Magneto's Hyuga

Chapter 248

Konoha No. 1 Middle School.

An anxious exam is underway.

A few drops of sweat oozed from Naruto's forehead, and he chewed on his pencil and stared at the exam paper on the table like a great enemy.

Question 1: A ninja is known to be standing on a cliff 20 meters high, and another ninja is standing 800 meters away, throwing a shuriken at a speed of 40 meters per second, ignoring air resistance.

Can a ninja on a cliff hit a ninja 800 meters away?

Naruto's pupils were trembling slightly, and the pencil had been bitten out several tooth marks by him.

This question will not be done!!

Can't do it!!

He shifted his gaze to the second question.

Q: It is known that the range of firearms is one kilometer, the maximum attack range of ninjutsu is 50 meters, the maximum attack range of shuriken is 100 meters, there are 5 ninjas in the enemy, you use firearms, at this moment, what is the best tactic to solve the enemy?

Naruto's forehead sweated more and more.

He remembered that Teacher Xiao Nan seemed to have talked about this question....

What is the old six tactic?

Damn, I don't remember clearly!

Naruto patted his head, so annoying! What the most annoying exam!

He swept towards the classmates with a distressed look.

Basically, they are immersed in answering questions, and those who occasionally do not answer are also thinking seriously.

It seems that he is alone and does not know where to start at all.

He looked at Sasuke's position, the other party answered the questions quickly, and occasionally saw a relaxed cheering sound.

"It seems that I am going to lose to Sasuke this time, so unwilling!"

Naruto gritted his teeth with an unhappy look.

Just when his heart was like death, a soft voice came from the side.

"Where more, my answer... Want to see?

Naruto froze and looked next to his seat.

At his tablemate, Hinata Hinata quietly pushed his exam paper over, burying his head with a shy look.

"Thank you so much! Hinata!

Naruto was so excited that he almost jumped.

Just as he was about to copy Hinata's answer, a chalk flew over and hit him firmly on the forehead.

"It hurts..."

Naruto covered his forehead with a look of pain.

"Where it hurts, plagiarism is not allowed in the exam!"

The invigilator, Aizawa Konan, was staring at him with a smile.

"Got it..."

Naruto replied helplessly, as if all the strength in his body had been drained...

After handing in the papers.

The classmates excitedly began to answer the questions.

"Ah! This question turned out to be written like this! I almost figured it out.

"I dare not agree with you, although trigonometric functions confirm

..." "I don't want you to think, I want me to think..."

Naruto saw their excited figures gathered around the group to discuss, and immediately felt extremely aggrieved.

He almost handed over a blank roll.

It's impossible to pass.

"Oops! I didn't do well this time, and it is estimated that I can only get 80 points at most! It's going to be! Next

to him, Sasuke suddenly complained loudly, although he said that he was complaining, but the look of under-beating made Naruto instantly angry.

This stinky fart Sasuke! Isn't it just to do well in the test!

But he saw Sasuke's relaxed look when he took the exam, not to mention 80 points, even if he scored 100 points, he believed it!

"What to do! I didn't do well in the exam this time, how to explain to my mother when I go back!

Sasuke spread his hands, pretending to be annoyed, but his eyes involuntarily glanced at Naruto.

"Stinky fart Sasuke!!"

Naruto was furious, rolled up his sleeves and planned to get dry.

At this moment, a high-profile voice interrupted the two.

The two were stunned and looked over at the same time.

I saw Hinata Ninji sitting on the table, holding his head high and his chest arrogantly.

"My dad is the head of the military department, my family is the number one family in Konoha, my uncle is the leader of the Fire Federation, my..."

Every time Ning Ji said a word, the girls around him would exclaim in confusion.

"Ning Cijun is too powerful!"

"That's awesome! Ning Cijun..."


Naruto and Sasuke at the same time gritted their teeth and looked at the ostentatious Ninji.

For the first time, the two had a feeling of pity for the same illness.

"Ning Ci, this smelly fart guy, it's too smelly! The girls are all around him!

Naruto was indignant.

"Yes! It's so hateful, it's clear that Yu Zhibo is the number one giant!

Sasuke also gritted his teeth viciously.

The two glanced at each other, intending to sneak over and teach Ning Ci a lesson.

Just when they were about to go around.


Ning Ci suddenly took out a piece of metal from his arms and slapped it on the table.

The crisp impact sound made the two bodies suddenly stiffen in place.

I saw a chic metal pistol, placed firmly on the table, with a slight cold reflection from the muzzle.

"This is a gift from my uncle Wu, who said that I have excellent qualifications and will become a great talent in the future!"

Ning Ci showed off proudly.

The pistol he had always treasured in his possession.

Without him, this is a gift from Hinata Goku to him.

There was a commotion around again, all of them were voices of praise and envy.

Naruto and Sasuke looked at each other with a look of concern.

Ning Ci, this kid, doesn't talk about martial virtue!

Actually entered the school with a gun!

Good risk!

I didn't make a rash move just now, otherwise it would be miserable now!

Of course, if they knew that Ningci's pistol was empty and there was no bullet at all, they didn't know how they would feel.

Entering the class with a gun is already breaking the rules, and if you are still loaded, a meal of fried shredded meat with a belt is indispensable.

Ning Ci couldn't afford to mess with it.

The fragile alliance fell apart.

Naruto and Sasuke looked at each other viciously.

"Hmph! Sasuke, just now you said who can't go back and explain to his mother?

"Idiots who failed exams!"

"Sa die!"

"What a lot!"

The two gritted their teeth and scuffled together.

Sasuke very nonchalantly kicked Naruto to the base of his thigh.

Naruto's face suddenly contorted.

One butt fell backwards.

The table and chairs were poured upside down.

Naruto felt as if he had touched something, and a cold touch came from the place of contact.

It felt like a piece of hard metal.

Naruto slowly raised his head, and he saw an indifferent pale face, looking down at him indifferently, with two scarlet spots in the middle of his eyebrows.

What a scary look....

Naruto swallowed a mouthful of spit.

He remembered this classmate.

It seems that Junmaru is called, a little older than them, and he just sits in his position every day, motionless.

Junmaru stretched out his palm.

Naruto also thought that the other party was trying to pull him.

But in the next second, his face froze.

A sharp blade suddenly drilled out of that palm, and the tip of the knife was firmly aimed at his throat.

"You stained my clothes."

Junmaru spoke expressionlessly.

Naruto subconsciously swallowed a mouthful of spit.

The blade was only a few millimeters from his throat.

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