Magneto's Hyuga

Chapter 169

Mist Hidden Village.

Somewhere gorgeous in a room.

The furniture that had been neatly arranged had been destroyed.

You can see three neat claw marks arranged messily around.

Kakashi looked indifferently at Qing, who had fallen to the ground, with an unwilling look on the other party's face, and a fist-sized hollow appeared on his chest.

Blood was slowly dripping from the three steel claws between his fists.

"7 seconds, 2 seconds more than expected."

Kakashi frowned slightly dissatisfied.

After all, it is a veteran Shinobi, and Qing's combat experience and ninjutsu are rich, which makes his estimate of the battle time have a slight gap.

Slowly retracting the steel claw in the fist, Kakashi did not hesitate, crouched down, and cracked the seal next to the green eye socket.

Before leaving, Hinata had already given him the method of cracking the relevant seal.

After making sure that there was no problem, he skillfully removed the white eye in the socket of his right eye.

Still crystal clear white eyes, with a little bloodshot, just lying quietly in his palm.

Kakashi's breathing was a little shorter.

Qing's white eye is the right eye, and his white eye is the left eye, and when the two are matched, it is a pair of complete white eyes!

This was also the reason why Qing Qing showed a trace of greed when he saw the white eyes of his left eye.

A pair of complete white eyes can play a greater role than a single white eye!

And this white eye was obtained by Qing in the three battles, when Hinata had not yet reformed, only the Zong family could be poached out of the white eye, and the purity would not be much worse than his current left eye.

The power of the white eyes, Kakashi had already experienced.

Although there is no way to use it directly in battle.

But in the ability to assist and detect, the role played is indispensable, especially for a ninjutsu ninja like him.

Do you want to sneak away this white eye?

Kakashi's mind was briefly tangled.

Hinata Goku didn't plant any spell on him, which he had repeatedly confirmed, if he escaped with this white eye...

As long as you hide far enough, maybe you won't be afraid of his magnetic escape...

The idea had just arisen, and Kakashi sneered self-deprecatingly.


What was I thinking?

Want to escape that person's control?

Not to mention that everything he has was given by him, even if he can escape to the ends of the earth, with his ability, he will easily find me, right?

Not to mention....

He has gradually liked his current self.

That full sense of power....

It made him feel incredibly comfortable.

Kakashi exhaled deeply, dispelling the clutter in his mind, and took out a special box and carefully kept Ario's white eyes inside.

Take out another scroll and seal it in.

After doing all this, he simply cleaned up the battlefield and left in a hurry.

He has other tasks.

Hinata had explained that he would bring back several corpses.


Bone veins.

It is the blood succession limit of the Kaguya clan of the Mist Hidden Village, which can control the concentration of osteoblasts and calcium throughout the body, so as to freely manipulate the bones to fight.

Kakashi searched for the best way forward while recalling the information he had gained from the roots in his mind.

The Kaguya clan, also known as the Taketori clan, is a notoriously fighting maniac.

Once the desire to fight comes up, nothing will be taken into account, and the blood will be extreme.

Kakashi looked a little solemn.

This means that if he wants to get the body of the corpse vein, the best way is to kill with one hit!

Otherwise, if it is discovered by other clansmen, it will be an unending bloody battle.

Maybe it will also alarm the other ninjas in the Mist Hidden Village, and it will be troublesome to try to get out when the time comes.

After lurking near the Kaguya's clan land, Kakashi's movements slowed down.

From the perspective of the white eyes, the structure of the Kaguya Clan was at a glance, and he calculated the best route in his brain and quietly sneaked in.

No one noticed that quietly, there was already an additional terrifying existence in the Kaguya clan.

A young man from the Kaguya clan.

Just as he walked out of the hut with his pants, he only felt a yin wind suddenly rush over, and a chill suddenly exploded behind his back, running down his spine directly to the back of his head.

Suddenly turned around.


Three sharp steel claws pierced the top of his head from his chin.

His body trembled, and the hand holding his pants loosened uncontrollably, revealing something white.

Kakashi pressed his fist against his chin and looked indifferently at the Kaguya ninja who was whimpering and spitting blood.


The steel claw recovered, and the Kaguya ninja fell straight to the ground like a brick that had been pushed down.

Kakashi took out a special sealing scroll and sealed his body inside.

After dealing with the surrounding traces, the search for a second target begins.

This is an older middle-aged ninja.

The opponent's combat experience should not be low, and there is a faint aura on his body.

It was a kind of anger that only one would have after a hundred battles.

Kakashi's original target was not him.

However, the other party unintentionally came to his ambush range, and he naturally changed his target temporarily.

Kakashi tried to hold his breath as much as possible, controlling his state of mind so as not to exude any killing intent.

His experience told him that for such an experienced target, if the murderous aura was dispersed, it was very likely to be captured by the other party in advance.

Kakashi waited silently.

The other party really did not notice him, and passed by the bushes where he was hiding without incident.

It's now!


Kakashi jerked up, and three sharp claws stabbed directly at each other's hearts.

"Abominable! Dare to ambush in the clan land! At

the moment of the attack, that Kaguya ninja's chest actually drilled out a large number of bone spur defenses in an instant, Kakashi did not hesitate in the slightest, and his claws pierced fiercely!


The Kaguya ninja's pupils shrank.

At the back of the heart, the tips of the three claws drilled out viciously.

"Ahem, ahem... How could my bones..." His

pupils trembled slightly, and with a hint of stunned and incredulous look, he stared at the steel claw that easily broke through his bone defenses.

With the strength of his bones, not to mention metal, even some Chakra ninja knives can't be easily broken.

But the moment it touched that strange claw, it was as unbearable as a decaying wood, and it was easily cut off.

The root of the steel claw is connected to the flesh in the fist, and like his bones, it is directly drilled out of the flesh inside.

The wound on Kakashi's forearm, cut open by bone spurs, is slowly healing.

"What kind of monster are you..."

With a hint of horror in his pupils, he stared at Kakashi's face wearing a black mask.

Kakashi didn't answer him.

Directly pulled out the steel claw that pierced his heart.

"The second one."

He spoke indifferently.

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