Magneto of Hyuga

Chapter 169:

Otsutsuki's peach-like white eyes can even see through the fate of others.

So even if he doesn't evolve Tenseigan, Hyuga Satoru has many other directions.

But the pieces are already set.

Hyuga Satoru smiled and rubbed his chin.

In the future, Shiren might send Tenseisen with his own hands in the name of his father's revenge.

After leaving the root, Hyuga Satoru returned to the Hyuga clan.

Under his leadership, the Hinata clan developed very rapidly.

Even though the current Konoha is developing rapidly, as long as it is compared with Hinata, it will be found that it is still a level worse.

Now Hyuga is almost in the economic center of the entire Konoha.

The status of the clansmen has been greatly improved. Every time they walk in Konoha, they can't help showing off to others. Hyuga is the best clan in the ninja world.

Let the Uchiha ninja next to him, the pink eye disease suddenly committed.

The patriarch, Hyuga Hipsari deeply understood that this was all because of Hyuga Satoru.

Without Hinata Satoru, the Hinata clan is nothing at all.

Therefore, he has always meticulously fulfilled the orders given by Hyuga Satoru, trying his best to please Hyuga Satoru.

"Wu, it seems that you haven't returned to the clan for a while."

Hinata Nisashi followed behind Hinata Satoru and couldn't help but sighed with emotion.

Recently, the whereabouts of Sun Xiangwu have become mysterious. Many times he wants to find Sun Xiangwu, but the other party is not in the clan.

"Well, there's been a lot going on recently."

Hyuga Satoru nodded.

Whether it was studying Flying Thunder God with Minato, rebuilding the floating city later, or studying the body of Shiren's father, they all took up a lot of his energy, leaving him very little time to stay in the clan.

"By the way, let the clansmen not slack off in the practice of guns and guns. If a stranger appears in the clan, remember to report to me."

Hyuga Satoru sighed and said.

"What's the matter, Satoru? Is there something wrong?"

Hyuga Hipsari looked at him curiously.

"It's time for you to know some things. The Hyuga clan is not only our lineage, there is another lineage of clansmen left on the moon, but now there should be only one single seedling left."

"The Hinata clan on the moon..."

Hyuga Risari took a deep breath, and a strong look of shock appeared on his face.

"I didn't expect that what was recorded in the ancestral records was actually true!"

"Oh? Is there any record of the same clan above the moon in the Hinata clan?"

Hyuga Satoru became interested, and looked at Hyuga Risari with a little interest.

"Well, that's a secret that only every patriarch can know. My family seems to have had contact with them on the moon many years ago."

Hyuga's daily difference murmured.

"Is that so?"

Hyuga Satoru exhaled, but he was not surprised. Judging from the performance of Shiren's father that day, Otsutsuki on the moon once had contact with the Hinata clan.

However, the other party seems to have no good feelings for "poor relatives in the countryside", and is full of contempt everywhere.

"God, could it be that what appeared that day was..."

Hyuga Nisashi seemed to have thought of something, and looked at Hinata Satoru in shock.

Hyuga Satoru nodded.


Hyuga Risashi suddenly laughed bitterly.

No wonder Wu wants to let the clansmen strengthen the training of guns and guns? It turned out that the enemy they bombarded that day was the same clan on the moon!

At that time, some clansmen reported to him that the other party also seemed to have white eyes, and he thought it was a mistake.

Did not expect this.

Hyuga Risari has mixed feelings in his heart.

But when he thought of the noble moon visitors who were bombarded by them and flew dozens of miles away, the expression on his face suddenly became strange.

At this moment, a little boy ran over from a distance, stood behind Hyuga Niizai, and looked at Hyuga Satoru curiously.

Looking at the familiar face, Hyuga Satoru suddenly smiled.

"Is Neji already this big?"

"Yeah, time flies so fast, Neji is already three years old."

Hyuga Risai couldn't help but sighed with emotion.

Neji was over three years old, and the next-door daughter Hinata, who was full of sunshine, was about to turn three in the next few days.

If he followed the bad habits of the old days, the current Neji would probably be caught in a cage. Thinking of the pain that Neji would endure in the future, Hyuga's heart could not help but feel uncomfortable.

