The number of ninjas dispatched by Konoha is relatively small, and if they want to resist the more ferocious attacks of the Iwatoshi troops, they must come out in full force.

Those old, weak, sick and disabled who stayed in the camp could not stop the elite team of Yan Nin from stealing their homes.

However, they may not have thought that the scope of their own eyes has reached a terrifying radius of 7 kilometers.

This range, even if it is the Hyuga Sect, is only owned by very few people.

So those rock ninjas were discovered by their own white-eyed perspective as soon as they appeared.

"In that case..."

Hyuga Satoru took a deep breath.

Fly to a higher sky, stagnate in the air, and grasp the void.

I saw the silver fluid flowing out of his body, forming the appearance of a sniper rifle, which he firmly grasped in his hand.

From here to Konoha Camp.

It has a range of about five kilometers.

If you use a bow and arrow, there may be insufficient acceleration, and an electromagnetic sniper rifle is a better choice.

Anyway, the dangerous wanderer mecha has appeared, and I don't care about the thought impact of a sniper rifle on Iwa Shinobi.

The muzzle of the gun was aimed at the Konoha camp several kilometers away, lingering with a faint thunder.

On the ground, Minato's eyes flashed, and he murmured in shock.

"Could it be..."

"Wu, isn't that distance your limit?"

Hyuga Satoru narrowed his right eye slightly.

Wind direction calculation...

Gravity acceleration calculation...

White eye angle correction in progress...

The target has been aimed!


I saw a blue light burst from the silver muzzle, like a thunder, spanning a distance of several kilometers in just a few breaths.

In the Leaf Camp.

An Iwanin, who was furtively arranging clay bombs, suddenly exploded uncontrollably in his head.

The brains were mixed with blood plasma and splashed all over the surrounding companions.

"who is it!"

Hunter's pupils shrank, and he turned around abruptly!


kilometers away.

Hyuga Satoru pulled the trigger representing the **** of death again.

Chapter 117 On that day, the rock ninjas recalled the fear of being dominated by the sixth...

The target this time was the companion of the first demolition team member to die.

Witnessing the death of his companions with his own eyes, the blood spattered on his face is still dripping, reflecting a pair of dull and trembling pupils.

He stared blankly at the demolition team leader, Hunter, as if asking him what happened.


With a dull sound.

His head also exploded.

Only the headless body was left facing Shou, blood splattered all over Shou's body.

"Lie down!"

"Lie down!"

After all, he was a ninja who had experienced World War II. After a brief blank in his head, Hunter immediately roared and reminded him loudly.

He didn't even care that he would be discovered by the Konoha ninja in the camp.

That kind of magical attack, I don't even know where it came from!

If you don't evade quickly, I'm afraid that this time the bombing death squad will explain it here!

The members of the demolition team who heard the captain's roar also reacted quickly and hurriedly sought shelter.

Unfortunately it doesn't seem to work.

That blue light representing the **** of death reappeared!

It seems to be the play of the **** of death, this blow missed the key point, but directly penetrated the lower body of the member of the demolition team, exploding a blood mist.

"Ah ah ah..."

The severe pain made him roar miserably.

Rolling constantly on the ground, the gushing blood dyed the surrounding ground red.

With such a big movement, the ninjas in the Konoha camp, even if they were unprepared, immediately reacted.

"Not good! It's an enemy attack!"

"Prepare for battle! There is an enemy attack!"

It was discovered that the Konoha ninja in the camp had already reacted, and Hunter's eyes flashed coldly.

There was no time to wait until they had finished laying out the clay bombs.

"In that case..."

He took a small breath.

There is a seal in the hand.

Almost at the same time, explosions and flames sounded in an endless stream, and many camps and supplies were destroyed in the flames.

"Execute Plan B!"

"Abandon the arrangement and start the blasting attack directly!"

Hunting Shen Sheng ordered.


The remaining members of the blasting death squad, who had been licking blood on the tip of their knives for many years, suppressed the throbbing in their hearts and began to carry out hunting orders.

Against the flames of the explosion, they made a mark and threw out a large number of fast-moving clay creatures.

Frogs, grasshoppers, toads...

The moment these clay creatures collided with the Konoha tent and supplies, a violent explosion occurred.

The fire and the roar were mixed.

The Konoha camp suddenly fell into chaos.

A few kilometers away, Hyuga Satoru saw that scene through the eyes of a blind eye.

"I see, is it the demolition team of Yanyin Village?"

As soon as the explosion and detonating clay appeared, Hyuga Satoru immediately guessed the identity of the other party.

After all, there was once a famous betrayal in the demolition team.

Deidara dedicated to art!

Obviously can play black soil in the soil shadow room, but he wants to go to Xiao organization to play clay.

The name is: art.

Isn't body art art?

Hyuga Satoru was powerless to complain.

However, after knowing the ability of the other party, things were easier to handle.

Detonating clay is such a thing, it will be useless when it encounters Lei Dun.

Not even a thunderbolt, as long as it is a thunderbolt, it can instantly make the detonating clay misfire.

In the original book, during the Fourth Ninja World War, Mifune used a battery to pit Deidara after the reincarnation of the dirty soil, which directly turned his Pai Daxing into a stuffy fart.

The electromagnetic force moves slightly, and the projectile produced this time has undergone a slight transformation, which will release a large amount of lightning.

The blue light of the muzzle flashed, and a thunder light erupted again.

"Blast! Blast!"

"As the roar of the explosion dissipates..."

Most of the members of the demolition team have a different kind of pleasure in the explosion. As soon as they heard the sound of the explosion, the adrenaline surged, and the whole person was filled with climax-like pleasure.

Suddenly, a blue light flashed across.

It directly hit a jumping clay frog, and the thunder light jumped a few times, and in an instant, it turned into a grid of electric grids, walking on the entire piece of clay creatures.

After twitching a few times in the thunder light, those jumping clay creatures were all misfired and turned into the original clay.

The members of the demolition team were eagerly looking forward to it like fools, but there was no earth-shattering explosion as expected.

Only the light of thunder that beats slightly from time to time, as if to laugh at their stupidity.

"What's wrong?"

"What about the explosion?"

As soon as the thought came up, I saw that it had been stagnant for a long time, and the blue light representing the **** of death reappeared.

The chest of a stunned member of the demolition team exploded directly, and on the corpse, the thunder light kept beating, deactivating all the surrounding clay.

Then, another person.

This time it's the abdomen, and the **** pothole with the mouth of the bowl is scary.

Where the bullet was embedded, the thunder arc jumped in a wide range, and the surrounding clay creatures were also misfiring.

The third…

the fourth…

the fifth…

After restraining the detonating clay, the attacker seemed to have no worries, and the attack frequency increased significantly.

One after another, headless or broken corpses fell, and the **** scene kept hitting Hunter's brain.

Demolition squads became death squads.

Hunt's pupils trembled slightly.

He suddenly thought.

Before the outbreak of the war, the village of Iwahidden sent an advance force to be stationed in the Windmill Town of the Country of Grass.

Suddenly one day, almost all the scouts lost contact at the same time, and in the end, even the entire advance team lost contact.

Onogi was furious.

Send out a large number of Iwanin to investigate.

They found the corpses of those scouts near the country of grass. Everyone was a one-hit kill, and embedded metal particles were found in their bodies.

There were many scouts, even lurking in the soil, when they were suddenly killed by that attack.

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