The failure of the demolition team made the frontal battlefield useless.

The reason why they suddenly launched an attack was just to move the tiger away from the mountain and create opportunities for the mission of the demolition team.

Once the entire Konoha camp is destroyed, no matter how strong the Konoha side is, there is no way to recover.

The end can only be slaughtered by the rock ninja troops.


All fails.

Loess gritted his teeth and looked up at the figure in the sky.

It's him!

Two consecutive failures are all because of this person!

He suddenly began to understand Luo Sha, that unfortunate Kazekage was also played by Hyuga Satoru again and again like this.

In the end all hope was destroyed.

Heart ashes...

"Retreat! Retreat!"

The voice of the loess sounded on the battlefield, and the pressure in the hearts of the rock ninjas was suddenly relieved after hearing it, and they hurriedly fled back.

Hyuga Satoru brought too much pressure.

Even if the loess didn't give an order, as long as no one blocked the man in the air, they would be defeated by fear in a short time.

Release several large earth escapes in succession to block the pursuit of Konoha ninjas.

Loess looked away from Hyuga Satoru who was in the air, and ran to the distance resolutely.


Hyuga Satoru let out a long breath and landed from the sky.

In the end, it was a psychological battle.

His chakra is about to be exhausted, and the Rock Ninja troops still have a certain advantage in number. If they really fight to the death, I am afraid it will be very troublesome.

But it seems that their will of stone is not strong?

Zilai also walked towards him and asked quickly.

"God, what happened in the camp?"

"Well, the frontal battlefield is just a pretense. The real purpose of Iwa Shinobu is to let the demolition team sneak up on the empty camp at the rear."

"Demolition team???"

He also took a deep breath.

The Rock Ninja Demolition Team was the ace of the ninja world famous during World War II.

The most dangerous tasks were performed, and the explosion and escape secret technique mastered did not know how much damage was caused.

Konoha executives once wanted to organize such an ace team, but they couldn't crack the secret of the detonating clay.

Thinking of this, Jiraiya's heart couldn't help but get heavier, and he asked a little nervously.

"Wow, those demolition teams didn't cause a lot of damage, did they?"

After all, it will take some time to get back to the camp from here. If you want to know the information, the first priority is naturally Hyuga Satoru who has white eyes.

"Oh, probably not. They were all killed by me before they started."

Hyuga Satoru thought for a while and said casually.

"Oh, all right."

Jiraiya also exhaled and relaxed.

It's fortunate that it didn't cause a lot of damage. As for the demolition team... As long as they are well protected in the future, they shouldn't be allowed to seize the opportunity again.

and many more…

Jiraiya seemed to have thought of something, and suddenly raised his head, looking at Hinata Satoru with a hint of surprise and disbelief.

"Wu, what did you just say?"

"No big loss."

"The last sentence."

"I killed them all before I started..."

Jiraiya was stunned for a while, then raised his head and laughed.

"Hahaha... Oh Yemu's beard is going to be crooked this time!"

"The ace troop of Yanyin Village, a special team cultivated by exhausting the strength of the entire village, has actually been wiped out!"

"Hahaha... That's great, Satoru!"

Jirai also took a step forward, his generous palm excitedly patted on Hyuga Satoru's shoulder, his face filled with indescribable surprise.

"Wu, this time you are really the hero of the village, hahaha..."

Hyuga Satoru was embarrassed and wanted to push Jiraiya's palm away, but after a few tries, he found that the opponent was surprisingly strong, so he gave up.

On a messy battlefield.

Hyuga Satoru just stood in the middle, surrounded by the adoring eyes of Konoha ninjas, and Jiraiya's bold laughter constantly echoed on the battlefield.

Leaf Camp.

Command camp.

After taking an inventory of post-war losses.

Jiraiya's face was a little dignified, and his brows were wrinkled in the face of a plate of data on the table.

On the frontal battlefield, since the number of Iwa Shinobi exceeds that of Konoha, the number of losses is not small.

As for the camp, fortunately, Hyuga Satoru had insight into the other party's conspiracy in time.

Destroyed all members of the demolition team.

It didn't cause much damage.

In comparison, the losses on Iwa Shinobi's side must be far greater than on Konoha's side.

Especially if the demolition team was wiped out, even in the next ten years, Yanyin Village may not be able to gather enough ninjas to form the demolition team.

At present, the most cruel battlefield of the entire three battles is the Iwanin battlefield.

If Iwayin Village can be defeated as soon as possible, I am afraid that the three battles will be over soon.

However, Iwahidemura's stubbornness was far beyond his imagination.

Zilai also stared at the sand table in front of him, pondered for a long time, and an idea suddenly came to his mind.

Taking a long breath, he ordered in a deep voice.

"Go and call Watergate, I have an important task to entrust to him."

The Konoha ninja outside the tent nodded slightly.

"Yes, Lord Jiraiya."

In the quiet tent, Jiraiya crossed his hands against his chin, staring solemnly at the sand table in front of him.

To be precise, it is a bridge in the sand table.

A few small prints are written below.

God has no bridge.

Rock ninja camp.

Onogi's eyes were ashes as he stared at the open space outside the tent.

Not long ago, he had just learned the latest information on that war.

Feijian beheaded hundreds of Yannin, Lao Zi was defeated by the front, and the demolition team was wiped out...

When he saw the first two pieces of information, although Ohnogi was angry, he had already foreseen it.

But the last piece of information completely shattered his heart.

Demolition team... annihilated...

how is this possible…

That is the ace team built with all the strength of Yanyin Village!

Until now, he was still in disbelief, unable to believe this horrific result.

"Father, you still underestimate him..."

The loess standing next to him let out a sigh of relief with a complicated expression.

It can be said that the two consecutive defeats were all because of that ninja named Hinata Satoru.

If it wasn't for him, Yanyin Village would never have gotten into the current situation.

"He has mastered a long-range sniping technique with a range of more than 5 kilometers, far exceeding the distance shown on the Sand Ninja battlefield."

"I don't know yet if this is his limit."

"That's how the demolition team was killed by him. The advance force led by the frozen soil should also be because of him..."

"I see."

Onogi seems to have aged ten years.

Weakly interrupted him.

Before the war broke out, a large number of scouts and advance troops in Yanyin Village disappeared, and it seems that he did it.


How old is he?

How will it grow in the future?

A **** of ninjas like Senju Hashima?

"Pass the order, move the entire camp back 3 kilometers, and double the number of scouts patrolling outside the camp."

The range of 5 kilometers should not be the sniper limit of Hyuga Satoru, and Ohnogi can only increase the distance between the camps as much as possible, and send more patrolling scouts to prevent his sniping.

"Yes." The loess responded in a deep voice.

"in addition…"

Onogi's eyes narrowed slightly.

"It's time for a decisive battle. I will take action myself. Since I underestimated him, I failed."

"Then, it's up to me to kill him myself."


The loess stared at Ohnogi blankly.

The last time I saw this momentum in Ohnogi was on the eve of the decisive battle with the three generations of Raikage.

Immediately, a surge of joy came to my heart.

His father is one of the strongest ninjas in the ninja world, and he is eliminated by the blood of dust.

No matter how strong that Hyuga Satoru is, he can't turn the waves, and Chen Dun is enough to reverse everything.

"Great, as long as my father takes action, Yanyin Village will not be defeated!"

Huang Tu said in surprise.

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