"I will challenge you again in the future. I will remember the bet, and your ninja tools will consume my bag in the future."

Hearing the last sentence, Hyuga Satoru's eyes lit up, coming, coming, and finally waiting.

"But I have a doubt." Uchiha Rin thought for a while, and said, "Why is your Magnet so powerful? I remember that ordinary Magnets can't control Shuriken and Kunai so freely, otherwise Sandyin The village will not be the weakest of the five villages."

Chapter 13 Electromagnetic Force LV2 Life Magnetic Field

Hyuga Satoru thought for a while, and said, "I don't know, each magnetic tunnel seems to have different abilities. Maybe my magnetic tunnel is more sensitive to metals like shuriken!"

"Really?" Uchiha Rin frowned.

She has read the family's collection of books, and she also has a certain understanding of Magnetic Dun. The strongest ninja in the current world is the three generations of Kazekage from Sandyin Village.

But this title is obviously watery. His magnetic escape ability is to control sand and iron, and it only interferes a little with metal enduro tools, and it is even more impossible to control it as freely as Hyuga Satoru!

Rin Uchiha can't imagine how terrifying the ability to control metal ninjas would be if he grew up!

What ninja can't carry a metal shuriken, Kunai?

If I didn't replace all my ninja tools with wooden ones today, I might lose a face-to-face!

This is the real king of war, the battlefield killer!

Looking at Uchiha Rin's absent-minded appearance, Hyuga Satoru naturally guessed what she was thinking, but if she was told that the ability he showed was just the tip of the iceberg, what kind of shock would she be like?

If the ability of the magnetic escape is a leaf, then the electromagnetic force is an ancient tree that covers the sky!

Sandyin Village Fengying's magnetic escape, and the ability he has developed now, are just a few insignificant leaves on that ancient tree.

As the four fundamental forces of the universe, or the electromagnetic force, one of the three fundamental forces, it is simply unimaginable how terrifying it is to fully master it!

After the battle with Uchiha Rin, his experience points have reached more than 1,800, and there are only more than 100 left to upgrade experience from 2,000 points.

When you rush to LV2, you should be able to obtain a new electromagnetic force system ability, what will it be?

Hyuga Satoru thought curiously in his heart.

There is a holiday in the next few days, so I don’t have to go to the ninja school, I can try to break through.

Back at home, Hyuga Satoru hoarded a lot of supplies, locked himself in the room, and started a training plan to impact the electromagnetic force level.

Almost at the same time, a small earthquake suddenly occurred within the Hyuga family, which has been passed down for nearly a thousand years.

A clansman awakened the second bloodstain for the first time, magnetic escape!

This was the first time in an ancient and lawful family like Hinata. At first, not many clan members believed this kind of remarks, but later, more and more people spread the rumors, so they had to pay attention to it.

"Hey, have you heard that there is a clan who awakened the second bloodstain and defeated the genius of the Uchiha family."

"You just heard, didn't you beat Uchiha with one move?"

"Didn't Uchiha immediately kneel down and beg for mercy after hearing the double bloodstain?"

So someone found Iroha, but no matter how they asked, the other party kept silent, but judging from his performance, he acquiesced.

Since then, the sun has been boiling.

Can we also awaken the second bloodstain? In addition to the white eyes, is there any other bloodstain ability in the Hyuga bloodline? Such remarks keep appearing in the Hyuga clan.

In the end, it was the patriarch who came forward and claimed that the situation of Hi Xiangwu was special and not universal, and the situation was calmed down.

Many clansmen were curious to learn about the double bloodstained clansman, but were surprised to find that the clansman seemed to have suddenly jumped out, and they had never heard of him before.

The training ground, in the corner of the house, from time to time, you can see some branch families get together, whispering and discussing the branch genius who they had never seen before and awakened the second bloodstain, until the passing Zong family coughed in dissatisfaction, and hurriedly calmed down. .

It's just that those branch families may never have imagined that the righteous master in their mouths is shrinking himself in the room at this moment, going through an extremely harsh practice.

The cramped space was filled with the smell of fermented sweat, and all kinds of metal props were placed in a disorderly manner. Sun Xiang Wu was sweating profusely, panting heavily, and a look of joy appeared in his eyes.


Just now, he suddenly heard a slight shattering sound coming from his body, and then he sank his consciousness into his mind, and sure enough, a line of small words appeared below Xingxuan.

