Magneto of Hyuga

Chapter 187:

How does this compare? ? ?

Take the lead!

Some time ago, the Hyuga clan was engaged in military training, and the bullet flew into the Uchiha clan.

Can this be tolerated?

Many Uchiha ninjas immediately suffered from pink eye disease, and rushed to the vicinity of the Hyuga clan with their writing wheels open, clamoring for an explanation.

When he saw Hinata Ninja staring at them with a puzzled expression, the muzzle of the sniper rifle in his hand was polished, and there were many forts with a caliber larger than his head.

Immediately went back in despair.

In vain suffered a while of rolling eyes!

As the saying goes, take a step back and open the sky, and the more you think about it, the more angry you will be.

Some Uchiha ninjas clamored to find the first genius in the clan, Uchiha Rin, who opened the kaleidoscope, went to the Hyuga clan to find a place!

After being repaired directly, I realized later that the kaleidoscope from home had long been abducted by Hyuga.

Since then, Uchiha's jealousy and hatred towards Hinata has risen to the extreme.

"That group of white-eyed ninjas is too unscientific. The iron pipes in their hands can hit every 800 meters! How far can the shuriken fly?"

"That's right, Rin is still partial to them, who is her clan?"

"I heard that Hinata only became stronger after the coup, so why don't we also coup?"

"It would be nice if Elder Mo was around, but he's been missing for a long time..."

Uchiha couldn't help but let out a sigh.

"Yeah! If the elders of the instant are here, they will not let those Hinata ninjas be so rampant!"

"The last time I saw him, it seems that I heard that he was going to catch what future?"

"Oh, I don't know what to do now..."

In the forest of the back mountain of the Uchiha clan.

Unlike the hustle and bustle in other places in the clan, it seems a little quiet here.

"Big Brother Zhishui, the mood of the clansmen doesn't seem to be very good recently?"

A little Zhengtai with deep tear troughs in the corners of his eyes is looking worriedly at the clansman who is a head taller than him.

The other's face also had a hint of melancholy.

Uchiha Shisui and Uchiha Itachi, their temperaments are completely different from other clansmen, and they can be called the only melancholy male gods in the clan.

At the moment, they are gathering in the back mountain of their frequent private meetings, talking about the future of the family.

"I'm thinking about whether to spread the story of my opening of the kaleidoscope. The current family seems to need a certain amount of self-confidence."

Uchiha Shisui said hesitantly.

He opened the Kaleidoscope Shaker at the end of the Third World War. In the entire family, he only told Uchiha Itachi.

"It's better not to..."

Uchiha Itachi shook his head.

"Brother Zhishui, you know the character of the clan. If they knew that there were two pairs of kaleidoscopes in the clan, they might not be able to resist going to the Hyuga clan to show it off."

"At that time, the father will take down the face and take care of the aftermath for them."

Uchiha Shisui's face suddenly became strange.

There are two pairs of kaleidoscopes in the family.

But the other pair... seems to be heading towards Hinata, right?

Uchiha Rin's heroic figure suddenly appeared in his mind.

I heard that the opponent's kaleidoscope pupil technique is related to time. In the last battle at Nanga Shrine, he even defeated Madara Uchiha.

Shisui sighed.

compare to.

His kaleidoscope seems much more mediocre.

There is only one surgery for both eyes.

CDs are also surprisingly long.

He can't change the will of all the clansmen and let them give up the comparison with Hyuga, right?

At this moment, a high-cold voice suddenly came from behind him.

"Uchiha Shisui, I want to requisition your eyes."

The two immediately turned their heads and saw Uchiha Rin slowly walking towards them.

"Rin??? Why are you here? Requiring my eyes... What's the matter?"

Shishui swallowed his saliva.

Such a strong sense of oppression.

Uchiha Rin, became stronger!

He has no doubt that even if he also possesses a kaleidoscope, he is not the opponent's opponent at all.

Uchiha stared straight at Shishui, completely ignoring Uchiha Itachi next to him.

"You should awaken the illusion type Wanhuatong? Can you modify the will of others?"

"How did you know..."

Shishui faltered, a small amount of sweat oozing out of his forehead.

Even Itachi only knew a rough idea, not so detailed at all.

