Magneto's Hyuga

Chapter 106

Konoha Camp.

In the largest main account.

Hinata looked at the surrounding high-level and found that they were also looking at themselves at the same time.

Unlike last time, it was because of the Great Snake Pill that he entered the command camp.

Now, the achievements of the Sand Shinobi battlefield have allowed him to sit firmly in his position, and there is nothing wrong with being in the same room with the high-level.

Looking at his gaze, there was amazement, shock, complexity, eccentricity...

Hinata Goku is too young.

It is hard for them to have such a terrifying record at this age.

The genius of the previous era, Kiki Shuomao, at this age.

However, he defeated a few upper Shinobi.

And Hinata Goku has defeated the fourth generation of Mekazekage.

It's a fantasy.

But many rumors forced them to accept this fact.

"In the previous war with Iwa Shinobu, our side has always been at a disadvantage, and the reason is that the strength of the village is too scattered to concentrate on dealing with Iwa Shinobu."

Unlike the Sand Ninja Battlefield, on the Iwa Shinobi Battlefield, the command is Jiraiya.

He was analyzing the situation in a deep voice.

Although the three battles were chaotic battles, the forces of basically every village were concentrated against Konoha.

The war between other villages is much smaller in scale.

This also led to the fact that although Konoha is the most powerful ninja village, the manpower of each battlefield is a bit stretched.

"Go! Do you want to use that trick? As long as we join forces..." At

the long table, Bofeng Shuimen was a little excited, and his eyes were shining towards Hinata.

He couldn't wait.

As long as they continued to join forces, they had a chance to convince Hinata Goku to accept his acquisition name, and in just a few days, he came up with several wonderful names.

Definitely not losing to Goku's Armstrong....

He thought excitedly.

Sensing the strange gazes coming from around him, Hinata Goku awkwardly smacked out the fifth class with his toe.

What a beautiful boy, that is, he has a long mouth.

"Oh... Watergate, I'm afraid not this time. Zi

Lai couldn't help but say.

Bofeng Shuimen is his disciple, he is too light and clear about his character, although most of the time he is very reliable, but once he encounters something he likes, he will show strong interest.

"Although bow and arrow ninjutsu with a range of more than three kilometers is very terrifying, this time, it may be difficult to work."

"It seems that Shayin Village has sold all the information of Wu on the black market, and there is no doubt that Yanyin Village has been prepared in advance."

"If you repeat the old trick, you may encounter a trap laid by the other party."

Jiraiya glanced at Hinata, a little helpless.

It may be that the death of Gaocun in Shayin Village was too tragic.

Iwain Village to avoid this.

At present, it is already difficult to find a clear top level in the troops.

According to the current information, all the high-ranking people live in the same camp, and they are completely mixed with ordinary rock Shinobi, and it is difficult to distinguish at all.

Even meetings are held remotely with the help of sentient ninjas.

For fear of being peeped by someone's white eyes, a big sniper was sent over.

After hearing that Hinata Goku was transferred to the Iwa Shinobu battlefield.

Onoki persuaded the top overnight.

Almost all of the village's scouts and sentient ninjas were transferred to this battlefield.

The range of scouting and perception enchantment is extremely wide, which has long exceeded three kilometers.

The defense against Hinata Goku has reached the extreme!

In this case, if you continue to use the old six tactics of Hinata Goku with Watergate, it is a bit more than worth the loss.

Naturally, I understand this deeply.

At the same time, I was frightened.

Hinata's deterrent was actually so great.

It was only after arriving at the Iwa Shinobu battlefield that the intelligence had just been learned by Iwa Shinobu.

The style of war began to change from the picture.

I heard that the current Iwa ninja camp is silent at night to death, and there are not even ninjas who go out to the toilet at night.

Next, he issued several orders regarding the deployment of troops.

It's been a long time since the last major battle.

His eyes were solemn.

If nothing else, I am afraid that a big war will break out soon.


Sure enough, after a short lull.

It was probably the fourth day after Hinata's arrival.

Konoha Scout found traces of a large-scale Iwa Shinobu attack.

Zi Lai also ordered in a deep voice.

The big war is about to break out!

The terrain of the grass country is complex and changeable, but most of the terrain is dominated by grasslands and forests.

The main battlefield where Konoha and Iwa Shinobu fought was also in an open grassland.

With the naked eye, on that green field, two huge torrents are rapidly approaching each other.

As he got closer, Hinata saw the decoration of Iwa Shinobu on the opposite side, and almost didn't burst out laughing.

He finally understood what Jiraiya's strange eyes meant before the war began.

I saw the group of rock ninjas who were loud and roaring.

Many of them are clothes such as animal skin armor, which tightly wrap their bodies.

The forehead protectors on the forehead were also replaced with cloth strips painted with the pattern of Iwa Shinobu Village.

Some even use white cloth.

Jagged, flying in the wind.

The surrounding Konoha ninjas seemed to have been prepared, and there was not much change in their expressions.

When the two armies approached.

Ku Wu, shuriken, and various lines of ninjutsu smashed each other overwhelmed.

Hinata saw the kunai thrown at the ninjas, many of them were polished stones, some even wood or bone.

Such a picture gave Hinata a sense of distorted unreality.

The rough man in animal skin kept throwing rocks and wood in his hands.

Am I traveling back in time to primitive times?

In the Yannin troops, the commander Loess gritted his teeth slightly.

Although he also knew that these improvised procurement equipment was too crude.

But there is no way anymore.

Hinata's threat is too great.

It can be said that most of the reasons for the failure of Sunahide Village are due to Hinata Gou!

Metal, whatever it is, will become his weapon!

They can only abandon products containing metals.

Regular ninja clothing cannot be without metal, and many ninja costumes are sewn with iron plates or armor for added protection.

Metal materials are also used at the clothing links.

In this case, if you want to be protective and metal-free at the same time, you can only use heavy hides.

Ku Wu, a weapon such as a shuriken is definitely impossible to lose.

Only a very small number of ninjas can do Muji ninjutsu.

Whether it is a sneak attack or a mending knife at a critical moment, shurikens occupy an irreplaceable role.

There are lessons from the past of Shayin Village.

They can also only look for a large number of metal substitutes.

Due to the large number of them, many of them can only be made by Iwa-Shinobu himself.

The roughness can be imagined.

Loess hates and itches its teeth.

Just to guard against that Hinata Gou.

They actually have to pay such a big price!

In any case, this trouble must be solved in this war.

This was not only his idea, but also Tsuchikage Onoki's order.


I'm afraid that the industrial level of Yanyin Village will be set back by decades.

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