Magneto of Hyuga

Chapter 180:

It almost perfectly reproduces the most common bird form in the forest of the country of fire. The two pupils are high-definition cameras, which are firmly aimed at the same style.

Yi Shi's body was tightly wrapped in black robes, like a black ghost, jumping quickly on the branches in the forest.

The birds behind him also flew fast, capturing his pictures.

In the floating city.

Hyuga Satoru frowned slightly as he looked at the way he was walking through the forest on the big screen.

This direction is…

Konoha? ? ?

Are you planning to go to Konoha?

Konoha shouldn't have what he wants, right?

Just when he was wondering, a voice sounded beside him.

"Father, I calculated through the logic of behavior, the probability of one goal being you is 80%."

Is it me?

Hyuga Satoru chuckled lightly.


Although I don't know where I am attracted to a style.

But if the target is him, he is not afraid that Yi Shi, the little old sixth, will not take the bait.

With a swoosh, he launched the Flying Thunder God and disappeared in place.

Fire country.

Isichi has gradually approached the range of Konoha.

From his position, you can faintly see the outline of Konoha Village.

"Is there a village of inferior creatures over there? Will Kaguya leave behind..."

With eyes like dead fish eyes under a black robe, with a hint of solemnity, he looked at Konoha Village in the distance from a height.

Only when it comes to Kaguya, who is also Otsutsuki.

He will rarely show a trace of solemnity.

The descendant of that humble servant should be in the village at the moment, right?

Want to go there?

One is hesitating.

He didn't know if Kaguya had left any arrangements, after all, her son Otsutsuki Yui was still watching the ninja world silently.

Just when he was hesitating, he suddenly noticed that a figure came out of Konoha, and after glancing around, he moved quickly towards a position.

"It's the descendant of that Kaguya..."

He narrowed his eyes slightly.

Looks like he wants to go somewhere...

Yi Shi did not hesitate, his figure flashed, and he immediately followed.

The two figures quickly shuttled through the forest like this, one behind the other.

Are you following?

Perceiving the strange biological magnetic field behind him, the corner of Hyuga Satoru's mouth twitched slightly.

He was really afraid of not coming.

No matter what the purpose of Yi Shi is, it is absolutely not wrong to lead him out of the Konoha range!

The moves he planned to deal with Yi Shi cannot be used around Konoha, or even in the Land of Fire!

You have to lead a pose to a specific position in order to spread your hands and feet!


Orochimaru was standing in front of the window of the Hokage room, looking anxiously into the distance.

The fingers have been subconsciously clenched slightly.

Not long ago, Hyuga Satoru suddenly told him the information of Shi Shi, and asked him to protect himself in secret to prevent accidents.

Counting the time, Satoru should have already started to act now, right?

Orochimaru's heart twitched.

As Hokage, he was unable to personally participate in that battle.

Knowing the gap between himself and Otsutsuki, and protecting Konoha Village well, is the greatest help he can provide Hyuga Satoru as Hokage.

"Go, don't worry!"

"I will definitely protect our village, this is the seed of the new world!"

He murmured silently in his heart.

the other side.

Yi Shi followed Hyuga Satoru and gradually left the fire country.

As the distance got farther and farther, there was a hint of doubt in Yi Shi's heart.

what happened?

Where is this descendant of Kaguya's lowly maid going?

It's so far away!

He glanced around.

Did not find any other Otsutsuki scent.

Although his current state is very poor, he is confident that in the current ninja world, unless Kaguya on the moon lifts the seal, or a direct descendant like Yui Yumura takes action.

Otherwise, there would be no creatures that could threaten him!

Not even nine tails!

Obviously, neither of those possibilities is realistic.

In this case, no matter what this descendant of Kaguya thinks, he is not afraid!

Gradually, the two came to a small country.

Everywhere in the field of vision was dead silence.

A large number of ruins lie across, and there are a few broken puppets lying on the ground.

Country of Field.

A hapless little country used by the scorpion to try out all the tricks.

The country has now been completely wiped out.

The remaining citizens also fled to the surrounding frost country, Taki country.

It is the most perfect battlefield that meets the requirements of Hyuga Satoru!

Otsutsuki glanced around, with a hint of indifference, and stopped on Hyuga Satoru.

"It looks like this small country has been destroyed? So you specially brought me here, did you make any arrangements here?"

Yi Shi's pupils shrank into needle glows, and a burst of determination erupted.

"Is this what Hui Ye's cheap servant left behind!"

? ? ?

Hyuga Satoru was stunned.

When he heard the previous sentence, he felt that this guy was not stupid, and knew that he was deliberately leading him here.

Just what the **** is behind? ? ?

What is Hui Ye's lowly maid left behind?

I'm going to deal with you!

What's the matter with Guan Huiye? ? ?

"Humph! No more pretending."

A slightly arrogant head held up, with a trace of contempt that could see through everything.

"Your eyes have completely betrayed you!"

"This kind of pure white eye... Unless it is a direct descendant of Kaguya, it is impossible to achieve!"

"Did Kaguya put you to sleep for thousands of years in order to deal with me..."

There was a hint of sigh on Yi Shi's cold face, as if he was shocked by Kaguya's determination.

? ? ?

Hyuga Satoru looked confused.

What and what?

I slept for thousands of years?

And suddenly have a mother? ? ?

Chapter 211 Hyuga Satoru vs Otsutsuki


Hyuga Satoru let out a sigh of relief.

He didn't want to listen to some nonsense anymore.

First, this terrifying brain circuit, I really don’t know how it is composed?

An aura suddenly rose from him.

Aware of Hyuga Satoru's change, Otsutsuki's brows were also slightly wrinkled.

"Are you going to make a move? What did that cheap maid of Hui Ye leave you? Make you so confident that you dare to go out to the gods..."

He hasn't finished speaking yet.

What responded to him was Hyuga Satoru's iron fist.

A huge fist wrapped in metal.

Under the blessing of electromagnetic push, a terrifying speed broke out, like a cannonball, smashing heavily!

Yi Shi did not choose to dodge, but crossed his arms and chest, so he directly greeted him.


A terrifying wave erupted.

The surrounding earth is cracking!

"This speed and strength, you have far surpassed those inferior creatures, no wonder you dare to shoot at me, but unfortunately it is not enough."

Otsutsuki put his arms against Hyuga Satoru's fist, and his voice had a hint of indifference.

Hyuga Satoru frowned slightly.


disappeared in place.

This time it was a side kick of Yi Shi, and the terrifying power of a roundhouse kick swept towards Yi Shi's head.

The bursting sonic boom made Yi Shi dare not be careless.

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