"Don't try to use the pupil technique on me in vain." Uchiha raised his eyebrows slightly, "Even if you activate it, I can reverse that period of time and return to the time before the pupil technique takes effect. You can consider the consequences yourself."

Uchiha Rin's voice was quite calm, and he couldn't even hear much tone.

Itachi next to her didn't dare to interrupt a word under her powerful aura.

After the intercolumnar cells were transplanted, her pupil power was greatly exuberant, and her spiritual power was also much stronger.

Just relying on the sight of each other, it forced Zhishui to completely dare not resist.

"what do you want to do?"

After a moment of silence, Shishui spoke.

"Come with me!"

Uchiha Rin calmly turned around and walked towards the distance.

"That man is waiting for you."

Chapter 218 Feiduan, you may have plastic surgery...

Former site of Harada no Country.

The ruins of the nuclear explosion.

Two mysterious figures dressed in red cloud robes with a black background are standing at a high place, looking at the dead ruins in the distance.

Due to the influence of the escaping nuclear radiation, the surrounding areas of Tian Zhiguo have been completely abandoned, and there are very few people.

On the latest Ninja world map, the area of ​​Tian Zhiguo has been completely removed, leaving only a black cursed land.

"Tsk tsk, it's unbelievable that a country can be destroyed like this."

Looking at the ruins with no end in sight, Feiduan seemed a little regretful and let out a sigh.

"So many lives, how good would it be if they were sacrificed to the evil god?"

Zero glanced at him.

How many nuclear bombs can the evil **** in your mouth eat?

The figures of the two jumped from a height and entered the territory of Tian Zhiguo.

Zero's right eye detected a large number of laser scans, quickly detecting surrounding intelligence.

The nuclear radiation concentration is seriously exceeding the standard.

Signs of life are weak.

Except for a very small number of insects and rodents that can live underground, almost no other life fluctuations can be found.

When Hyuga Satoru chose this place as the battlefield, he knew that this move would cause almost irreversible damage to the environment.

After the country of Tian Zhi experienced the destruction of the country by the red sand scorpion, it has become a dead country with almost no people living there.

Is the best nuclear explosion battlefield.

"That guy Bai Jue is too useless, how dangerous it is to blow it here, except for a little itchy body, nothing has changed?"

Feiduan shrugged, looking indifferent.

As an immortal body, he dismissed Bai Jue's alarmism and rumors in the Ninja world.

Over the years, he has never been afraid of death!

Zero glanced at Feiduan.

He was sucking in the air, and a large number of nuclear radiation particles were sucked into his internal organs, and the surface of his body was also swept away by a large number of radiation particles.

Just not much has changed for the time being.

Feiduan's body is very evil.

Not even broken.

Do not know how long it can resist radiation?

The two moved on.

Nagato gave them the task of finding out the truth about the nuclear explosion and bringing back methods that could be used.

The location where the two of them are currently is on the edge of the country of Tian, ​​and there is nothing but a barren ruin.

The two chose to go deeper.

Feiduan was like a sightseeing tour, and he was amazed while scanning the surroundings.

"Hey, Zero, do you feel a little hot, as if your skin is being burned by something."

He suddenly scratched his face and pulled out a bloodshot.

"No, are you delusional? I don't feel it at all."

Zero chose to ignore it.

Of course he didn't feel it at all.

His whole body is made of metal, and he has no cells at all. Where does he feel?

A burst of radiation particles shot, all kicked to the iron plate.

If it is a normal person, at this time, the cells and DNA are already numb, the chromosomes are in a mess, and the cells have completely lost the ability to divide and proliferate.

The whole person is like a mass of rotten flesh, gradually decaying and falling off from the skin and hair with the shortest cell cycle.

Many radiation sources have extremely long half-lives, thousands or hundreds of years.

Therefore, in a previous life, an island country dumped nuclear waste water into the sea and declared it harmless to the outside world.

It's outrageous, **** open the door to outrageous!

"Hey! Zero, the leader asked us to investigate the truth of the big bang, what do you think?"

Feiduan scratched his neck and looked at Zero nonchalantly.

"No way!"

"Let's just stroll around first! Search for some information and see."

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