"Hey, my kidneys are hot?"

This thought just came to my mind when it was swallowed up by severe pain and fear. The rock armor kept breaking apart, revealing the original flesh.

"You... this is a soft fist?" The tall rock ninja asked with a pale face.

"I don't think so."

Hinata Satoru thought for a while and said.

Strictly speaking, this move is the 2.0 version of the Magnetic Palm. The first generation of the Magnetic Palm uses the principle of electromagnetic pulses, which causes burning and impact damage to the human body. But in the 2.0 version, Hinata Satoru tried to combine the soft fist technique with the Magnetic Palm he developed, using the soft fist technique to hit the damage of the Magnetic Palm from the inside.

This is why the opponent's rock armor is so fragile, because the damage is from the inside.

Hinata Satoru never sticks to the form, and combines various techniques to launch To exert greater power is his pursuit and goal.

With his internal organs critically hit and his kidney flying out of thin air, the tall Rock Ninja finally fell to the ground powerlessly after letting out a wail of unwillingness.

Hinata Satoru looked towards Uchiha Rin's position, and saw that the battle over there had also entered a white-hot stage. The Rock Ninja used his ninja sword to suppress Uchiha Rin and made him retreat step by step.

After seeing his companion being killed by Hinata Satoru, the Rock Ninja let out a sad and angry roar, bloodshot in his eyes, and the offensive of the ninja sword suddenly increased, and for a moment, Uchiha Rin was suppressed and in danger.

""It's over!"

Hinata Satoru's heart trembled.

However, under the continuous attacks, Uchiha Rin had a small gap, but the rock ninja seized this gap and slashed at Uchiha Rin's head with his ninja sword, his eyes ferocious.


The scene seemed to be frozen, with only the sound of flesh being pierced and the red blood flowing continuously.

The body of the rock ninja seemed to solidify, and his pupils kept trembling. The ninja sword passed through Uchiha Rin's side, cutting off a section of black hair.

He opened his mouth and wanted to say something, but he just kept spitting out red foam. A kunai was stuck in his throat, and blood kept flowing down along the slender fingers holding the kunai.

In Uchiha Rin's cold eyes, scarlet as blood, a black magatama slowly rotated.

Hinata Satoru arrived and swallowed his saliva.

"Are you OK?"

"Wu, you are right. Sharingan can only be activated in life-and-death situations.

Pulling out a kunai and shaking off the blood, Uchiha Rin spoke calmly.


Hinata Satoru breathed a sigh of relief, then his face turned strange. She awakened the Sharingan before she was 9 years old. There was no doubt that Uchiha Rin was a true genius.

He was so close to her, would he be sacrificed to the gods one day?

Probably... No way.

""Where's Red Bean?" Uchiha Rin asked. Hinata Satoru looked over and saw that the Genin who was fighting with Red Bean suddenly had a bunch of black bugs crawling out from under his feet. They rushed over to eat his flesh and blood, and he screamed.

""It's over..." Hongdou wiped the sweat off her head and sat down on the ground.

Aburame Zhiwei appeared on the battlefield and looked at the few people with appreciation.

"You are all quite good. You have completed the mission perfectly despite facing ninjas who outnumber you."

"No, it's all thanks to Wu and Rin. I didn't even defeat a single Genin."Hongdou was dejected. This battle made her see the gap between herself and her teammates.

"No, Hongdou, you are already very good. The Genin fighting against you is already at a disadvantage. Even if I didn't make a move, you would still be the winner in the end."

Hongdou said nothing, lowering her head slightly.

"Teacher Zhiwei, go check out the supplies that the Rock Ninjas have collected.


When he arrived at the carriage, Hinata Satoru found that the Iwagakure who had been guarding the supplies was gone. He suddenly had a bad feeling. He lifted the cargo cloth covering the carriage and was stunned. There were only some empty wooden boxes in the carriage with anti-peeping spells, and no supplies at all.

"be cheated!"

"This carriage is just a cover, the real supplies might have been moved away with the Sealing Scroll long ago."

