Oil Girl Zhiwei waved her hand, and countless black bugs flew over.

Chapter 18 Failed debut

The black insects were like a black cloud, and the overwhelming Asahi and Satoru swept over the three of them.

Is this open? Don't you remind me?

Sun Xiangwu's scalp was numb, and he wanted to jump out of the package of the insect swarm. Suddenly, there were dense insect sounds from behind. In just a short moment, a large group of bad insects began to bite his back.

"If you are bitten by a bad bug, you will be sucked up by chakra."

Behind the swarm, You Nuzhi slightly pushed the black sunglasses on her face, let me see what you can do with your double bloodstains.

However, as soon as his voice fell, an electric arc suddenly appeared on Hyuga Satoru's back, and the biting insects all stiffened and fell to the ground with a crackle, giving off a burning smell.

"Lei Dun? Did this guy still learn Lei Dun?"

Oil Girl Chi showed a slightly surprised look.

Compared with Hyuga Satoru's calmness, the other two were not so relaxed. Uchiha Rin held Kunai in both hands and attacked the encircling swarm of insects. Gradually, the ground was covered with a layer of insect stumps.

But this trend didn't last, and soon there were small bites from bad insects on her arm.

"Insects, it's disgusting!" Uchiha Rin looked disgusted.

Abandoned to attack the insects, the body slammed and jumped, jumping into the air from the swarm of insects, and the palms quickly formed marks.

At the same time, a dense swarm of insects swept towards her, like a black fog.

The fiery chakra surged up from his throat, and Uchiha Rin took a deep breath and spit out the black mist from mid-air.

"Art fire escape **** fireball."

The huge orange-red fireball devoured the chasing insects in an instant, and the charred ashes fell from the air, giving off a smell similar to barbecue.

With his toes on the ground, Uchiha Rin looked at the corpses all over the ground lightly.

"Although that guy Wu has always ridiculed that the fireball can't kill people, I have to say that the flame is still very deadly to such tiny bugs."

The oil girl behind the swarm nodded slightly.

"Taijutsu ability A, ninjutsu A+, combat response and quality are quite good."


He looked at the position of the red beans. In the black mist-like swarm of insects, the red beans could only rely on Kunwu to continuously slash the surrounding insects. On the exposed arm, you could see the red marks of the dense insect bites. After Chakra, her movements also became astringent.

"The ninja team is a team, no matter how good the individual ability is, you can't go far regardless of your teammates."

You Nvzhi shook her head slightly.

Even if the Shangin is surrounded, it is difficult for them to escape. They can persist for such a long time. It is already very good, but in terms of teamwork, there seems to be a lot of room for improvement.

Oil Girl Zhiwei silently analyzed the situation of several people and made plans for follow-up training. Just as he was contemplating, the surrounding bugs suddenly issued a warning.

As soon as he raised his head, he didn't see anything clearly, and suddenly his eyes went black.

A shuriken wiped his throat neatly.

The pupils suddenly dilated.

how come? I'm already protected? when?

As soon as the doubt arose, it dissipated, and the whole body suddenly swelled, bursting into countless black bugs flying in all directions.


The surrounding insects stopped attacking, and Red Bean sat down on the ground, gasping for breath.

"It's okay." Hyuga Satoru pulled her up.

"It's alright, it's just a few marks on my arm. Anyway, I can use healing techniques, so it doesn't matter, but where is the teacher?"

Hongdou looked around curiously, the dense black bugs froze in place as if they were down, and the oil girl Zhiwei had long since disappeared.

"That guy was never there." Hyuga Satoru shrugged.

On a big tree a few hundred meters away, Oil Girl Zhi scratched her hair awkwardly.

"This is a shame. I wanted to give them a disgrace, but I didn't expect the bug clone to be killed!"

Several people are geniuses, especially Uchiha Rin, if you don't show your hand, it will be difficult to hold them down.

Use a worm clone to suppress them, attack the spirit, and when the time is right, he will appear on the stage, and withdraw the clone in shock and admiration.

The perfect debut, at least that's what he thought.

However, the worm clone was killed...

He recalled Sarutobi Hizan's request not long ago, and his face darkened.

"Lord Hokage, I let you down."

"Zhiwei, I have a task for you."

"Lord Hokage, please speak."

"Three students from Ninja School graduated early. They are all very good seedlings. I want you to be their instructor."

"Hmm... Hokage-sama, you can let me kill you, but it's better to instruct students."

"Hey! Zhiwei, I know that you oil girls don't like to be in contact with people, especially you. Every time you perform a task, you fight alone, but ninja is a teamwork profession after all, and teaching students is also for you. experience."

"Zhiwei, don't let me down."

