Magneto of Hyuga

Chapter 185:

Even at this distance, looking directly at the nuclear explosion site, the intense light and heat that erupted made his eyes sting.

"Is that location in the direction of Tian Zhiguo..."

His expression became dull.

What kind of attack engulfs a country?

Does this make sense?

the other side.

Rock Hidden Village.

The door of the earth shadow room was also pushed open in a panic.

Just because the Tuying Village is far apart.

When the messenger ninja came in, the fourth generation of earth shadow loess was already standing in front of the window of the earth shadow room, staring at the mushroom cloud in the sky in horror.

"Lord Earth, Earth Shadow..."

The messenger ninja behind him swallowed and said in a trembling voice.

The loess did not speak, and the slightly trembling pupil reflected the mushroom cloud rising in the sky.

What kind of attack was actually across several countries, and it can be clearly observed here.

The last time, it seemed that it was the battlefield of the Country of Grass at the end of the Third World War.

The Hinata ninja smashed a lake several hundred meters deep with a meteor.

The long and narrow flame meteorite can be observed in several countries around the Country of Grass.

This time...

Who will it be?

Fire country.

Hinata Satoru held his wedge-struck arm, looking at his masterpiece from a distance, the corner of his mouth showing a slight arc.

This should be the ninja world's first baptism of nuclear peace, right?

An atomic bomb that uses electromagnetic fission!

He sighed slightly in his heart.

real! The hydrogen hydrogen awakens the sleeping soul.

After this war, Tian Zhiguo may have to completely change its name.

The terrain of the country of Tian will change, especially the nuclear radiation remaining after the detonation of the nuclear bomb will remain in the country of Tian for at least several decades.

It is difficult to say whether there will be any creatures mutated by radiation in the future.

The corners of Hyuga Satoru's mouth twitched slightly.

That day, the whole ninja world felt the fear of being dominated by nuclear...


Orochimaru appeared above Hokage Rock with a whistle.

Standing on the top of his statue, looking at the mushroom cloud rising from the sky in the distance.

His heart twitched instantly.

"Over it the battlefield of Tian Zhiguo?"

"This kind of terrifying attack, is it Satoru...or that Otsutsuki..."

Orochimaru's eyes were filled with worry.

This kind of attack was beyond his comprehension.

So unscientific! !

Such power is unheard of!

If Satoru released it, it would be fine, if it was released by Otsutsuki...

Orochimaru's heart clenched again.

at this time.

Suddenly a voice came from behind him.

"Orochimaru, I'm back."

Looking back, I saw Hyuga Satoru appearing above Hokage Rock, looking down at him with a faint smile.


Orochimaru was stunned.


I thought I was wrong

"Orochimaru, don't look at me with that kind of eyes, didn't I come back safely?"

Hyuga Satoru shrugged.

Orochimaru let out a long breath.

The heart that has been holding on has finally relaxed.

"Looks like Satoru won? Great!"

He suddenly noticed the severed arm that Hyuga Satoru was holding in his hand.

The eyes narrowed slightly, the broken arm exuded a strange wave, and it was filled with a lot of black lines.

"God, this is..."

"Oh, this is my present for you."

Hyuga Satoru smiled and threw the broken arm to Orochimaru.

Orochimaru took it, looked at it a few times, and his pupils shrank.

Like thinking of something.

"Could it be..."

"Yes, this is the arm of Otsutsuki, and it is not an ordinary arm."

Hyuga Satoru laughed.

"The black pattern on the top is the mark of Otsutsuki called wedge, which stores a lot of Otsutsuki data. With such a thing, it should be very useful for you to study Otsutsuki's body, right?"

Orochimaru took a deep breath.

He suddenly felt that the broken arm in his hand was much heavier, and it was slightly hot.

Satoru is fighting against such a strong enemy, thinking about the data that he brought back Otsutsuki?

"Go, thank you so much..."

Orochimaru suddenly felt as if his heart had been touched by something.

He wanted to say something, but was squeamish.

He was not good at expressing himself.

"There is no need to say more about those words. You can study the mystery of Otsutsuki as soon as possible, which is the greatest help to me."

Hyuga Satoru said with a smile.

Immediately, he seemed to remember something, and sighed slightly.

"I originally planned to dig out his eyes, but unfortunately the other party has not been fully resurrected. Even if they were dug out, they would probably return to Ci Xian's eyes."

Hyuga Satoru couldn't help but said regretfully.

"His pupil technique is still quite practical."

"What pupil technique?"

Orochimaru asked curiously.

"Uh... just changing the size..."


Orochimaru's face became weird...

Chapter 216 What if I reincarnated as a mouse?

It's been a day since the Ninja world nuclear level.

But this short day, in the eyes of many ninjas, is longer than a year.

Almost the entire ninja world was in shock.

That unprecedented attack, like a boulder thrown into the lake, splashed with stormy waves.

Rumors abound.

Some said it was the wrath of the gods, while others angered the gods.

Some people think it's the end of the world, and the whole family packs up and prepares to flee overseas.

Others speculated that someone was fighting, but as soon as the voice came out, it was immediately despised by others.

I don't think there is a human being capable of such an attack.

The major ninja villages have sent ninjas to investigate.

But the results obtained were not the same.

Can't get close.

Not to mention the terrifying high temperature still remained in the central area, the entire country of Tian was filled with terrifying nuclear radiation, and even gradually dissipated to the borders of neighboring countries.

The ninja who went to investigate suddenly felt a little unwell shortly after stepping in.

Before reaching the designated position, blood was dripping from the nose, and the hair was falling out one by one.

Because they couldn't find the root cause of the problem and had no countermeasures, they could only give up the idea of ​​investigating.

Tian Zhiguo has been confirmed by the major Ninja villages, and it has been completely reduced to a dead place.

And that unknown force that affects ninjas...

Called it a curse.

Since then, after experiencing the double blow of the red sand scorpion destroying the country and the nuclear explosion, Tian Zhiguo has been removed from the territory of the ninja world and replaced by a black cursed land.

Just when the outside world was still digesting the shocking news of the nuclear explosion.

The edge of the land of the land.

A broken figure floated in the air, anxiously searching for something in the dead forest.

"The inferior creature... actually made me look like this, and stole my arm..."

The same voice trembled.

The appearance is also quite miserable, the entire lower body has disappeared, only one arm is left, and with the broken robe of his upper body, it floats in the air like a ghost.

At this moment, the resentment in his heart towards Hyuga Satoru has reached its peak.

If it weren't for the moment when the nuclear bomb exploded, he escaped a distance of dozens of kilometers with time-space ninjutsu, and I am afraid that he would be burned by the high temperature in the central area in an instant.

In order to resist the aftermath and radiation of the nuclear explosion, he was forcibly resurrected with an incomplete wedge and reincarnated as the real Otsutsuki.

In the end, although he relied on Otsutsuki's terrifying vitality, he survived against that power.

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