"Electromagnetic force???"

Hinata Satoru was stunned for a long time, and it took him a while to come back to his senses.

I awakened the electromagnetic force?

The electromagnetic force, one of the four fundamental forces?

At the same time, Hinata Satoru noticed some changes in his body. An indescribable feeling of comfort surged from every cell, and the whole person was refreshed.

He suddenly thought that the human body's redox life activities at every moment are constantly generating weak bioelectric currents, and each cell is a miniature biological battery.

In simple terms, everyone has his own unique magnetic field, the biomagnetic field.

Could it be that this feeling of refreshment is due to the awakening of the electromagnetic force, which greatly amplified his own biomagnetic field and then fed back to the body?

Hinata Satoru remembered that in his previous life, many unscrupulous businessmen would lie that the insoles and underwear they sold contained Tianshan magnets, which could amplify the human body's biomagnetism and have the effect of prolonging life and curing Miraculous effect on cancer.

That kind of thing is a definite IQ tax, but in my current situation, it seems that my biomagnetic field has really been amplified.

Could it be that I can really manipulate electromagnetic force?

Hinata Satoru swallowed his saliva and tentatively stretched his hand towards the kitchen. The dinner knife that was inserted diagonally on the chopping board trembled a few times and flew over staggeringly.

Although the trajectory was like drunk driving, Hinata Satoru couldn't help but be ecstatic in his heart.

Electromagnetic force!

It's really electromagnetic force!

He was a science student in his previous life, so he couldn't be unfamiliar with electromagnetic force!

Magneto, who is so powerful, has only initially developed electromagnetic force, and at best can only be regarded as the King of Iron. As one of the four basic forces, electromagnetic force is completely incomparable to ninjutsu!

You know, Sister Misaka? The ruthless man who pierced the cruiser with a coin. Using the Ampere force generated by the electromagnetic field to accelerate the metal and give it extremely high kinetic energy, this is the electromagnetic gun!

Using electromagnetic force to blast Hit heavy atomic nuclei to split them into two or more atomic nuclei, release neutrons and cause a chain fission reaction. In simple terms, it is like rubbing a nuclear bomb with your hands.

Light has wave-particle duality. Electromagnetic force is used to distort photons to create ultra-large-scale holographic projections. Illusions are nothing.

Electromagnetic force interferes with the brain's electrical signals and directly manipulates the opponent's vision, hearing and touch. This is the real puppetry!

Celestial bodies all have magnetic fields!

If the manipulated electromagnetic force is strong enough, you can even drag planets with your bare hands. Mars hitting the earth and the sky shaking the star are nothing. Madara is an expert. Think a little bigger. Are you you?


You are just an aggregation of tiny atoms. Everything you do is just the result of the constant movement of these atoms. Your past, present and future are all like this.

Use electromagnetic force to manipulate the movement of atoms. All changes are under your control. Look at the universe. Zhou, omniscient and omnipotent, you are God, and God is you.

In short, as long as you have a strong enough grasp of electromagnetic force, there is almost nothing you can't do!

Hinata Satoru took a deep breath and suppressed the shock and surprise in his heart.

Fortunately, he was a science student before he traveled through time, otherwise he would have a mountain of treasures but didn't know how to use them.

Life is really unpredictable, and the big intestines are wrapped in small intestines.

In the morning, he was still worried about surviving to the end, and now he has obtained a terrifying ability that can be called a BUG.

After calming down, Hinata Satoru began to test his ability to control electromagnetic force.

There are many metal objects in the kitchen, and there are enough materials for Hinata Satoru to experiment.

After a test, he roughly figured out the extent of his ability. Under the LV1 level of electromagnetic force ability, his control of electromagnetic force is limited to the manipulation of some easily magnetized metals, and he can use the ability of magnetic fields initially, including but not limited to magnetization and discharge.

In addition, the continuous use or development of electromagnetic force will increase experience points. His previous experiment increased his experience points by 2 points, and there is still a long way to go before upgrading to LV2's 2000 points.

Hinata Satoru smacked his lips, not feeling disappointed. Most of the ninja items were made of metal that was easily magnetized. With his current abilities, he might be able to take the life of a Genin unexpectedly.

Can you believe it?

Eating hot pot and singing songs, and suddenly the head was gone?

After the experiment, Hinata Satoru felt weak, and the weak chakra in his body had dried up a lot.

After all, Hinata was from a famous family in Konoha, and the chakra refining technique was widely circulated. His father also left behind some notes on chakra refining, so he had practiced chakra refining before entering school and had a small amount of chakra.

The consumption of electromagnetic force is mainly mental and physical strength. The more intuitive manifestation is chakra. After all, chakra is a combination of mental and physical strength.


Hinata Satoru uttered a light"huh?" The chakra that had just been consumed in his body was recovering rapidly, and the momentum was even stronger than before.

He soon thought that his biomagnetic field had become much stronger under the amplification of electromagnetic force, and the mental power and physical strength required for chakra extraction were all related to the biomagnetic field. Under this amplification, his chakra amount naturally increased.

Then, Hinata Satoru thought about maximizing the development of his abilities. He still had a lot of experience points for LV2 electromagnetic force, and there was no hope of upgrading in the short term. He could combine his hardware conditions to maximize the ability of electromagnetic force. This was his goal at this stage.

Can the Byakugan, the blood limit of the Hyuga family, be combined with electromagnetic force?

If it was a high-level electromagnetic force, the Byakugan would naturally be too useless, but the current electromagnetic force, etc. level, the Byakugan seems to have many magical uses.

His ability of perspective is about one kilometer, and it will continue to increase with practice, which means that within a one-kilometer range, all enemies cannot escape his electromagnetic cannon attack, a complete map cannon!

In addition, the soft fist seems to be able to be combined with electromagnetic force. Conventional soft fists attack the meridians and block the opponent's chakra flow, but under the acceleration and accumulation of electromagnetic force, one palm strike may kill the person.

There is also the Eight Trigrams Empty Palm, others use air cannons, and I use electromagnetic cannons.

Hmm... there is a way.

Hinata Satoru rubbed his chin, and the smile in his eyes became deeper and deeper.


At this moment, his stomach growled, and Hinata Satoru looked out the window, only to realize that it was completely dark outside. After awakening the electromagnetic force and conducting experiments, he didn't know how much time had passed, and his stomach completely stopped.

"Just right, let's treat this cooking as part of our training!"

Hinata Satoru smiled and rolled up his sleeves, turned on the tap to wash the vegetables, and the kitchen knife on the chopping board trembled a few times, then staggered and flew up to automatically cut the vegetables he had washed. It was already late at night outside, and in the silence, his thin figure and the flying kitchen knife were reflected on the kitchen window.

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