Magneto of Hyuga

Chapter 156:

After calming down, he faintly noticed a loophole.

This descendant of the feather coat...

Or, is there anyone behind the scenes...

But now is obviously not the time for him to think deeply. The black ball's attraction is getting stronger and stronger as it rises, and a large amount of gravel disintegrates, constantly flying into the air.

Sheren's father's body was also wrapped in a huge attraction, and Xiaosheren behind him was clutching his thigh tightly, and his robe was thrown up under the influence of the attraction.

If it wasn't for his constant use of Chakra to fight, I'm afraid his body would have flown up uncontrollably.

Taking a deep breath, Sheren's father's pure white eyes stared at the moon through the atmosphere.

The giant Tenseigan on the lunar surface suddenly turned violently, and the surging Tenseigan Chakra continued to pour out like a tide, and was transported to the blue planet.

Sheren's father took a deep breath, and a few black Taoist jades were formed out of thin air behind him, which merged into the front of his right hand, and when he grasped it in the void, a huge golden lightsaber came out.

The golden wheel is reborn!

This is one of the most powerful abilities of Mega Tensei.

Although he has not awakened Tenseisen, he can also use this trick indirectly through the giant Tenseisen on the moon.

The amount of chakras spent in Tenseigan is also unprecedented.

It's just that neither of them noticed it.

At the same time that the huge lightsaber was born, the sky was in a very high position.

Hyuga Satoru raised his head, those white eyes of extremely high purity were staring at the giant Tenseigan on the moon across space.

The two eyes looked at each other like this.

A large number of Tenseigan Chakras were shunted into Hyuga Satoru's body.

At the same time, the electromagnetic force in his body began to change.

Chapter 183 God Said, Let There Be Light

"On Nagato, has it reached this point?"

Xiao Nan flew in mid-air, looking at the battlefield over the forest from a distance, and saw a huge rock sphere that was constantly forming.

Earth Blast Star, Nagato's latest technique.

It is also his most powerful technique at present, which means that the battle over there has reached its final moment.

"This technique is almost ready! Taking advantage of Hyuga Satoru being held back by Nagato, now is the best chance!"

A hint of coldness appeared on Xiao Nan's face.

Behind them, thousands of detonating talismans were covered in darkness, and even the light was obscured, like a dark cloud that stretched across the sky.

"The formation of three million detonating talismans took a lot of time and money."

Xiao Nan's body turned into a piece of paper, merged into the dark cloud of the detonating talisman, and flew towards Konoha quickly.

"From now on, let Konoha feel the pain!"

Her icy voice came from the detonator.

"what is that?"

Orochimaru frowned, and from a distance he noticed a dark cloud flying from the sky.

One day opened his eyes to the ninja, and a lot of sweat dripped from his forehead instantly, his eyes were full of shock and wonder.

"Detonating talismans! All of them are detonating talismans! It's so dense, there's no way to judge the number!"

Orochimaru took a deep breath, suppressing the shock and awe in his heart.

"Wu entrusted the village to me to guard, and I must not live up to his expectations."

"Everyone listens."

Orochimaru shouted hoarsely.

"Put it down for me!"


In an instant, a large number of metal barrels and muzzles burst into light, and the dense bullets poured out, madly shooting at the dark cloud that was constantly approaching.

With only one head left in the flying section, when he saw the dark clouds in the distance, he immediately rolled his head in a hurry.

"It's Xiao Nan! He started to attack???"

As a member of Xiao's organization recruited by Xiao Nan, he recognized Xiao Nan's technique at a glance, and he still remembers the power freshly.

The reason why he chose to join the Xiao organization was that the woman blew him up with tens of thousands of detonating charms, forcibly forcing him to join the organization.

With his current physical state and so many detonating charms, I'm afraid it's going to end.

Hidean's head rolled wildly, trying to escape from Konoha's range.

"Damn, that **** Jiaodu! I won't let him go after I return to the organization this time!"

His teammate, Jiao Du, had long since lost sight of where he went.