[Electromagnetic force LV2 distance to next upgrade experience value 0/6000]

At the same time as the level was raised, Hyuga Satoru was surprised to find that his body seemed to be undergoing a transformation. He had experienced this feeling before, and it was the first time he awakened electromagnetic force.

But now, it is much stronger than then.

The impurities in the body are decomposed by electromagnetic force, converted into extremely pure energy, and fed back to the body itself.

Although after several days of hard training, his body was full of filth and filth, but Hyuga Satoru was full of energy at this time, as if he had been beaten with chicken blood, and his condition was extremely good.

Close your eyes and carefully feel the changes in your body, and soon Hyuga Satoru found out.

"The biomagnetic field is much stronger than before!"

Hyuga Satoru opened his eyes in surprise, the discovery was not a big one.

Before the importance of the biomagnetic field, he had already discovered that the complex life activities of the human body will create their own unique biomagnetic field. If the biomagnetic field is increased, it will feed back the life activities of the body.

Hyuga Satoru had guessed before that if the biological magnetic field is strong enough, it will reverse the evolution of the body and enter a higher level of life.

He seems to be taking a small step towards that route now.

"Is this the final direction in which the electromagnetic force develops? A higher level of life..."

After pondering for a while, Hyuga Satoru took a deep breath, suppressed the restlessness in his heart, and began to carefully feel his biological magnetic field.

"Although I can freely control the magnetic field of metals, the biological magnetic field of living objects cannot be moved at all. Obviously, this corresponds to the higher authority of electromagnetic force. It is not something I can touch now, but..."

Hyuga Satoru frowned slightly.

The biomagnetic field in his body is like a small flame that is constantly burning, the warmth radiating nourishes his body, and this flame will adjust according to his state, so that his body is always in the best state, just like Yes…

Hyuga Satoru thought for a while and said to himself.

"I was put on a permanent recovery buff by the nanny."

This can no longer be summed up by a simple biomagnetic field.

"Well...let's call him Life Magnetic Field."

Hyuga Satoru thought for a while and put a name on this ability.

The magnetic field of life is obviously the new ability of his electromagnetic force LV2 awakening. In addition, he has tested it again, and has greatly improved the strength and accuracy of electromagnetic force manipulation, and the previously developed ability will also be not small. enhancement.

"The electromagnetic force of LV1 should correspond to the basic electromagnetic control, and the electromagnetic force of LV2 corresponds to the life magnetic field, so what is the ability corresponding to the electromagnetic force of LV3, LV4... or even more advanced electromagnetic force?"

Hyuga Satoru couldn't help but be curious and full of expectations for the future.

The electromagnetic path is like a pyramid composed of steps, constantly tempting him to explore and reach the final peak.

Chapter 14

Kasahi, Hyuga pushed the door open and took a deep breath.

Because of the magnetic field of life, even though I didn't sleep for a long time yesterday, my mental state was still very good.

Taking advantage of the last day of the holiday, Hyuga Satoru planned to retrieve the metal arrows he had custom-made before to test the power.

Yesterday's breakthrough has increased his control over the electromagnetic force. Coupled with the blessing of all-metal arrows, Hyuga Satoru is looking forward to the power of the magnetic storm he conceived.

At the custom-made ninja shop, Hyuga Satoru couldn't help but feel a little nervous. After all, the price of these custom-made arrows was not cheap, and he also temporarily made a chakra metal arrow.

Fortunately, the clerk did not embarrass him. As soon as she saw him, she handed him the customized arrow, which made him a little emotional. Uchiha Rin is indeed a person who keeps his promise.

As the test site, Hyuga Satoru still chose the forest he frequented before.

The sudden appearance of Shuangxueji in the family has caused a lot of trouble, and Hyuga Satoru didn't want to attract too much attention.

Hyuga Satoru opened the wooden box.

I saw a large number of metal arrows lying quietly in it. The arrows were polished very smooth, reflecting a faint metallic luster. In addition to the metallic luster, one of them also exuded a little bit of star-like blue.

"Is this the chakra metal arrow?"

Hyuga Satoru picked up two arrows and compared them. The chakra metal arrows are slightly lighter, with the same volume and lighter weight. According to Newton's second law, acceleration and weight are inversely proportional. Under the same external force, a greater acceleration!

Hyuga Satoru took out a scroll from his arms, the white fog dissipated, and a large bow appeared in his hand.

The first test is the conventional metal arrows.

