Chapter 91 The shadow assistant of your village...great

"Wu Jun, I heard that you had a conflict with the clan in the camp yesterday?"

"Small things."

Orochimaru laughed hoarsely.

"If Wujun needs it, I can make them disappear. Don't worry, no one will notice."

"It's a time of war, and it's not uncommon for accidents to happen."

Hyuga Satoru looked at him calmly.

"No need, Orochimaru, I have my own plans."

"Really?" Orochimaru smiled hoarsely.

Hyuga Satoru's eyes flickered without leaving a trace, and as his strength and ability continued to be revealed, Orochimaru's attitude was also changing.

In the past, he treated himself like a kind of investment and research, but now, there is a feeling that Wei Wei is headed by himself.

While the two were chatting, the door of the tent was suddenly pushed open.

"Master Orochimaru, the scouts discovered the attack of the Sand Ninja troops!"

"Really? How many ninjas did they send?"

Orochimaru asked hoarsely.

"About 3,000 people, and the figures of Luosha and Chiyo were found."


Orochimaru suddenly smiled hoarsely.

Think of those rumors in the camp.

"Does Chiyo still have the courage to go to the battlefield? As expected of a ninja who was famous in the ninja world during World War II."

He suddenly looked strangely at Hyuga Satoru.

Seems to be thinking about what?

Are you thinking about what dance to make Chiyo do this time?

Thinking of a change of taste?

Hyuga Satoru smiled helplessly.

"Lord Orochimaru, the top priority is to mobilize troops to counterattack! Since Luo Sha dares to take the initiative to attack, he must be prepared."


Orochimaru took a slight breath, his face became serious, and he ordered in a deep voice.

In the war between the two Ninja village troops, except for the tactics of small-scale elite troops roundabout and sneak attacks, it was almost impossible to avoid the detection of the scouts on both sides.

Not long after the large army on Luo Sha's side set out for the expedition, the Konoha army had already obtained the information.

The ninja troops quickly assembled and faced off in a mighty manner.

It was still the hills of the previous battle. There were still traces of ninjutsu released by both ninjas on the ground. Sand Ninja was too late to take away the corpses when they retreated, and some of them were lying there.

Luo Sha took a deep breath and suppressed the humiliation and anger in her heart.

This battle, no matter what.

All must win!

Shayin Village is no better than Konoha in terms of resource reserves and hematopoietic ability.

The war has been fought until now, and the village has almost all its elites. Only by becoming the victorious party can we win more chips when signing the armistice agreement!

Only in this way, the position of the fourth generation of wind shadows that I have just sat on can be stabilized.

Thinking of this, he glanced slightly at an old man behind him.

The man seemed to be a monk, wearing a cassock, in stark contrast to the chilling ninja troops around him.

"Fenfu, how is Shouhe's situation?"

"It's still the same anxiety."

There was no emotion in the tone of Fufu's voice.

Luo Sha frowned slightly.

"Fenfu, I know you don't like killing, but this is war, and we have no choice."

"The future of the village is in your hands."

Luo Sha looked deeply at Fen Fu.

There was a struggling look on Fenfu's face, but soon, he returned to his previous calm like water.

"I see. When the time is right, I will release Shouhe."

"very good."

The corners of Luo Sha's mouth twitched slightly.

The torrents of green and yellow collided together on the hills.

Almost exactly the same as the previous battle.

The large-scale wind and fire collided with each other, and finally became scattered sparks falling, and the sand ninja and the Konoha ninja fought again.

Unlike before.

During the battle, I always heard a few sneering sarcasms from Konoha ninjas from time to time.

"Kagesuke Chiyo from your village...great!"

"Cuso! The **** of Konoha!"

"How dare you humiliate us like this..."

The sand ninjas with red eyes raised their heads and attacked like crazy.

The spells lost under the control of anger were gradually defeated by the Konoha ninja.

Even Sand Ninja Jonin, who is experienced in combat, couldn't help but breathe a little heavy when faced with this kind of taunt.

In the battle of life and death, this tiny mistake can ruin a life.

Although there are still more sand ninjas than Konoha, the scale of victory seems to be tilting in Konoha's favor.

"Where did Luo Sha hide?"

After beheading the surrounding Sand Ninja Jonin, Orochimaru couldn't help but turn his snake eyes slightly, searching for the traces of Luo Sha on the battlefield.

Luo Sha's ninjutsu is very characteristic. It stands to reason that as long as you make a move, you will be easily discovered.

He hasn't shown up so far, and I'm afraid he has a plan.

Orochimaru faintly guessed in his heart.

But he was not flustered, or in other words, Hyuga Satoru's absolute restraint on Shayin Village's ability was enough to support his confidence.

At this moment, a cold drink came.

"Your opponent is me!"

Appeared at the same time as the voice, it was a familiar figure and her ten puppet giants.


He was staring at Orochimaru coldly.

There are also ten puppets of the ten people in Jinmatsu in their hands.

"Haha, I didn't expect it to be Chiyo! Why... don't you plan to seek revenge?"

Orochimaru laughed hoarsely.

Chiyo's face stiffened.

Grind his teeth slightly.

"Orochimaru, I didn't expect you to take advantage of your words."

"Haha... I just find it interesting, you are still controlling these ten puppets, so you are not afraid to repeat it again? Are you being manipulated by the puppets in turn?"


Chiyo took a deep breath, knowing that he must not be angry.

It depends on whether you can take revenge!

Luo Sha was hiding in the sand ninja army and was searching for traces of Hyuga Satoru. On the side of Orochimaru, he could only stop him by himself.

As for Namikaze Minato, Ye Cang can deal with it.

These beautiful young girls have become old rivals in this war.

After all, it had gone through hundreds of battles, big and small, and Chiyo had a lot of experience, so he immediately restrained his emotions.

The ten puppets moved suddenly, trying to surround Orochimaru.

After going back last time, she remodeled the puppet a second time.

The metals that can be replaced are almost all replaced.

Orochimaru didn't seem to have any intention of fighting, and jumped back and jumped out of the puppet's encirclement.

Almost at the same time, a figure suddenly fell, knocking all the puppets that came into the air.

In the surging dust, a familiar voice came, causing Chiyo's pupils to shrink.

"Chiyo, you seem to have forgotten me."

The dust cleared, Tsunade stood impressively, and raised an eyebrow at Chiyo.

"I heard that your great?"


Chiyo gritted his teeth and made a creaking sound.

"you are not…"

"Damn, is the intelligence wrong?"

"It can't be wrong."

Tsunade patted the dust on his sleeves.

"It can only be said that Hyuga Satoru's technique is too good."

She smiled at Chiyo.

"Actually, I didn't expect him to have such high attainments in medical treatment at such a young age."

"It's him again!"

Chiyo felt like his heart was being grabbed by something.

Eyes slightly reddened.

gritted teeth.

"That beast..."

Chapter 92 The life of a tailed beast is so unpretentious and boring

An angry Chiyo manipulated the puppet and cut it off.

Tsunade jumped deftly.

The moment it fell, a heavy punch hit the ground.

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