Magneto of Hyuga

Chapter 182:

The floating city Damocles is moving fast.

An icy voice sounded inside the floating city.

Damocles track adjustment...


has entered the launch track.

God's Scepter is being prepared...


Electromagnetic charging...

1%, 2%, 3%…

An icy voice echoed in the floating city, and the faster and faster numbers were like a countdown, with a hint of judgment.

At the launch port directly below Damocles, the faint blue light is constantly expanding.

On the ground more than ten kilometers away.

Hyuga Satoru and Otsutsuki are fighting fiercely in the land of the land.

The aftermath of the fight between the two had already burst into countless cobweb-like ravines.

With each collision, the surrounding air twists into an arc, making a huge sonic boom.

Hyuga Satoru was wearing a nano-armor, and the metal flowed into a machete, smashed the black rod that expanded in one go, and chopped it down with one knife.


A body disappears.

Shrinks into particles that are invisible to the naked eye.

The corners of Hyuga Satoru's mouth twitched slightly.

At the rear, the one that was planning to expand, suddenly found that strange sense of restraint suddenly appeared, several times stronger than last time!

Surprised in one heart.


When planning to use time-space movement.

But Hyuga Satoru seemed to have calculated the time.

"No Dust!"

The terrifying repulsion suddenly burst out, directly embedding his body into the ground, and the earth was pressed open to a circular hole like a crater.

The first style was fixed in the middle position, unable to move at all.

"This attack is ineffective!"

He roared at Hyuga Satoru!


The blue awns at the lower end of the floating city Damocles have bloomed to the extreme.




Charging is complete!

A judgment-like voice sounded.

The target is locked!

God's Scepter...


Metal tungsten rods weighing more than 10 tons.

Wrapped in blazing thunder and flames, it was dropped from the bottom of the floating city!


Yi Shi is being held firmly by Hyuga Satoru.

A terrifying repulsion erupted, pressing him to the ground.

Shen Luo Tianzheng? ? ?

No, although they are both repulsive forces, the principles seem to be completely different!

A gloomy look.

"This method is useless!"

How long can Hyuga Satoru control him?

As the Otsutsugi clan, they have extremely strong vitality, as long as they do not suffer an almost unstoppable attack in an instant.

Almost impossible to die.

As long as he seizes the opportunity, he can easily grind Ri Xiangwu to death!

"Yes, so I never intended to use this trick against you."

Hyuga Satoru hovered in the air, looking down at him indifferently.

"Are you ready?"

"Are you claiming to be God, are you ready for judgment?"

Trial? ? ?

One way puzzled.

Frowning slightly.

what a trial.

Hyuga Satoru sneered.

With a swoosh, the Flying Thunder God was launched and disappeared.

The flame meteor that was covered by his body was also exposed in an instant.

It's so close to the ground!

"That is…"

A pupil shrinks suddenly!

A strong sense of crisis flooded into my heart.

This kind of life-and-death crisis was the last time Kaguya attacked!

"Lower creatures!! You actually dare to smack me!!"

A single eye canthus cracked.

He had already felt the scorching heat brought by the meteor.

Time and space ninjutsu is activated, trying to absorb himself and leave.

But it's too late.

Before the black hole even had time to open, the divine scepter had already fallen.

boom! !

That horrible aftermath.

Let the earth shake suddenly!

The shock wave that erupted even engulfed the small half of Tian Zhiguo.

Looking from a distance, it is a long and narrow flaming meteor that fell, the earth shook and the mountains shook, and the shock wave destroyed the surrounding forest buildings.

Hyuga Satoru stood looking at the distant mountain peak.

The corners of his mouth twitched slightly.

"How is it? A style, even if it's Otsutsuki."

"Isn't this kind of judgment uncomfortable?"

Chapter 213 Enlightenment! must win...


The earth trembled.

Huge vibrations and roars can be easily felt even from dozens of kilometers away.


Fire Room.

Orochimaru sat at the Hokage table and waited anxiously, his hands clenched unconsciously.

The village's defense work has been done, and it is time to wait for Hyuga Gou's side.


The ground trembled slightly.

Orochimaru, who was sitting in front of the Hokage table, also felt a slight tremor on the ground in an instant.

"This is…"

Orochimaru's pupils narrowed.

"Is it Satoru's side?"

He immediately turned his head and looked out the window.


An Anbu appeared beside him.

"Lord Hokage, we observed a strong earthquake in the southeast of the Fire Country!"


Orochimaru took a breath.

Isn't that the direction of Tian Zhiguo?

Where will Satoru choose the battlefield?

Orochimaru said with a complicated face: "Don't be nervous, remember to appease the villagers."


The dark part disappeared.

Orochimaru was the only one left in the empty Hokage room.

He clenched his fingers silently.

"Go, we must win..."

at the same time.

It is a few hundred kilometers away from Konoha Village.

Country of Field.

Hyuga Satoru stood high on the mountain, overlooking the location where the god's scepter fell from a distance.

Viewed from his position, nearly a quarter of the land of Tian Zhi Kingdom was cracked by the blow, and countless cobweb-like ravines spread to the end of the field of vision.

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