minato can directly enter the delivery room, and he cannot directly observe the delivery process.

Not to mention studying how the tailed animal chakra changes during childbirth.

Orochimaru became more and more helpless about his male identity.

Gender means nothing to him at all.

It seems that becoming a woman has made many jobs a lot easier.

At this moment, a little white snake suddenly swam along the Hokage board to Orochimaru's side.

"Is this the messenger snake I left to Wu?"

He stretched out his fingers, and the little snake swam down his arm to his shoulders, spitting out a letter to his ear.

Orochimaru's face gradually became serious.

"Satoru asked me to continue to improve the defense level of the village. He vaguely felt what would happen?"

"It seems that Wu has noticed something. The protection level of the village has been raised to the highest level. If you want to improve it, there is only one way to evacuate the villagers."

"But if this is the case, it will inevitably cause the villagers to panic, which will outweigh the gains."

Orochimaru was silent.

Sigh slightly.

"Looks like we're going to plan for the worst."

Sungai tribe.

After Hyuga Satoru passed the information to Orochimaru, he began to make a tense arrangement.

He has already said everything that can be said. As for what the village will choose to do, it has nothing to do with him.

The most urgent task now is to prepare for the Hyuga clan.

Nagato stared at him.

Unsurprisingly, Penn's Six Paths should all come at him.

On Hyuga's side, it's all his hard-earned team, but Nagato can't be given to Huo Huo.

After the entire clan was arranged, Hyuga Satoru smiled with satisfaction.

"It should be foolproof. If Payne really dares to come to the clan, even if he is not here, it is enough for him to drink a pot."

Hyuga Satoru suddenly began to look forward to it.

The night was getting dark.

Konoha Village was plunged into silence and peace.

No one noticed that there seemed to be a hint of blush in the moonlight tonight.

October 10.

The day of the birth of the child of destiny in this prophecy kicked off in this way.

"Don't worry, Minato, we have arranged a lot of enchantments around the delivery room, plus Konoha's strength, there is no problem if there is no accident."

Sarutobi Hizan comforted.

He even arranged for his wife, Lake Biwa, to deliver the baby to Kushina.

Minato is responsible for guarding in the delivery room, while he guards it outside the enchantment.

As long as there is no accident, there is absolutely no problem.

Chapter 144 The Birth of an Actor

In the delivery room, there were bursts of screams from time to time.

Lake Biwa squatted between Kushina's separated legs, and cooperated with the medical ninja next to him to perform the delivery operation.

"Kyuubi, give me some peace!"

Minato was sweating profusely, pressing his palm on Kushina's stomach, trying his best to hold the seal.

Kushina screamed in pain, and a large black mark was constantly protruding on her stomach.

The nine-tailed chakra was too violent, and repeatedly hit the seal while she was giving birth.

Almost instinctively, let out a frantic growl.

"Minato! Continue to strengthen the seal of the Nine Tails! Don't let it escape!"

Lake Biwa is drinking!

Outside the barrier, Sarutobi Hizan, Orochimaru, and others were guarding the outside seriously.

Watching all the bells and whistles around.

Nine tails are too important. Outside this delivery room, most of Konoha's peak combat power has been gathered.

Although he was staying outside, Orochimaru's mind couldn't help but fly into the delivery room.

I don't know how Kushina is now?

What effect does the chakra of the tailed beast have on the process of childbirth?

It's a pity I couldn't verify that scene with my own eyes.

A strong thirst for knowledge enveloped him, and in such a dignified atmosphere, he actually began to estimate the picture of Kushina giving birth in his mind.

"Orochimaru, be serious."

Sarutobi Hizan stared at him seriously.

"Got it, old man."

Orochimaru was helpless and could only give up the calculation.

Even if he became Hokage, the old man Sarutobi Hiizan still hated him.

Hundreds of meters away from this secret delivery room, a twisted spiral appeared out of thin air.

Two figures appeared in the woods.

Zero looked at Obito in surprise.

Shenwei is so convenient, he casually entered the forbidden area of ​​Konoha.

Especially the dual Shenwei, the speed seems to be much faster than the single Shenwei.

"Looks like the timing is just right."

With a sneer.

Look at the zero next to you.

"Zero, the people outside will be handed over to you. I will enter the delivery room and release the nine tails."

"Hey? ??? Are you making mistakes!" Zero gave him a glance, "Among the people outside, there are two Naruto of the three generations of Muye and the fourth generation of the four generations. Do you let me stop two Naruto? "

"That has nothing to do with me. The task that Nagato gave you is to stop other irrelevant personnel."

With a cold voice.

Is it a trial?

Zero helplessness, use two Hokage to test his strength?

It's very troublesome.

Forget it, it's also acting anyway, it doesn't matter how you act.

The vortex engulfed Obito and disappeared.

in the delivery room.

A sudden baby cry broke the depressing atmosphere.

"Come out, bring hot water."

Lake Biwa hugged Naruto with a look of relief.


Minato let out a sigh of relief, smiled happily, and began to repair the seal on Kushina's stomach.


The sudden appearance of the twisting vortex killed Lake Biwa and the medical ninja in just a split second, and snatched Naruto into his arms.

"Who are you!"

Minato shouted and wanted to take action, but the seal of the nine tails began to loosen.

Dilemma for a time.

"If you don't want this child to die, give me the Nine-Tailed Man Zhuli."

Obito stared straight at Minato.

I didn't expect to come this far, Mr. Watergate...

Rest assured, in the new world I create, all will be resurrected.

Minato didn't move, he protected Kushina, looked at each other vigilantly, and tried to keep his composure.

"Who are you, you can actually avoid the protection outside and enter here through the barrier... Few people in Konoha know how to open the barrier."

With his backhand, Obito put a detonating talisman on Naruto and threw it high.


Kushina let out a tired cry.

Without any hesitation, Minato jumped into the air to catch Naruto, and the moment he fell, he tore off the detonating talisman on Naruto and threw it away.


The next moment, Obito appeared next to Kushina, pressed it on Kushina's body, and disappeared into the vortex together with Kushina.

This series of things happened in a very short period of time.

"Damn it! Who is it, is the target nine tails..."

Minato hugged Naruto, his face was ugly, Flying Thunder God activated and disappeared in place.

at the same time.

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