Fire Country Forest.

Seeing that Zhiwei's team had stopped, the caravan members were stunned and asked,"What's wrong?"

Hinata Satoru shrugged and said,"There is an ambush point 100 meters ahead. If you find it troublesome, you can just rush over."


Hearing these two words, panic gradually spread among the caravan. The whole team stopped moving forward and blocked the middle of the road.

"that……"The caravan leader swallowed and looked at Aburame Zhiwei tentatively,"Master Zhiwei, do we need to go around?"

"It doesn't matter."Aburame Shiwei said expressionlessly.

It doesn't matter? The caravan leader was stunned. What does it mean to not matter? Should we move forward or not? We sent so many precious delicacies to please you, you can't just sit back and watch.

At this moment, a group of ninjas suddenly jumped out of the woods in front of the caravan, holding kunai, with ferocious faces and scars on their exposed skin, and surrounded them with a grin.

"It looks like you've been discovered, but it doesn't matter, you can't escape anyway!"

"Such a large caravan is a big fat sheep."


Most of the caravan members were just ordinary people. They had never seen such a scene before. They were so frightened that they trembled all over and almost collapsed.

"A wandering ninja?"

"How come there are so many stray ninjas?"


Hinata Satoru narrowed his eyes. The so-called wandering ninjas mostly refer to ninjas who rebelled against the village or ninjas without power. Compared with ordinary ninjas, they are much more brutal because of their long-term wandering. They survive by robbing and looting, and are the most feared existence of the caravan.

In the original work, Zabuza and Haku, whom the prince met on his first mission, were a pair of wandering ninjas.

Judging from the size of this group of wandering ninjas blocking the road, it should be the largest group in the vicinity. Before

Shiwei's team took any action, Ryosuke's team on the other side could no longer hold their temper. Along the way, the caravan members' various flatteries to Shiwei's team almost filled up their anger.

"Damn, they're just a bunch of wandering ninjas. Fuck them!"

"A bunch of wandering ninjas, dare to run up to me and show off!"

Captain Tanouchi Ryosuke was the first to charge, holding a kunai and rushing towards the wandering ninjas who blocked his way, as if to vent all the anger he had endured along the way.

Seeing that the captain had rushed forward, the other members naturally would not fall behind, and rushed forward with a loud shout.

"I didn't expect Ryosuke to be so brave!"

"Yes, we feel relieved with Ryosuke's team. It seems that these wandering ninjas are nothing to worry about.……"

The caravan members breathed a sigh of relief, and while admiring, they did not forget to cast their eyes towards Shiwei's team. After all, no ninja from Shiwei's team has taken action yet.

Looking at the"incredibly brave" Ryosuke's team, Hinata Satoru clicked his tongue a few times.

Well, it looks like that guy named Tanai Ryosuke is going to be in trouble.

From the perspective of the Byakugan, it can be clearly seen that among the group of wandering ninjas, there is a Jonin hidden. In terms of chakra volume, his strength must be strong among the Jonins.

Tanai Ryosuke would despise wandering ninjas because the ninja world generally recognizes that the overall quality of wandering ninjas is weaker than that of ninja village ninjas, so he used this group of ninjas as a punching bag, but he didn't expect that there was a master hidden among them.

After all, their team does not have their own Byakugan, nor does they have the parasitic insect perception of Aburame Shiwei.

"Wu, should we take action?" Uchiha Rin looked at him and asked

"Since they want to be in the limelight, let them be!" Hinata Satoru shrugged.

At this moment, the battle situation suddenly changed. Tanai Ryosuke, who was originally suppressing the wandering ninja, suddenly felt a chill coming from behind. He was so scared that he immediately moved his body to the side. The sharp cold light passed by and directly cut a bloody wound in his lower abdomen.

"Damn it!"

Biting his teeth, Tanai Ryosuke hurriedly took a few steps back.

In the brief moment of the confrontation, he realized that the ninja's strength was no less than his.

"Bastard! Do you think it's fun to kill my men?"

The ninja who attacked shook off the blood on his sword. On his face, a scar like a centipede ran from his forehead to his chin, which made Tanouchi Ryosuke, who was being stared at, feel cold.

"Damn it, I thought they were just pushovers, but how come they met a tough guy?"

Before he could react, the wandering ninja attacked again. The huge ninja sword was powerful and kept hitting the kunai he was trying to block. The strong impact made his arms numb and he could only keep retreating.