"Quick, say hello to Uncle Wu!"

Niizai hurriedly pulled Neji over and motioned him to say hello to Hyuga Satoru.

"Hello Uncle Wu."

The corners of Hyuga Satoru's mouth twitched slightly, and this generation has gone there.

Ningci immaturely bowed slightly to Hi Xiangwu, and at the same time carefully looked at Hi Xiangwu's face.

It's not that he's timid, it's mainly because Hyuga Satoru's current white-eyed purity has a kind of blood pressure on him.

When Hyuga Satoru saw Neji's pure white forehead, he smiled slightly.

Without the constraints of a caged bird, living in Shin Hyuga, what will Neji be like in the future?

Hyuga Satoru couldn't help but become curious.

"Is the gift that Uncle Wu gave you any good?"


Neji looked at Hyuga Risari suspiciously.

"That's the pistol."

Risig Hyuga looked at Satoru Hyuga, and said jokingly, "When Neji was in the swaddle, he liked to play with the pistol you gave him. When he was three years old, he became a sharpshooter. Within 800 meters, you can shoot wherever you want!"


Hyuga Satoru was a little surprised.

That electromagnetic pistol was the one-year-old gift he gave to Neji.

At this moment, Neji suddenly said loudly, "I will be like Uncle Wu in the future, and use a pistol to repel those intruders!"

The two were stunned for a moment, and then both laughed.

There is joy in the air.

Hyuga Satoru looked at Neji in praise.

not bad!

This kid has the potential to be the successor of the sixth.

After briefly dealing with the affairs of the clan, Hyuga Satoru left Konoha.

He has one very important thing to deal with.

The floating city "Damocris" means trial! God **** it!

The three tungsten rods that he carries weigh more than 10 tons and are dropped from the orbit, which will bring a devastating blow to the surface of the ninja world.

Its vertical strike capability even surpasses that of a nuclear explosion!

It is the real divine scepter, the sword of Damocles!

However, the current floating city of Damocles is facing a crisis.


energy crisis…

The nuclear fuel that Hyuga Satoru left in the floating city could only supply energy for one month at a time, and after a month, he needed to supply new raw materials.

The current floating city is powered by nuclear fission.

The raw material is also the uranium that Hyuga Satoru extracted from the earth.

The energy consumed to maintain such a huge floating city is extremely terrifying, otherwise Shennong would not have always wanted to create tailed beasts to power it.

And the energy consumed by the transformed Damocles is even more terrifying!

Although the energy provided by nuclear fission is huge, it is still far from what Hyuga Satoru expected.

But there is one thing, if it can be obtained, maybe it can completely solve the energy crisis!

Hyuga Satoru has gradually reached the target position.

In front of it was a huge canyon, and the yellow poisonous mist spewed out of it, and even the sky was smeared.

The Land of Bears, Hell Valley!


Hyuga Satoru called softly.

"I am here."

A soft voice came from my ear.

As a floating city AI created by Hyuga Satoru, Yi can connect with Hyuga Satoru through electromagnetic waves, regardless of distance.

"Analyze the structure of Jigokudani and calculate the best route to Xingnin Village."

Hyuga Satoru gave an order.

"Yes, my father."

In the air, Damocles in the cloud began to move, and high-frequency electromagnetic waves were launched into Hell Valley through the bottom of the floating city.

Soon, Yi analyzed the structure of Hell Valley and calculated the best route.

In front of Hyuga Satoru, a three-dimensional road map appeared.

This is the advantage of mastering the four basic forces!

Hyuga Satoru couldn't help but sigh.

The one he made with electromagnetic force has been superb in the use of electromagnetic waves.

Strictly speaking, he can also analyze such a roadmap by looking at it, but it is not so fast and effective.

Let Yi do it, but also want to test her ability.

Hyuga Satoru flew up, broke through the poisonous fog, and quickly approached the location marked on the three-dimensional map.

The faint nuclear radiation has gradually become stronger.

Chapter 199 New Star?

Country of Bears.

A small country located between the land of earth and the land of wind.

The territory is small and the national strength is quite weak. Generally speaking, the only value of this small country is to become a buffer zone for neighboring big countries.

In this small country, the situation is slightly different.

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