What should I do?

Seeing that they had already discovered the other party, but they could not get any information, Hinata Satoru became anxious.

His Byakugan could indeed see the general situation of the base, but it was too far away, so he could only see the general arrangement of personnel and the flow of chakra.

What did the mysterious jonin talk about after he returned, what kind of force the other party was, and what their purpose was, nothing was known.

After thinking for a while, Hinata Satoru could not help but speak.

"Teacher Zhiwei, my Byakugan can roughly see the situation of the base. The enemy's ninjas are numerous and much stronger than the Rock Ninja Squad in the capital. If we don't find out their purpose, I'm afraid this mission will fail."

"I understand." Aburame Shiwei smiled bitterly,"But given the current situation, if we approach rashly, we may be besieged by the enemy ninja."

Hinata Satoru's eyes flickered. According to the Byakugan vision, the range of the perception barrier is 3 kilometers in radius. As long as you step into this range, you will be discovered by the enemy.

"Teacher Zhiwei, can you use parasites to infiltrate and gather intelligence?"

"No."Aburame Shiwei shook her head,"I've tried it just now, the distance is too far, the maximum control range of my parasite is 2 kilometers, beyond this range, it will lose its direction because the command cannot be transmitted."

Is that so...

Hinata Satoru frowned, the parasite only has a control range of two kilometers, will it lose its direction in the last kilometer because of the loss of commands?


In other words, if there is a way to replace the designated transmission of the last kilometer, can we control the parasite to search for intelligence?

After thinking for a while, Hinata Satoru's eyes gradually lit up.

"Teacher Zhiwei, without considering the situation of returning, can you fix the command to fly three kilometers away to search for intelligence in the consciousness of the parasite?"

Aburame Zhiwei thought for a while and said,"If it is just a simple implantation of the command, it can be done, but once the distance exceeds two kilometers, I will lose control of the parasite, and then I can only leave it to fate."

Hinata Satoru took a deep breath and said,"Then teacher, quickly pick out a few strong parasites, I have a way"

"What method?" Aburame Zhiwei looked at him in surprise.

"It's very complicated to explain, teacher, please pick out the parasite first."

Aburame Shiwei nodded, stretched out his left hand, and several black bugs crawled from his sleeves to his fingertips.

Hinata Satoru took two kunai, rubbed them against each other for a few times, and ground out some metal particles. He picked up a small amount of metal particles with his fingers and put them on the back of the parasite.

The position he chose was very clever, just enough to fix it stably on the insect without interfering with the flight of the parasite.

After doing all this, Hinata Satoru looked at Aburame Shiwei and said,"Teacher, now let's root the command to explore intelligence in the consciousness of the parasite."

""Okay." Aburame Shiwei responded helplessly. Although she didn't know what Hinata Satoru was up to, she could only trust him now.

The parasite that received the order staggered and flew up, disappearing into the depths of the jungle.

After a while, Aburame Shiwei sighed.

"I lost control of the parasite."

Hinata Satoru said nothing, looking straight ahead.

Time passed by bit by bit, the atmosphere gradually became oppressive, the air seemed to have turned into calm water, and the breathing of the two people became slow.

Aburame Shiwei's eyes changed from expectation at the beginning, to worry later, and then to disappointment now.

So much time has passed, I'm afraid the parasite that has lost its command has been lost, and it is impossible to bring back the information. The reason why he didn't choose to go back was that he didn't want to discourage Hinata Satoru. His student was so confident that he couldn't refuse.

After all, no one knows more about parasites than the Aburame clan, and the two-kilometer limit is an unchangeable fatal flaw.

Thinking of this, Aburame Shiwei's heart gradually became heavy.

At this moment, he seemed to sense something and raised his head suddenly.

After a while, he saw several small black bugs staggering towards here.

"It actually worked?"

Aburame Shiwei opened her mouth in shock.

Beside him, Hinata Satoru's mouth curled up slightly.

The iron filings placed on the parasite insects were used to locate the magnetic poles.

In his previous life, he often heard that before an earthquake occurred somewhere, a large number of birds and insects could be seen migrating. The reason was that birds and insects were very sensitive to changes in the geomagnetic field.

Some flying insects even use the magnetic substances in their bodies for geomagnetic orientation when migrating!

Although Hinata Satoru could not change the geomagnetic field, he could simulate some changes in the geomagnetic field at his own location, and then orient himself through the magnetic substances placed on the parasite insects.

This is a biological instinct imprinted in the DNA of insects in tens of millions of years of natural evolution!

At the same time, Aburame Shiwei next to him also absorbed the information sent back by the parasite insects, and a gleam of brilliance flashed in his eyes!

"I didn’t expect it to be like this!"


Two days later, outside the black market, a disguised rock ninja wrapped the scroll in his clothes, observed the surroundings, and walked to the front of the hotel.

"Lord Shantu, the supplies have arrived."

"Very good." The jonin named Yamato spoke approvingly.

"With such a large amount of supplies, Lord Tsuchikage will definitely reward us when we return. We are preparing to return. We have been in the Iron Country for so long that our bodies are getting rusty. The seven-member team began to move out of the capital.

In the forest, the mood of several people was quite high.

"Which seller do you think sold off such a large amount of supplies and gave us a bargain?"

"Yes, I didn't expect that I only planned to go to the Iron Country to buy some iron tools, but I accidentally found such a big gain.

""Hahaha." A Rock Ninja laughed,"It's a pity that the identities of both parties in the black market are kept secret, otherwise I should thank the other party this time."

However, as soon as he finished speaking, he heard a sharp sound of breaking through the air, and the Rock Ninja's expression froze instantly, his mouth opened wide, his throat seemed to be cut by a sharp weapon, and blood splattered.

The Rock Ninja's throat rolled, and bright red foam continued to overflow from his mouth, and he fell straight down powerlessly.

Seeing his companion die so miserably in front of him, Yamatsu's eyes were bloodshot, and he screamed with all his strength.

"Enemy attack!!!"

Just as he finished speaking, with a few swishing sounds, several figures surrounded the Rock Ninja Squad, and the leader spoke indifferently:

"There is no need to thank you. If you really want to thank me, just leave your life behind."

"Who are you guys?" Shan Tu's eyes were bloodshot, and he squeezed out these words from between his teeth.

"The dead don't need to know so much?"

The red-haired man in the lead waved his hand, and pieces of gold dust particles were swept away like golden waves.

Shan Tu's pupils shrank.

"Magnetic escape? You are from the Sand Village!"

After using earth escape to block the huge wave of gold sand, Shan Tu cursed.

"Does the Sand Village want to go to war with the Rock Village? How dare they kill us halfway? If the Tsuchikage-sama finds out, have you thought about the consequences?"

"Consequences? As long as you all die here, what consequences are there?"

"Burning escape! Steaming to kill!"

It was not Luosha who spoke, but a female ninja in the back who was wearing cool clothes. She waved her hand, and an orange-red fireball swept towards a rock ninja who was resisting the Sand ninja. With a shrill scream, the water in the rock ninja's body evaporated instantly, and he became a miserable state like a mummy.

Yamado's heart sank. Magnet escape Luosha, burning escape Ye Cang, the Sand Village actually sent out two bloody ninjas. I'm afraid this time it's really dangerous...

At the same time, one kilometer away from the battle, two figures were hiding in the treetops of a big tree, quietly observing.

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