After rolling for a while, Feiduan found that the speed was too slow.

Turning his eyes a few times, he noticed that his thigh was not far away, and it was still intact.

Gritting his teeth, he rolled towards that thigh.

In the air, a large amount of bullets shattered part of the detonator.

Konan began to change the density of the detonators, thereby reducing the probability of being hit by bullets.

The speed of the dark cloud did not decrease, and it flew towards Konoha Village quickly.

"The revenge of the last time, this time it is also avenged!"

Xiao Nan's icy voice came out of the dense detonation talismans.

the other side.

Sheren's father suddenly realized that something was wrong.

The Tenseigan Chakra he absorbed didn't know when it started, and suddenly became atrophied.

If it was originally a galloping river, now it is just a few ticks.

The huge golden lightsaber in his hand also turned into a dagger.

In this case, he simply can't compete with Nagato's Earth-Blasting Star.

The body is uncontrolled, constantly being engulfed by the flying rubble.

"Bastard! Who is it!!"

No matter how sluggish he was, he realized that something was wrong.

Sky, very high position.

Hyuga Satoru's eyes that had been looking at the moon suddenly closed slightly.

Take a long deep breath.

He has never felt so good.

The electromagnetic force experience value that had not been moved in his mind for a long time broke through the 100,000 mark in one fell swoop and entered the realm of LV5.

The electromagnetic force resonated with Tenseigan.

Hyuga Satoru guesses that there may be two reasons.

One is that every time the electromagnetic force is upgraded, his body will continue to evolve, and the purity of his white eyes has now reached a terrifying level, even if it is Shiren's father, it is completely incomparable.

This may also be part of the reason why he can intercept Tenseigan Chakra.

Another possibility is that under the premise of the first, he has some kind of special link with the giant Tensei on the moon.

Quantum entanglement!

Hyuga Satoru vaguely guessed that he had entered some kind of special quantum state, thereby transforming the chakra of the giant Tensei into his own upgraded energy.

This is not his random guess. When using Tyrant during the Third World War, he discovered that some quantum mechanical changes will occur at the end of the electromagnetic force system.

The way to level up is no longer a simple experience value stack.

Whatever the reason, he has entered a whole new realm.

Hyuga Satoru exhaled a turbid breath and smiled slightly.

"What kind of ability will the electromagnetic force of LV5 develop?"


Without the support of Tenseigan Chakra, Sheren's father was sealed into the Earth-Blasting Star together with Xiao Sheren without any suspense.

Tiandao Payne put his hands together and finally laughed happily.

"Sure enough, you are just a false god, and you have no ability to resist in front of the true god."

"The next one is Hyuga Satoru!"

Payne's voice was gloomy.


On the huge rock sphere suspended in the air, a figure appeared out of thin air, looking down at Tiandao Payne indifferently.

"It's you! You finally appeared!"

Payne gritted his teeth and roared.

"Prepare to suffer the wrath of the gods!"

After defeating Shiren's father, his self-confidence expanded unprecedentedly.

"God? Ridiculous."

Hyuga Satoru shook his head indifferently.

Although they were far apart, his voice clearly reached Payne's ears.

"The so-called gods in your mouth are just stupid and ridiculous creatures in the eyes of real gods."

"What do you know!"

As soon as his voice fell, Payne below began to roar.

"With the eyes of six immortals, there is no doubt that I am the real god!"

Hyuga Satoru sneered.

He reached out his hand indifferently and snapped his fingers.

This crisp snap of fingers instantly spread from the suspended rock sphere.

At that moment, time and space seemed to stand still.

All things in the world are left with this snap of fingers.

Then, as if being moved by a god's hand.

The whole world began to collapse, and from where Hyuga Satoru stood, everything collapsed into a deep darkness.

The world went dark.

In no ray of light.

Payne was stunned.

There was only endless darkness in his eyes.

At this moment, an ethereal and quiet voice sounded.

"God said, let there be light."

In the sky, a bright light suddenly bloomed.

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