Magneto of Hyuga

Chapter 151:

How did the opponent attack!

A pile of iron pipes can exert such great power? ? ?

"Father, I'm a little dizzy."

Xiao Sheren shook his head and looked at his father with a dirty face.

"Don't worry, Shiren, I'll make those who would pay the price for the barbarians."

Sheren's father rubbed Sheren's hair with a distressed expression, revealing a gloomy look.

"I have already sensed that some of them have indeed reached the level of a white-eyed princess, but they are still young, and in a few years, they will be able to open your Tenseisen."

Sheren nodded ignorantly.

"Father, are we going back now?"

"No, I still need to observe it again to determine the current situation of Hyuga."

Sheren's father's face was gloomy.

The strange changes in the Hyuga clan made him feel a little wrong.

Not to mention those terrifying iron pipes, he actually found that there were no curse marks on the foreheads of those barbarians?

its not right!

According to the historical records on the moon, aren't those barbarians separated by caged birds?

Why are they all gone now?

He is very aware of the complexity of the caged bird, even going back to its home on the moon.

This series of changes made him vaguely aware of what must have happened to Hyuga.

What neither of them found was...

While they were chatting, a tree pole in the corner of the forest not far away was blinking and watching them secretly.

Not long after the two left.

The big tree suddenly oozes out a large amount of silver fluid, condensing into zero appearance.

"Interesting, these two guys actually dare to go back, hehe, these are fun."

Hyuga Satoru rubbed his chin, showing a playful look.

in the forest.

Penn Liudao was running fast on the branches.

Compared with the Night of the Nine Tails, Nagato's strength has been greatly improved, and the degree of development of the Eye of Samsara has also reached a new height.

This is also the reason why he has the confidence to deal with Hyuga Satoru.

He can already use the technique that he couldn't use last time!

Xiaonan's revenge, I will personally report it back!

Nagato thought fiercely.

At this moment, a figure suddenly accelerated and jumped over in the forest behind, and rushed to Tiandao Payne's side.

"It's incredible! It's incredible!"

"Master Chief, I found something interesting."

Zero said with excitement.


Tiandao Payne glanced at him indifferently.

"At three o'clock, there are two Hinata ninjas, Chakra is very weird."

"Hinata Ninja? Are you sure?"

"Exactly! I saw their eyes."

Payne suddenly became suspicious.

How did the ninjas of the Hinata clan come here, and Chakra is very weird? ? ?

He began to use the reincarnation eye to perceive the area, and sure enough, he soon discovered two chakras, one large and one small.

That special chakra texture was the first time Nagato felt.

With a touch of nobility and heaviness.

Payne looked cold.

Is it the rescue soldier that Hyuga Satoru brought in?

This kind of powerful Chakra is also a family of Hyuga, no matter how you look at it, it is impossible to have nothing to do with him.

at the same time.

the other side.

Shiren and Shiren's father are sitting on the broken wooden board, because the target of flying to the air is too conspicuous, he has been flying in the gap between the trees.

Fortunately, only wooden boards were left from the wooden platform.

The size is just right.

In order to prevent being discovered by Hyuga's white eyes, after the equal distance is enough, he will stick out Chakra to perceive Hyuga's situation.

It doesn't matter if it is discovered.

Sheren's father is confident, if he hadn't been careless before, he wouldn't have flashed.

He wouldn't be so embarrassed at all.

After taking control of the giant Tenseigan on the moon, his strength is quite terrifying, and it is definitely not comparable to these barbarians on the earth.

Suddenly, his expression changed slightly, and he looked somewhere in the forest with a little surprise.

"What's wrong? Father."

Sheren discovered the abnormality of the father next to him.

"Sheren, someone was sensing us just now."

"Is it the enemy?"

"I don't know."

Sheren's father showed a hint of doubt, the other party's Chakra was quite powerful, and it also gave him a sense of familiarity.

That is the next second.

Swish! Swish! Swish!

Six figures suddenly appeared on the branches around him, overlooking him from a height.

"Blank eyes, sure enough."

"Reincarnation Eye??? Who are you?"

Two voices sounded simultaneously.

"I am a god."

Payne spoke indifferently.

"It's ridiculous, a puppet controlled by the reincarnation eye dares to claim to be a god?"

Sheren's father's tone was quite disdainful.

Payne was shocked, the other party actually saw through his identity at a glance!

"In terms of controlling puppets, Samsara Eye is not good at this ability, let your body come over! Awakened Samsara Eye, it should be the pure blood of Yu Yi's bloodline, barely qualified to talk to me, the descendant of God, on an equal footing."

Sheren's father stared at Tiandao Payne indifferently.

The tone and demeanor of that speech made Nagato think for a while that he had met a second self.

"Damn, the ninjas of the mere Hinata clan dare to blaspheme the gods."

Nagato was angry.

"Don't put me with those inferior barbarians, and..." Sheren's father's voice was cold, "I am the god."

The two are not speculative, and they are not on the same channel at all.

"Humph! Let you see the power of the real gods!"

Tiandao Payne raised his palm.

"Spicy Tiansai!"

Shiren's father immediately communicated with the giant Tenseigan on the moon, and a thick chakra was sent over, and at the same time he raised his palm.

The two terrifying repulsions collided, and the aftermath destroyed a lot of forest.

Above, Hyuga Satoru stood high in the air, tsk tsk looking at the two terrifying chakras that erupted below.

"Good guy! Good guy!"

"Sure enough!"

Chapter 178 Obito VS Uchiha Rin


Uchiha clan.

Nanga Shrine.

A twisted vortex appeared out of thin air, Obito turned his head, and looked at the two terrifying chakras erupting in the forest in the distance with surprise.

"Is Payne already fighting Hyuga Satoru? So soon?"

He sneered.

"Just right, while the two of them are fighting, no one will notice Nanga Shrine."

Obito started searching for the shrine's mechanism.

Before Madara died, he told him the secret of Nanga Shrine, and told him that he must read the inscription under the shrine.

On the night of the Nine Tails, he was too busy dealing with Minato Naikaze and couldn't come out.

And now, Hyuga Satoru and Nagato have already fought, and Konoha will soon be pinned down by other members of Akatsuki's organization.

Now is the best chance.


The heavy stone slab was removed, revealing a step leading to the secret passage.

"It really is here."

If you are happy with the soil, you will enter.


A kunai pierced his body and nailed it directly to the pillar on the other side.

"As in the information, do you have a pupil technique that blurs the body?"

Uchiha Rin leaned against the red pillar on the other side of the shrine, staring at Obito indifferently.

Just like Satoru had calculated, this guy who called himself Madara Uchiha had indeed come to Nanga Shrine.

"I miscalculated, I didn't find you."

Obito turned around, the writing wheel eyes exposed outside the mask, scarlet as blood, stared at Rin Uchiha indifferently.

"Don't look at me like that, Madara, you're not the only one with those eyes."

Uchiha Rin sneered, the pair of three-hooked jade writing wheel eyes spun rapidly, and when it stopped, it had turned into a black pattern like petals.

"Kaleidoscope... I seem to know who you are, a junior with good potential."

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