When the bow and arrow are drawn, the blue current flows in the arm, which stimulates the muscles to contract to a greater extent. The bowstring is pulled to the full moon, creating a pushing magnetic field, changing the magnetic field of the metal arrow, and obtaining greater acceleration.

If it was in the previous electromagnetic force LV1, this set would definitely not be so easy for Hyuga Satoru to do, but with the blessing of the LV2 electromagnetic force, it seems to be smooth.

The white eyes have been opened, and the radius of kilometers is in the field of vision.

When the electromagnetic push reached its limit, Hyuga Satoru released his finger, and a sharp explosion sounded instantly, and the bow and arrow turned into a blue arc and disappeared.


From the white-eyed point of view, Hyuga Satoru clearly saw that the arrow directly pierced through the tree hundreds of meters away, and the two people hugged the tree and nailed it to the tree pole behind.

"Tsk tsk, with this kind of power, even if it's too late for Jounin to dodge, it will be instantly killed!"

Hyuga Satoru sighed with emotion. The fly in the ointment is that because the speed exceeds the speed of sound, a sonic boom must occur when shooting.

But also because the speed exceeds the speed of sound, the bow and arrow will arrive before the enemy hears the sonic boom, which will not have much impact on the enemy, but the sonic boom will expose his sniping point.

Therefore, it is very important to choose the right sniper position.

With a slight sigh, Hyuga Satoru picked up the chakra metal arrow. The power of conventional arrows is so great. Will the chakra metal arrow be stronger?

This kind of pure metal arrows can be recycled, and Hyuga Satoru doesn't feel too distressed.

When setting up a bow and arrow, when building a pushing magnetic field, Hyuga Satoru was pleasantly surprised to find that the chakra metal arrow was more sensitive to the magnetic field, which means that the driving force that can be obtained is stronger!

Following the same method, Hyuga Satoru released his fingers.


I saw a thunder arc swept across in an instant.

Hyuga Satoru instantly opened his mouth wide.

The chakra metal arrow almost exceeded the limit of his white-eyed perspective, like a thunder, and fell deeply into a big tree with three people hugging each other.

"Within a thousand meters, this arrow is a great threat to any ninja!"

He couldn't help but sigh.

Rubbing his chin, he roughly estimated that it should be due to the particularity of chakra metal. The initial speed of this arrow is close to three times the speed of sound.

The initial speed of the conventional anti-machine sniper rifle bullet is about 850 meters per second, which is still a distance from three times the speed of sound, and the initial kinetic energy is far worse than this arrow.

In terms of attack range, it is about 1200 meters, which is similar to the effective range of conventional anti-machine sniper rifles. No matter how far it is, the accuracy and power will decrease.

In terms of his current limit, he can achieve this step, and when the ability of electromagnetic force is stronger in the future, it will not take off directly.

Maybe you can control the arrow to turn in flight, have you seen a sniper rifle that can track?

Ninjas are small, crispy skins, high in attack and low in defense, and caught off guard against ultra-long-range sniping, except for the **** cow of the third-generation Raikage, I am afraid that even shadow-level powerhouses must temporarily avoid the edge!

Hyuga Satoru let out a breath of turbid air and carefully recovered the arrow. This ability should not be used in the short term, and it was considered a trump card.

On the way back, Hyuga Satoru's mood was much more relaxed. The shadow of the previous three battles had been oppressing him, making him not dare to relax.

Now that he has developed a powerful bow-type ninjutsu, his life-saving ability has been greatly increased, and his tense mind has eased a little.

Just when he was about to get home, he suddenly stopped, frowning slightly.

From a distance, I saw a figure standing at the originally empty doorway, as if it had been waiting there for a long time.

Looking at the face that was eight or nine points similar to that of Zongtang, Hyuga Satoru had a faint guess in his heart.

The man Asahi Xiangwu smiled kindly: "Introduce myself, my name is Hyuga Ripa, can I have a chat with you?"

Hyuga's daily difference, as expected... Hyuga Satoru's heart froze.

He walked past the Hinata Nisashi, opened the door, and looked back at the Hinata Nisari.

"Lord Rizai, come in and talk."

Risari Hyuga followed Hyuga Satoru into the room, looked around curiously, and saw that the corner of the room was full of worn-out metal products, and there was no other furniture except simple living utensils.

"I usually don't have time to tidy up the room because of my practice, and I hope you will forgive me for the day-to-day difference."

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