
The trees fell to the ground in disorder. The air was filled with dust and the smell of blood. The crackling sound of the lightning arcs was very obvious in such a special environment. Hinata

Satoru's feet left the ground and floated in the air. Lightning arcs jumped between his black hair, and his clothes whizzed in the wind and waves around him.

Just like a Super Saiyan after transformation.

Biwa Juzo narrowed his eyes and stared at Hinata Satoru who was wrapped in lightning. In just a short moment, he suddenly felt that the aura of the other party had become several times stronger.

"Some kind of secret technique to increase strength in a short period of time? Similar to the Raikage's Lightning Release Chakra Mode?"

"Hehe, I didn't expect you to have this ability. Such prey is really interesting."

Kaguya Maru laughed harshly, and something was visible under the skin squirming. Two sharp bone spurs emerged from the palm of his hand and were firmly held in his hand.

"Maru, he is my prey!"

A hint of coldness flashed across Biwa Juzo's eyes, and his chakra surged. He suddenly rushed towards the floating Hinata Satoru, and smashed down at him fiercely with his sword with terrifying power.


With a dull sound, Biwa Juzo's eyes suddenly shrank.

"How can it be……"

Hinata Satoru raised his hand to block the blade of the beheading sword, but the huge sword could not move forward at all and froze in place.

"What kind of secret technique is this? How did your magnetic escape suddenly become so strong?"

Biwa Juzang was shocked.

Hinata Satoru's palm did not touch the beheading sword. To be precise, when there was still a distance of one centimeter, a terrifying repulsive force appeared on the beheading sword, like a mountain. No matter how hard he tried, he could not shake it at all.

However, an even more terrifying scene appeared.

The huge blade of the beheading sword began to dissolve, starting from the position where Hinata Satoru held it, melting into silver metallic liquid, and slowly flowing along Hinata Satoru's arm. In just a few breaths, most of the blade had been decomposed.

Biwa Juzang's pupils trembled slightly, and he dared not to hold on any longer. He immediately let go of the beheading sword and retreated quickly in fear.

"Maru, this kid is weird."

"Juzo, isn't it just that the attack was blocked? When did you become so timid?"

Kaguya Maro laughed sarcastically. Because of the obstruction of Biwa Juzo's body, he did not see the horrifying scene. Hinata Satoru had completely decomposed the beheading sword. The silver metal fluid seemed to have life, like a small silver snake, swimming slowly around his shoulders and arms.

Material decomposition!

Under the terrifying bonus of the tyrant mode, Hinata Satoru finally reached the threshold of material decomposition.

Although it has not reached the atomic level, it disassembled the entire beheading sword into tiny particles with a diameter of less than 10 nanometers. The metal in this special state will retain the properties of metal and fluid, commonly known as... magnetic fluid!

It can switch between fluid and solid infinitely!

His eyes were fixed on Biwa Juzo. Hidden on his body, Hinata Satoru moved, like a thunder, and rushed forward.

The intense life-and-death crisis completely enveloped him, and the chill broke out from his coccyx, and rushed up to the back of his head along the spine. Biwa Juzang was horrified. Without the beheading sword, he was not much stronger than an ordinary jonin, and was completely unable to withstand this attack. He didn't even have time to dodge, and Hinata Satoru's attack had already arrived.

The small silver snake squirmed at a high speed, rushed out from his arm, and turned into an arc-shaped scimitar, which instantly passed through his throat.


The world seemed to turn scarlet, and Biwa Juzang suddenly felt that his body had become lighter, and all the objects in his field of vision were turning over.

At the last moment when his consciousness faded, he seemed to hear a chuckle in his ear.

"I like your broadsword very much."


His head fell to the ground, but his terrified face was still vivid.


Kaguya Maro swallowed dully. The battle situation changed so fast that he didn't even have time to react. He only saw Biwa Juzo retreating in fear for some reason. Then, Hinata Satoru counterattacked and Biwa Juzo's head was thrown high.

The blood left on the silver scimitar seeped into the metal. After absorbing this part of the blood, the silver snake seemed to be sharper.

Hinata Satoru was delighted. Sure enough, the magnetic fluidized beheading sword still retained the ability to absorb blood.


Kaguya Maro clenched his teeth, extreme anger bursting out from his mind, even making his eyes bloodshot.

Visible to the naked eye, there was violent squirming under the skin, accompanied by the sound of flesh piercing, and sharp bone spurs actually pierced his body!

The chest, elbows, and spine were full of sharp bone spurs, like a hideous monster.

Hinata Satoru's expression became more solemn. The reason why he could deal with Biwa Juzo so easily was because the opponent was a swordsman ninja and was completely restrained by his ability.

The calcium in the bones mainly exists in the form of inorganic salts, which is difficult to be magnetized. In addition, the Kaguya clan has an almost crazy desire to fight.

Next, it will be a real battle.

""Ten fingers piercing bullets!"

Kaguya Maro roared, raised ten fingers and pointed them at Hinata Satoru, white bones squirmed out from the fingertips and shot out.

Hinata Satoru did not dodge, the silver snake quickly flowed, turned into a silver metal shield, blocking in front of him.

Clang clang clang... accompanied by the sound of metal metal intersecting, all ten bone bullets were blocked.

"It's not over yet!"

The moment the silver shield melted, Kaguya Maro, who looked like an evil spirit, had already rushed to Hinata Satoru's side. Sharp bone spurs appeared on his knees, and he kicked Hinata

Satoru hard with a whip kick. The silver snake squirmed again and blocked Kaguya Maro's attack.

The silver metal against Kaguya Maro's thigh slowly flowed along the white bone spurs to his body.

Kaguya Maro felt a chill all over his body, and immediately pulled back, swung his palm like a knife, and quickly cut off the flowing bone spurs of the silver snake.

"Really cautious."

Hinata Satoru couldn't help but secretly say it was a pity. As long as the metal entered Kaguya Maru's body, the outcome of this battle would be doomed.

But he didn't expect that the other party would remain extremely cautious even when he was almost crazy. It seems that this person is definitely not an unknown person in the Kaguya clan. I don't know what relationship he has with the future Kaguya Junmaro.

With the bonus of the tyrant mode, he has many abilities that he couldn't use before.

But it's still a long way from atomic-level material manipulation. Otherwise, he can directly control the calcium ions in Kaguya Maru's body and kill him directly.

"Little devil, you have completely pissed me off."

After walking through the gates of hell, Kaguya Maro could no longer suppress his anger, and the chakra in his body surged wildly.

"Dance of the Early Ferns!"

A large number of bone spurs emerged from the ground around him, like bamboo shoots after a spring rain, and quickly spread across the battlefield. The body of Biwa Juzo next to him was pierced into pieces by the chaotic growth of the bone spurs.

Hinata Satoru's body quickly floated upwards, avoiding the attack of the growing bone spurs.

Looking down from mid-air, a forest of white bones had suddenly appeared.

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