Aburame Shiwei's heart sank. In order to take care of the students' safety during the battle, he had focused all his attention on the other side. He didn't expect that something would go wrong here.

Hinata Satoru immediately opened his Byakugan. From his Byakugan perspective, he saw a Chunin running madly into the distance with a huge scroll on his back nearly a kilometer away.

It was the Rock Ninja who had left the supplies behind before!

"At that location, it's about 800 meters away from here."Hinata Satoru immediately pointed out the location of the fleeing Iwagakure from the Byakugan's perspective. Aburame Shiwei looked over and saw a black dot vaguely on the green edge in the distance on the vast grassland, which was getting smaller and smaller.

Aburame Shiwei quickly analyzed the situation in her mind and sighed helplessly.

"Even if this mission fails, I will explain to the Hokage that it was my mistake and you all performed very well."

"Wait, Teacher Zhiwei, can you use the insect swarm to lift me up? It doesn't need to be too high, 5 meters is enough."

Aburame Zhiwei was puzzled and said,"Based on your weight, it is possible to use insects to build a platform to lift you to this height, but……"

"There is no time to hesitate, hurry up!" Hinata Satoru looked at him seriously.


Although he didn't know what his student wanted to do, he could only trust him now.

Aburame Shiwei raised his palm, and countless black insects emerged from his body, flew to Hinata Satoru's feet, and condensed into a black platform, which lifted him up shakily.

"A little higher."

Aburame Shiwei increased the output of the insect swarm and dragged Hinata Satoru to a height of 5 meters.

"What do you want to do?"

He looked up at Hinata Satoru on the black platform solemnly.

Stepping on the soft insect mat, Hinata Satoru took a deep breath, took out a scroll from his arms, and a glimmer of hope flashed in his eyes.

"The first actual combat of the electromagnetic sniper, don't let me down!"


The white mist dissipated, and a strange metal crossbow appeared in Hinata Satoru's hand, reflecting a slight cold light.���

"That is...Satoru! Are you finally going to use it?"

Below, Uchiha Rin's eyes flashed.

What is that?

Aburame Zhiwei looked at the ninja tool in Hinata Satoru's hand in astonishment.

Is it a bow?

Is it a crossbow?


It's an electromagnetic cannon!

Hinata Satoru took a deep breath, picked up a metal arrow and put it on the bowstring, and began to build an electromagnetic propulsion, with the tip of the arrow aimed at the black dot in the distance that was so small that it was almost invisible.

The electromagnetic propulsion is being built... The construction is completed!

Measuring wind speed...

Calculating air humidity...

Calculating gravity acceleration...

Byakugan perspective correction, aiming at the target.

Hinata Satoru held his breath, and the fingers holding the bowstring loosened slightly. In an instant, accompanied by a sharp explosion, the metal arrow turned into a blue lightning arc and disappeared.

"Go, only my railgun!" he roared in his heart


"What a close call! Looks like they didn't catch up with us!"

Hui Tu, who was desperately trying to escape, looked back and gasped for breath.

"I didn't expect that Yantu and the others were all killed. What a terrifying Konoha brat. When I return to the Hidden Rock Village this time, I must ask the Tsuchikage to be on high alert, especially that white-eyed brat.……"

Hui Tu thought of the two teammates who died tragically, and suddenly a chill rose in his heart. This horrible white-eyed brat must not be allowed to live! Just as the thought arose in his mind, a strong sense of life and death suddenly exploded from his back. He simply turned his head, and his pupils suddenly shrank.

He saw a metal arrow wrapped in lightning arcs, shooting at him like thunder.

Hui Tu's eyes were bloodshot.

What kind of ninjutsu is this!!!

Before he roared, the arrow had already arrived. The terrifying penetrating power instantly tore his body and the scroll behind him apart, and smashed him firmly on the ground.


On the insect mat, Hinata Satoru put down the bow and arrow he was holding high, raised the corners of his mouth slightly, and murmured in a voice that only he could hear.

"The target has been eliminated."

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