"Are you sure? This is what we present to Master Zhiwei!"

"How can this be? It's too much!"

"that is……"

Seeing Hinata Satoru wasting the food they brought, the caravan members gritted their teeth. The leader, Iyama Taro, winked at them and said in a low voice:

"Since they are students of Lord Zhiwei, it is the same to let them eat. As long as they can leave a good impression in Lord Zhiwei's mind, their safety will be guaranteed with his help in the future journey."

Hearing this, the caravan members nodded, with a smile on their faces.

In any case, their goal has been achieved. I believe that after sending so many delicacies and praising them, Lord Zhiwei's favorability towards them has been maxed out, right?

If the caravan encounters danger in the future, Lord Zhiwei will definitely not stand idly by.

Thinking of this, these people finally returned to their posts with satisfaction.

On the side, the trembling fists in Aburame Zhiwei's wide sleeves finally relaxed, and he let out a long breath.

Just a little bit, he was about to explode, and he wished he could feed all these people to the bugs!

I really don't understand, I have already made it clear that I don't need them, why are these people still pestering him? Dealing with people is really troublesome. Compared with that, killing is much simpler.

Aburame Zhiwei shook his head helplessly.

After adjusting his emotions, he looked at the position of Hinata Satoru, who was walking side by side with Might Dai, happily eating the food in his hands.

A hint of curiosity emerged in his eyes, and he thought to himself:"Satoru asked the two of them to join the team. He must have his own plans, right? What could it be?"

After finishing the watermelon in his hand, Hinata Satoru threw the watermelon rind to the back of the road and wiped his mouth with satisfaction.

"Senior Dai, Kai, are you full?"

""I'm full, I'm full."

The two of them rubbed their stomachs comfortably.

Dai looked at Hinata Satoru with an embarrassed look on his face.

"Wu, thank you so much this time. Not only did you let us join the team, but you also gave us such delicious food. I don't know how to repay you."

"Senior Dai, it's too formal to say this. Kai is my classmate, so it's my duty to help you."

Hinata Satoru showed a relatively sunny smile, paused, and added:"But speaking of it, I do have a question about cultivation that I would like to ask Senior."

"Practice? I'm just a Genin, I'm afraid I can't guide you."Matt Dai hesitated.

"It's okay, as long as Senior Dai is willing to give guidance"

""Okay! Just ask anything I can help with." Dai said with a carefree smile.

Hinata Satoru's mouth curled up slightly. It was as easy as he imagined.

In the eyes of others, Might Dai was just an ordinary Genin, but only he knew how terrifying the strength of this ten thousand year old Genin was.

The strongest in the caravan was not Aburame Shiwei, but Might Dai after he opened the Eight Gates!

In the original work, he kicked the Seven Ninja Swordsmen from a basket of fruits to the Three Lucky Treasures. The three people who were lucky enough to survive were so scared that they dared not set foot in the Land of Fire for the rest of their lives.

It is conceivable how terrifying Might Dai is after opening the Eight Gates!

When Hinata Satoru saw Might Dai constantly bowing and apologizing to the leading ninja, he felt a sense of Inappropriately weird, from the perspective of electromagnetic perception, Might Dai, who kept apologizing humbly, had a biomagnetic field as terrifying as the sun!

He was definitely the one with the strongest biomagnetic field among all the ninjas he had met! Even the Hokage couldn't compare.

Compared to him, the arrogant Jonin was just a firefly.

The strength of the biomagnetic field is closely related to physical strength. It is conceivable how terrifying Might Dai's body has become after practicing the Eight Gates.

After a pause, Hinata Satoru asked:"Senior Dai, I have been practicing physical skills recently. When my physical strength is about to be exhausted, I always feel some boundaries vaguely, like……"

After a pause, Hinata Satoru looked at Might Dai and said,"Some kind of shackles that restrain the body's strength."

"Shackles?" Kai next to him showed a puzzled look,"Is there such a thing? Why didn't I find it when I was practicing?""

"So you haven't worked hard enough, Kai!" Might Dai rolled his eyes at him, then looked at Hinata Satoru with a hint of surprise in his eyes.

"Wu, I didn't expect you to be so talented in physical skills. You have even touched the limit of the Eight Gates."

"Eight Gates?"

Hinata Satoru pretended to be puzzled and looked at Might Dai.

Might Dai was straightforward and had no intention of hiding anything. He smiled and said,"After the body has been trained to a certain level, you can feel the existence of shackles in your body. These shackles are called the Eight Gates. Once the shackles are broken, you can burst out with extraordinary power."

Kai looked at Might Dai in surprise when he heard what he said. He had never heard of this, and the ninja teacher at school had not taught this.

"Does Dad still use this kind of physical technique?"

"Of course."

Might Dai gave a thumbs up and said,"This is the only unique skill I have mastered after twenty years of hard training. I plan to teach it to you after you grow up for a while."

Hinata Satoru was ecstatic, but his face did not show the slightest bit. He looked at Might Dai with a little hesitation and asked,"Although I can feel the shackles, if I break them forcibly, it may cause some damage, right?"


Mighty nodded and looked at Hinata Satoru with a serious expression.

"Honestly, I don't recommend you to try to open the eight gates at this age, but since you can sense the existence of the eight gates, it means you should have reached the threshold of practicing the eight gates.……"

Might Dai didn't even think about keeping the secret, and in his eyes, the Eight Gates of Ninjutsu was not a very precious secret technique. Given his personality, Hinata Satoru's help was a favor to him, and a favor must be repaid.

At this moment, hearing Hinata Satoru's request, Might Dai almost immediately revealed all the key points of practicing the Eight Gates of Ninjutsu, which immediately made Hinata Satoru suddenly enlightened.

"Thank you for your guidance, Senior Dai."

Hinata Satoru bowed slightly to Might Dai with gratitude.

"No, no, no! I'm just a Genin. I'm very happy to be able to help you. Besides, you let us join the team, so I should be the one thanking you."Matt Dai was at a loss.


Immediately, Hinata Satoru looked at Might Guy seriously and said,"I feel that the Eight Gates Ninjutsu taught me by Senior Dai is not as simple as it seems. You must learn from him."

"Really? But my dad is just a Genin!"Kai grabbed his hair hesitantly. At this stage, he had not practiced the Eight Gates Ninja and still had some doubts about this technique.

But since Wu attached so much importance to this technique, he also secretly paid attention to it in his heart. Hinata

Wu took a breath. After learning the practice method of the Eight Gates Ninja, he suddenly had a premonition in his heart that after he finished practicing the Eight Gates Ninja, his strength would have some earth-shaking changes.

He didn't know the source of this feeling, it was just out of intuition.

It seems that after this mission is completed, I must find an opportunity to practice the Eight Gates Ninja, he secretly said in his heart.

After getting the practice method of the Eight Gates Ninja, Hinata Wu returned to the center of the team, and Uchiha Rin came over curiously.

""Satoru, were you asking Might Dai for advice just now? But he's just a Genin!"

Because of the distance, she only saw the end of the convoy. Hinata Satoru seemed to be asking Might Dai some questions, but she didn't hear the specific content.

"Don't underestimate Konoha's Genin."Hinata Satoru looked at her deeply.

Uchiha Rin: ???

What's so great about Konoha's Genin?

She showed a puzzled look and was about to ask something, but the Aburame Shiwei next to her suddenly stopped and frowned, looking at a forest in the distance.

"Teacher, what's wrong?"Hinata Satoru asked

"The bugs discovered the ambush." Aburame Shiwei said in a deep voice.

Hearing this, Hinata Satoru frowned and opened his Byakugan.

The next second, his face became serious.

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