After sleeping in a daze all night, Hinata Satoru still felt sore all over when he got up from bed in the morning.

"I didn't expect the sequelae of the tyrant mode to be so stubborn. The chakra has been mostly recovered, but the muscle damage still requires some time to rest."

With a slight grin, Hinata Satoru supported the head of the bed with one hand and rubbed his waist with the other hand. If someone saw his current appearance, they would definitely wonder if he had experienced a fierce"battle" last night, resulting in a serious physical deficiency.

After a simple breakfast, Hinata Satoru felt that his body had recovered a little. He sighed and said,"Let's slow down the progress of training for a few days. It won't be too late to continue after a few days when the body recovers."

There are still a few days before the next mission agreed by Aburame Shiwei, and Hinata Satoru, who has nothing to do, came to the street.

At this moment, the village is still thriving, and children can be seen playing and chasing each other on the street. Hinata Satoru looked at the sky outside the village with a melancholy look.

How long can such a peaceful day last? The third war is probably not long.

If it were before, Hinata Satoru would never let himself relax at all. The war is like a sword of Damocles hanging over his head, oppressing him all the time.

However, the tyrant mode he accidentally developed yesterday gave him a little confidence in facing the unknown future.

"I haven't eaten Ichiraku Ramen for a long time."

Taking a break from the busy schedule is also a good kind of fun, Hinata Satoru smiled.

At this moment, he saw Hongdou running towards him breathlessly not far away.

"Oh no, Satoru, Rin and Kakashi are fighting."

The smile on Hinata Satoru's face froze instantly.


"That white-haired kid is White Fang’s son, right?"

"That should be it. I heard that he is the most outstanding talent of the new generation in the village. That Uchiha brat has lasted so long. It seems that he is not a good person."

"Hehe, the son of Uchiha brat and White Fang is really exciting……"

In front of the mission management office, ninjas had gathered in a circle, discussing


The short sword drew a white half arc, and at a speed that was difficult for the naked eye to detect, it continuously collided with the kunai, and sparks and metal collisions flew everywhere. The scarlet Sharingan rotated quickly, and after Uchiha Rin blocked a slash, the solemnity on her face deepened a little.

Kakashi's swordsmanship was very sharp, and each slash went straight to her weak point. If it weren't for the assistance of the Sharingan, she might have been defeated long ago.

"This guy's strength has improved so fast."

Uchiha Rin couldn't help but grit her teeth. During the ninja school, she had always competed with Kakashi. She didn't expect that after graduation, the gap would widen.

"How did Kakashi become like this? Even if Rin mentioned his father, he wouldn't have been so harsh."

Gai in the crowd looked worried. Both of them were his classmates, and he didn't know what to do when they suddenly started fighting.

"I seem to remember your name, Uchiha Rin, right? You shouldn't mention that man's name, he's just a loser who can't even complete the mission."

"Tsk!" Kakashi's words made Uchiha Rin very unhappy.

"In terms of strength, I respect Lord White Fang very much, but I didn't expect his son to be so good at talking."

"Bastard! I told you not to mention that man's name."

I didn't expect that Uchiha Rin's words would make Kakashi angry. He jumped back to distance himself and formed a seal at an extremely fast speed. A piercing sound like thousands of birds screaming rang out, one hand grasped his wrist, and the other hand was flashing with lightning.

"Lightning escape technique? How does it compare to my fire escape technique?"

Uchiha Rin narrowed her eyes slightly and quickly formed a seal. Phoenix Claw Technique! B-level fire escape technique, the strongest fire escape technique she can currently use.

"It's that jutsu, is Kakashi crazy?"

"It's too chaotic. This technique is not mature yet. Does he want to kill the other party?"

Some ninjas around recognized Kakashi's moves and their hearts tightened.

A sharp thunder sounded, and Kakashi's body turned into a straight line and rushed towards Uchiha Rin at an extremely fast speed.

Uchiha Rin also made the last seal in his hand. There was no fear on his face, only a strong fighting spirit. Chakra surged to his throat and turned into a hot breath.



A dull sound of flesh colliding sounded, and the palm wrapped in lightning stopped one meter in front of Uchiha Rin. The latter opened his lips slightly, and the hot fire escape was only one second away from spitting out.

""It's a close call. We made it."

Hinata Satoru breathed a sigh of relief. He couldn't help but grin slightly because of the stinging pain in his muscles that had not yet recovered from the intense exercise.

At this moment, he firmly grasped Kakashi's wrist with his right hand and pressed his other shoulder against his chest, blocking his attack.

""Satoru, why are you here?" Uchiha Rin looked surprised.

Then, as if he remembered something, he showed a trace of anger.

"Hey, do you know how dangerous it was just now? I almost released my Fire Release."

Hinata Satoru endured the pain in his muscles, gritted his teeth and said to Uchiha Rin,"It would be troublesome if I didn't come." He glanced at Kakashi's right palm without leaving a trace, with a trace of shock, Chidori, A-level Lightning Release! Didn't expect Kakashi to have developed this technique? But he can't fully master it yet.

If he hadn't blocked this move, Uchiha Rin would be in real danger!

At the same time, Kakashi also cast his eyes on Hinata Satoru who suddenly appeared

"He discovered my Chidori's weakness and blocked my attack with his body. Byakugan? No wonder he could do this."

After seeing Hinata Satoru's eyes, Kakashi showed a thoughtful look.

"What happened? Why did you suddenly start fighting?"

Uchiha Rin glanced at Kakashi and said,"I was just checking the task management office to see if there were any suitable tasks. I happened to meet this guy and was going to say hello. During the conversation, I accidentally mentioned his father, and we ended up fighting."

Until now, she still hasn't reacted, how did she and Kakashi start fighting.

Is that so?

Hinata Satoru nodded thoughtfully. He thought that with Uchiha Rin's temperament, she would be the one to provoke first, but he didn't expect that it was Kakashi who started it first.

"I've already said, don't mention that man in front of me, he's just a loser who can't even complete the mission."

Kakashi's voice was cold, without any emotion

"Take a look." Uchiha Rin shrugged helplessly.

Hinata Satoru couldn't help but sigh. It seemed that Kakashi at this time had not yet gotten over the pain of that incident.

Yes, in the village, he often heard that he and his teammates were not getting along, and even fighting. It was not until he got together with Obito that he slowly got over it.

Kakashi suddenly looked at Hinata Satoru with a cold look.

"You are the first double bloodline in Hyuga history, right? It seems we haven't competed yet?"

Instantly, the atmosphere around them, which had been relaxed, became tense again, and everyone's eyes were focused on Hyuga Satoru.

"Enlightenment……"Hongdou clenched her hands in worry.

"Kakashi, this bastard, does he still have any companions in his eyes?"Gai cursed loudly. If he didn't know that he couldn't beat Kakashi, he would probably want to beat him up.

Hinata Satoru looked helpless. It seemed that he was in a dilemma. The pain in his body had not subsided yet. His current strength was only 80%.

However, if he didn't agree, Kakashi might not give up so easily. In addition, he also sensed a vague and prying gaze, which had been firmly locked here.

In this case...

Hinata Satoru turned around and faced Kakashi with a serious look.

"Since you insist, let’s get started."

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