"All right…"

Oil Girl Zhiwei scratched her head in distress, teaching the students that he was not good at it, and the designed shock field performance had completely failed.

It's just how the worm clone suddenly died suddenly?

The oil girl Zhiwei was quite puzzled. Although it was only a clone, her strength was enough to match the ordinary Junin.

The last picture returned by the bug is a shuriken? ? ?

Magnetic escape?

No matter how strong the strength is, it is only a clone, the crispy skin can't be changed, the shadow clone next door will explode with a poke, and the insect clone is not much better.

Oil Girl Chi pondered slightly.

But at this distance, the shuriken can be manipulated to pass through the dense insect swarm protection, and there is also the power to wipe out the insect clone with one blow. It seems that the magnetic escape of Hyuga Satoru is much more powerful than he imagined.

This yin person's ability is unavoidable.

The question now is how to face the three of them, and Oil Girl Zhiwei has a headache.

"Why hasn't Mr. Zhiwei appeared yet?"

At the training ground, Red Bean looked around in the swarm of downtime, but she couldn't find Zhiwei, the oil girl.

"You haven't seen it yet?" Uchiha Rin curled his lips, "He's fooling us, he made a worm clone, and the body still doesn't know where to hide?"

"Is it still going to fight?"

"It's over after half the fight?"

"Have we passed the test?"

Red Bean started the fatal three questions.

At this moment, I saw a man wrapped in a large robe jumped down from a tree not far away, walked to the position of the three, waved his hand to collect the swarm, and said.

"You...all are good."

"Being able to defeat one of my insect clones is quite good, and you all passed the assessment."

It's still the same gloomy voice, the difference is that there is no calm before.

"Hey, is it just a bug clone? I thought the teacher was so weak?" Hongdou said with big eyes.

Oil Girl Zhiwei Crit x1

"Uh... it's actually a test, you all passed it perfectly."

The unrepentant oil girl Zhiwei tried to save it. Damn it, if she lost such a big face at the first meeting, how would she be a teacher in the future?

"Then the teacher will make the test a little more difficult next time? The body has just warmed up, it's boring."

Uchiha Rin wrapped his shoulders a few times and said flatly.

Oil Girl Zhiwei Crit x2

Kid...don't get carried away like that!

Oil Girl Zhi clenched her teeth slightly, that's why I hate little devils, it's too troublesome to instruct students, bugs are enough.

Uchiha Rin and Red Bean looked at Hinata Satoru at the same time, and Hinata Satoru thought for a while.

"It's pretty weak."

Oil Girl Zhiwei Crit x3

The fist was involuntarily clenched, and her hair seemed to tremble in anger. Younv Zhiwei only felt a surge of anger surging in her body, and just about to erupt, it wilted like a basin of cold water.

"All right…"

The tone of voice began to become weak, and the oil girl Zhiwei was like a cucumber that had disappeared.

"This assessment is my mistake. In order to make up for it, I invite everyone to eat barbecue, just to celebrate the establishment of the third class."

"Yeah! Barbecue." Foodie Hongdou was the first to cheer, tears streaming down the corners of his mouth.


Uchiha Rin glanced at Hyuga Go eccentrically, some bad memories from the past flooded up, she looked at the smirking oil girl Zhiwei again, maybe this guy would suffer another loss on Gou.


the second time.

Chapter 19 About my guidance, Junin is obviously strong but too socially fearful?

"Thanks to the patronage, minus the fraction, a total of 30,000 taels."

The fat barbecue shop owner stretched out his hand with a smile and looked at Zhiwei, the oily girl with a messy face.

what's the situation?

30,000 taels in one meal?

Even if you lead a team to perform a C-level mission, the bounty is not so much.

He looked at Hyuga Satoru's position, the other party's belly was as bloated as a balloon, and he was resting contentedly on the cushion, and the dinner plates next to him were piled like a hill.

Adonis and Uchiha Rin snickered quietly, as if they had expected it.

Are you kidding me, is this what humans eat? Can the Hyuga clan eat like this?

He wanted to ask, that... Wu, did you hold the wrong one when you were born, but you are actually from the Qiu Dao clan?

When the words came to my mouth, I swallowed again, and had to obediently take out my wallet to pay.

"That...if the money is not enough, I can pay in advance." Uchiha Rin was a little embarrassed.

"No! I still have the money."

Oil Girl Zhiwei firmly refused, took out a stack of brand-new banknotes from her wallet and slapped it on the table. No matter what, it was impossible for the students to pay. This was his last dignity!

what! Heart is bleeding...

"Welcome next time."

The boss smiled and waved at the door.

As soon as he walked out of the barbecue shop, Zhiwei, the oil girl, immediately left the team on the grounds of a mission. He was afraid that if he stayed any longer, he would overturn the car even worse.

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