In the forest, the battle continued.

But the defeat of the rock ninja was inevitable. Under the joint strangulation of the two bloodstained ninjas, the remaining rock ninjas could not resist at all, and they died miserably one by one.

Seeing the constant death of his companions in front of him, the mountain soil's eyes were bloodshot, and the canthus was completely cracked.

"Bastard! Even if you die, you will have to pay the price!"

His hands quickly formed a seal and slapped the ground suddenly, and the chakra in his body poured into the ground through his hands frantically.

"Earth escape! The art of mountain soil!"

I saw the ground under his feet slammed open to both sides, turning into two huge hemispherical walls, constantly closing in the middle, that violent sense of oppression, as if to crush all the sand ninjas into pieces.

"It's useless."

Luo Sha opened his mouth indifferently, and saw that he slowly raised his hands, and countless gold dust poured out from under his feet, filling the cracked ground in an instant. Live with closed walls on both sides.

In the rumbling sound.

The two began an anxious battle!

Gravels continued to fall from the huge wall, and cracks spread like spider webs where the gold placer tentacles held up.

There is still a lot of chakra left in the mountain, and he can continue to stick with Luo Sha, but after all, this is not a one-person battle, he looked back.

In just a few short breaths, his Iwanin companions were strangled by the joint strangulation of Ye Cang and Sand Ninja, and there was not much left.

Until the last Iwanin fell down beside him, his blood-stained palm tightly grabbed the leg of his trousers, looking at him with his pupils trembling and his Adam's apple rolling.

"Lord Shantu, run away..."

"You bastard!"

As if something was broken, a huge force poured out of the body, the mountains and earth roared up to the sky, and a line of blood and tears flowed from the corners of his eyes.

The gigantic wall that Luo Sha was stubbornly resisted trembled violently, and kept closing towards the middle.

"Damn it! Still dying?"

Seeing that he could no longer resist this move, Luo Sha snorted and jumped back, trying to jump out of the attack range of the mountains.

"Back off! This technique is very powerful, don't resist!"

Without Luo Sha's maintenance, the gold dust tentacles only trembled a few times, then suddenly shattered, and the huge circular wall slammed closed, like a huge tomb, and the sand ninja and the dead rock ninja who could not escape in the future were swallowed up.

The earth shook and dust flew.

Luo Sha squinted slightly, staring at the location of the mountain.

"After using this operation, he has completely lost his ability to resist."

Cautiously, he thought about it, and did not choose to shoot in person, but looked at a sand ninja in the team when the dust was about to disperse.

"Cang, go kill him!"


The Sha Ren named Cang took out a kunai from his bosom and felt a little joy in his heart. Killing the leader of the other party was a big credit.

As he approached, he saw that in front of the huge hemispherical tomb, the mountain soil was half-kneeling on the ground, panting weakly, apparently losing his defense ability.


There was a ferocious look in his eyes, and he suddenly stabbed Kuwu into the back of Shan Tu's head.


Before the Kuwu in his hand fell, Cang's goose bumps exploded all over his body, and a chill erupted from his tailbone and rushed down his spine to the back of his head. It exploded directly, and the brain burst.

This tragic scene shocked everyone.

Sand Shinobi stood there blankly, between the lightning and flint, they didn't see what happened at all.

After a short period of blankness, the mountain soil shrank, immediately formed a seal, and mobilized a trace of chakra that had just recovered to drill into the ground.

"Damn it! Don't let him escape!" Luo Sha froze in her heart.

The sand ninjas reacted immediately and ran towards the location of the mountain.


The second arrow has arrived!

Wrapped in terrifying potential energy, it shot directly into the running sand ninja group.

Accompanied by the broken body and the shrill screams, the arrow first pierced the chest of the first sand ninja, with unabated power, cut open the abdomen of the second sand ninja, and finally pierced the thigh of the third sand ninja. , pinning him firmly to the ground.

Three arrows in a row!

"who is it!"

Luo Sha's pupils shrank suddenly, roaring frantically.

That is, just as he roared, the hairs all over his body suddenly stood up, and that terrifying chill appeared behind him!

The strong desire to survive made him forcibly stop his steps and fully mobilize the gold dust defense.

Lan Mang swept past him, smashing the lower limbs of a sand ninja beside him, his internal organs dripping all over the floor.

There was a dead silence in the air, except for the screams of Sand Shinobi who didn't die immediately on the ground.

No one dared to act rashly, the Adam's apple rolled, and the sound of swallowing saliva kept ringing.

That strong chill has always enveloped them, for fear that in the next second, the blue light representing death will fall on their heads, and they can only watch the mountains and earth escape from under their eyes.

It wasn't until a long time later that Lan Mang didn't appear, and they breathed a sigh of relief.

" should be gone..."

Arisa Ninja swallowed and stuttered.

"I don't know." A Sha Nin looked horrified and carefully wiped the sweat from his forehead.

Luo Sha scattered the gold duster defense that wrapped him, and instructed coldly, "Go and check the situation, the other party should have already left."

"Yes." Seeing that Luo Sha had given up his defense, the remaining Sha Ninja could only bite the bullet and walk over to investigate.

"It's a bow and arrow!"

A sand ninja pointed out what he found. It was a slender metal arrow, and the light blue metal arrow reflected bursts of cold light.

bow and arrow? ? ?