After dodging the ninja sword, Tanouchi Ryosuke looked towards the position of his team members with difficulty. He saw that without his restraint, the team members, who were only Chunin and Genin, were suppressed by the wandering ninja and had no power to fight back.

"Why should I take this spotlight?……"

At this moment, he wanted to cry but had no tears, and even wanted to die.……

"That Wu... let's help them."

On the side of Shiwei's team, Might Dai spoke hesitantly. Although he had been humiliated by Tanai Ryosuke before, he was kind-hearted and could not do such a thing as watching his fellow ninja die.

The members of the caravan had been stunned by the sudden change. They had lost their previous fighting spirit. Many of them even secretly packed their luggage, considering whether to run away early.

Hinata Wu looked at Aburame Shiwei, who just looked at him expressionlessly:"Don't delay too long."

Seeing that Aburame Shiwei had spoken, Hinata Satoru shouted and rushed to the battlefield.

Might Dai and several others also rushed over at the same time. Under the strong suppression of several people, the wandering ninjas who had originally taken the initiative were defeated step by step.

Hinata Satoru took out a scroll, and the white mist dissipated. In his hand, he was holding a ninja sword with a slender blade.

It was the ninja sword Changya that was smelted when the electromagnetic force was upgraded before!

With a swing of the sword, accompanied by the crisp sound of metal collision, the wandering ninja in a defensive posture, the kunai in his hand was broken in the middle, and a hideous blood mark spread from the forehead to the chest. Hinata

Satoru took a breath. Except for the senior ninja who was restrained by Tanouchi Ryosuke, the overall strength of this group of wandering ninjas was not high, which was just right for him to practice swordsmanship! Might

Dai's body was surrounded by a strong airflow, and the blue veins on his forehead bulged. With just one kick, he kicked the rushing ninja.���Kick

"So amazing, is this my father's strength?"

In the back, Kai looked at Dai who was wrapped in the air wave with admiration.

"Kai, this is just the opening of the fourth gate?" Might Dai gave Kai a thumbs up, and his teeth reflected the light.

Looking at this scene, Ryosuke Tanauchi was numb. He didn't expect that Aburame Shiwei didn't make a move, and only a group of Genin completely suppressed the group of wandering ninjas.

This distraction gave the wandering ninjas the opportunity to seize the opportunity. The defeat of his men made his eyes bloodshot, and he slashed at Ryosuke Tanauchi with a ferocious face.

In the hasty defense, Ryosuke Tanauchi's body was blown away by the huge force, and blood flowed from the corners of his mouth.

The reversal of the battle situation made the caravan members feel like they were on a roller coaster.

"Really...really amazing, I didn't expect the members of Zhiwei's team to be so strong"

"That watermelon-head guy underestimated him before, but he turns out to be so strong?"

"If they take action, we should be safe."


In the caravan, Aburame Shiwei looked at Hinata Satoru who was paddling the water with a ninja sword, and her brows could not help but frowned slightly, and shook her head.

"This enlightenment, let him solve it quickly. He actually practiced the ninja sword, which is too slow."

Exhaling, he slowly raised his palm, and a swarm of black insects frantically drilled out from his sleeves, like a black mist.

""What's that sound?"

The caravan members turned their heads in confusion, and suddenly their scalps went numb. They saw a swarm of black insects buzzing and instantly passing over them and rushing towards the fighting wandering ninjas.


Screams were heard.

Almost all the wandering ninjas were surrounded by the black insects, rolling on the ground in pain, wailing miserably.

"The teacher has taken action. Now we can’t just sit there and practice swordsmanship.

Seeing the enemy in front of him being swallowed by the parasite, Hinata Satoru smacked his lips helplessly and put away the ninja sword.

Tanouchi Ryosuke struggled to block the slashing ninja sword, and his body was pushed back by the strong impact, and he suddenly spat out a mouthful of blood. At the critical moment, there was only a buzzing sound, and the black mass of parasites instantly wrapped around the jonin, forming a huge black sphere, and screams continued to come from the middle.

""Secret Technique! Insect Jade!"

Aburame Shiwei made a seal, and the black sphere suddenly shrank, and the screams stopped abruptly.

The battlefield suddenly became quiet, with only the buzzing sound of the flying insects in the air. The Adam's apples of the caravan members trembled slightly, and they stared blankly at the stray ninja on the ground who was eaten by insects and only the skeleton was left.

Is this... the end?

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