Hinata Satoru glanced at Obito, who looked hopeless, and thought to himself, Obito, you can't blame me.

You are the only one who will not surprise others when doing something stupid, so you are the best test subject.

Besides, I am trying to stimulate your learning motivation and stop you from indulging in premature love, for your own good!

After conducting an interference control test on the shuriken thrown by Obito through the control variable method, he found that he had a certain control over the shuriken flying at high speed.

In the future, ninja tools will basically pose no threat to him.

Looking at Obito dancing with joy, Fujino Daikichi scratched his Mediterranean hairstyle and suddenly had a headache.

"How could such a weirdo appear in Uchiha?"

"Forget it, next is Hyuga Iroha."

A boy with a bandage on his forehead and pure white eyes walked out from the crowd, throwing shurikens with both hands.

"10 points, 9 points, 10 points……"

"Very impressive, only slightly inferior to Kakashi and the others"

"After all, they are from the Hyuga clan."

"Why is there a bandage on his forehead?" someone asked in a low voice.

"Shh! Don't you know? That's the Hyuga clan.……"

Hyuga Iroha's face turned cold, he subconsciously clenched his fists and walked back to his seat.

Fujino Daikichi nodded with satisfaction. Through his observations over the past few days, he found that although Hyuga Iroha was not the most talented, he was definitely the one who worked the hardest.

For the Hyuga branch family, hard work is their only way out.

"Next, Hinata Satoru.

Hinata Satoru stepped forward, picked up a few shurikens, and weighed them.

"7 points, 7 points, 7 points... 10 points!"

After several consecutive 7 points, the last one barely scored 10 points.

The crowd murmured quietly.

"Although they are all from the Hyuga family, they seem to be much worse than Iroha! The gap with Kakashi is even greater."

"After all, not everyone is a genius."

"And did you notice that the first few shots he made almost scored 8 points? It seems that his luck is not good either!"

Hinata Satoru's face was calm, as if he didn't hear the comments of the people around him.

After looking at Hinata Satoru, Hinata Iroha looked away.

Although they were both from the Hyuga family, they didn't have much contact in normal times, and this level was not worth his attention.


After school, Hinata Satoru had just returned home when someone knocked on the door. When he opened the door, it was the branch family guard.

The other party, wearing a ninja forehead protector, handed him a slightly raised envelope.

"Hinata Satoru, this is your living expenses for this month."

Hinata Satoru took the envelope, on which was written his name and the amount.

""Okay, thank you."

The guard nodded and disappeared on the spot.

This branch family guard was here to deliver living expenses. Hinata Satoru would only see him once a month, and there was rarely any extra communication when they met.

Hinata Satoru opened the envelope, which contained 15 thin banknotes, 1,500 taels.

He had a headache. In this world where a bowl of ramen costs 60 taels, 1,500 taels was a bit too much to last a month.

As one of the most famous families in Konoha, compared to the Uchiha, the Hyuga clan's admiration for clans and systems has reached the extreme, lawful, even too lawful.

Every member of the clan is like a part of a huge machine, walking silently on his own route.

But it's also good this way. If it were other branch families, their actions would basically be controlled by the main family. Now, he has a little freedom.

Hinata Satoru didn't worry too much about the caged bird on his forehead.

When the electromagnetic force becomes strong, it can even decompose matter directly from the source. A mere curse seal is no problem.

The most urgent task is to find a way to improve strength.


The next day.

Today is the weekend, no classes. Hinata

Satoru came to a river.

The sparkling water reflected his face and the surrounding forest.

The Nanga River.

This may be the most famous river in Konoha.

The love and hatred between Uchiha and Senju, and even the history of the entire Konoha Village, can be traced back to this river.

Today, this river welcomed a strange fishing boy.


Hinata Satoru rolled up his trouser legs and stood in the river. He aimed at the position and grabbed it suddenly.

He caught nothing and the river water splashed on his face.

The Nanga River basin is very wide and runs through the entire Konoha. The upper reaches are in the Uchiha clan land. The place where Hinata Satoru is catching fish is still a long way from the Uchiha clan land.

So he doesn't have to worry about Uchiha coming to cause trouble.

The reason for choosing fishing is naturally to improve life.

Wouldn't it be nice to learn fishing from Naruto and add a meal to yourself?

He is now in the critical period of development and nutrition must keep up.

It's called fishing, but it's not just fishing.

Two chopstick-sized metal skewers were slowly flying around Hinata Satoru's body.

They were made by him using a thin iron rod.

As soon as he found a target, the skewers would fly up and stab the fish fiercely.

In addition, as he moved in the river, some tiny metal ores were gradually absorbed on his calves.

The riverbed is the gathering place of metal ores. Metal ores in nature will be deposited in the riverbed with the erosion of water.

Konoha is located in the south, with a mild and rainy climate and many mountains. The Hokage Rock was excavated on a huge rock. With this special geographical environment, the Nanga River, as the largest river in Konoha, should have a lot of metal ores deposited in the riverbed.

If some precious ores are taken to the ninja tool shop for recycling, they should also be able to exchange for some money.

Hinata Satoru used the attraction of magnetism to continuously mine metals.

He could make money while eating. He also had to level up.

He had almost finished the test these days. The experience points required to upgrade the electromagnetic force were similar to proficiency.

The more difficult the use method, the faster the experience points will be gained.���If you take advantage of one application, the benefits you get will become lower and lower. At first, he controlled the kitchen knife to cut vegetables to level up, but as his proficiency increased, the experience points gained in this way became lower and lower.

Now he is doing three things at once. Not only does he control two metal skewers for fishing at the same time, but his calves are also constantly absorbing metal from the riverbed.

The speed at which the experience points increase is quite impressive.

Hinata Satoru found the target.

A few meters away from him, there were a few small fish gathered under a boulder. If he could catch them, he would have a good meal.

If he continued to approach, the fish might find the fluctuations in the water flow and escape.

However, he had other ways.

Hinata Satoru held his breath.


Thumb-thick electric current burst out from between his toes and spread out along the river.

The fish was paralyzed.

Whoosh! Whoosh!

The two metal skewers surrounding him flew away in an instant.

One of them shot very accurately, not only piercing the belly of a fish, but also piercing the tails of two fish nearby!

Three consecutive shots with one arrow!!!

Hinata Satoru was content to control the heavy iron skewer to fly back slowly.

At the same time, because of his difficult use of electromagnetic force, a voice sounded in his mind:

【Electromagnetic force experience points plus 2】

The electromagnetic force of LV1 is still too weak. It is difficult to use it in addition to basic magnetization and discharge.

The released current is also very weak. It is impossible to stun fish instantly. You need to use a skewer to catch fish.

But Hinata Satoru is already very satisfied.

This is one of the four basic forces, and the upper limit is there.

"Thanks to Faraday! Thanks to Maxwell! Thanks to Tesla! Thanks to my junior high school physics teacher……"

"Without you, I wouldn't be able to eat this fish today."


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