Luo Sha's eyes narrowed slightly, what kind of ninjutsu actually makes the bow and arrow have such great power, and at the same time they are fighting, they are also observing the changes in the surroundings, at least there are no ninjas within a kilometer range.

Could it be that the attack came from a distance of one kilometer?

how can that be?

"Luo Sha, I think you have to think carefully about how to explain it to Lord Fengying, but this mission was a complete failure!"

Beside him, Ye Cang looked at him indifferently. The relationship between the two had always been at odds. If Feng Ying hadn't ordered Luo Sha to lead the team, she would never have followed his instructions.

Luo Sha's face was quite ugly, and Shan Tu escaped, which means that Tu Ying would definitely know what they did today, and I am afraid that Shayin Village would suffer a big loss.

"Who is it?" He gritted his teeth.

On a big tree a kilometer away, Hyuga Satoru put down the big bow he held high, and the corners of his mouth were slightly raised.

Chapter 28 Picking the Sealed Book Forbidden Technique

In the forest, Oil Girl Chi swallowed slightly, and stared at Hyuga Satoru, who was holding a bow and arrow beside her, dumbfounded.

"Wu, your move is too cruel!"

A kilometer away, he fired three arrows one after another, killing several Sand Ninjas violently. Even he had to be shocked by this kind of record.

Especially the second arrow, which hit the sand ninja group, pierced through three directly.

Hyuga Satoru pretended to have consumed too much and turned pale, put the metal bow back into the storage scroll, and shook his head.

"Mr. Zhiwei, now is not the time to discuss this matter. When they react, they will definitely come to search. Let's leave quickly."


Oil Girl Zhi nodded slightly, and after simply dealing with the surrounding traces, she and Hyuga Satoru left here in a hurry.


The proprietress, Hongge, was restless and paced back and forth. When she saw the two approaching, her eyes lit up and she walked over immediately.

"How's it going?"

"It has ended."

Hyuga Satoru said softly.


The red pigeon's eyes widened, what is the end? Is the mission complete? Did Iwanin bring the supplies back? In the end what happened? She is full of doubts now.

"The task has been solved, Red Pigeon. When I go back, I will report your credit to Hokage."

After completing the task, Oil Girl Zhiwei felt much better, and nodded to the proprietress.

"This... solved it?"

The red pigeon opened her mouth wide, and her heart was still full of question marks. Didn't it say that there was Shayin Village's participation behind this incident? Is that the end of it?

There is not even a bit of dust on the two of them, and it seems that they have never fought with the enemy. Is it possible that they went to the scene to turn around and the mission was completed?

Oil Girl Zhiwei saw Hongge's doubts, smiled and said: "This mission is really thanks to understanding, otherwise it would be troublesome, but because of the confidential nature of the mission, I can't tell you the details."


Red Pigeon looked at Hyuga Satoru beside him in puzzlement. Such a young ninja doesn't seem to be even a chunin, right? Will it play such a big role?

After saying goodbye to Red Pigeon, the two embarked on the journey back to Konoha Village.

On the way, You Nv Zhi said happily: "Wu, because this mission involves two major countries, after going back and reporting to Hokage, it will definitely be upgraded to S rank."

S class?

Hyuga Satoru's eyes lit up, S's mission bounty is at least 1 million taels, it seems that his three chakra metal arrows can be reimbursed.

In order to minimize accidents, instead of using ordinary all-metal arrows, Hyuga Satoru used special chakra metal arrows.

After wasting three chakra metal arrows, Hyuga Satoru still has some pain in his heart, but if the mission can be upgraded to S rank, everything will be worth it.

"That's right." You Nvzhi paused and said, "When I go back, I will discuss it with Hokage and give you a chance to choose the forbidden art of the Book of Seals. technique."

The art of sealing?

Hyuga Satoru smacked his mouth, and all the records on it were powerful forbidden techniques, and there happened to be a very famous one, which he had coveted for a long time.

After a few days of traveling, the two finally arrived at Konoha Village.

As soon as he arrived at the village, Zhiwei, the oil girl, did not delay in the slightest, and immediately took Hyuga Go to the Hokage Room to report the mission.

After listening to the report of the oil girl Zhiwei, Sarutobi Hiizhan's eyes gradually lit up, and he said three "good" words in a row.

If Oil Girl Zhiwei's report is true, then after this mission, Yanyin Village will have a great feud with Sandyin Village. Seven elite ninjas, worth more than 100 million taels of materials, with his knowledge of the old stubborn Oh Yemu, this Vengeance is impossible not to avenge!

In this case, Konoha was temporarily on the safe side.

Even if the situation in the ninja world is chaotic again and a war breaks out, the first ones to fight are Shayin Village and Yanyin Village, but Konoha can sit on the wall and watch.

Sarutobi Hiizan stroked his beard and looked at Hyuga Satoru with more and more appreciation. The originally complicated situation, under his stirring, turned into the most favorable situation for Konoha.

Hyuga Satoru laughed shyly.

In fact, his starting point was not in Konoha Village. The reason why he wanted to let Shantu go back alive was that he knew that the outbreak of the Third World War was the first attack on Konoha by Sandyin Village Head Tie, which stimulated the conflict between Sandyin and Yanyin, which should greatly delay the three-year war. The time when the war broke out.

At least at this time, Sha Yin, who was devastated, should not have the heart to trouble Big Brother.

Then you can get more development time yourself!

Time is what he lacks the most.

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