Magus Of Possibilities

Chapter -28 - What exactly is a reality marble

The concept of a Reality Marble is projecting one's inner world onto reality following the World Egg theory. Generally, it is used to refer to the alien common sense of a demon, and that world is how they perceive reality. It is a Magecraft that capable of competing with True Magic, and the ȧssociation had banned all research for this thing.

"It can be summarized in one word: Fickleness, it starts from the moment that we are born and from the moment that we all die. To call the reality marbles manifestations of inner world; is to imply that it can be changed just as we all do as we experience life and Age,

"It's a manifestation of one's inner world reflecting our human nature"

Human nature and reality Marble

"All men are different, our personality and our ways of thinking are prime example of that. We kill, we cheat, we steal, we help, we create and we build. Our actions might look to be the same and our goals might temporary even be the same but in the end, our intent and reactions towards things are different,"

"it's impossible for men to think one-hundred percent the same way. It's completely impossible. That's why our society will always be plagued by conflicts of interests and can never truly know the meaning of unity and peace, not as long as something called free-will exists.

That's why all reality marbles are different from one another, because every man is fundamentally different both in nature and existence. We all have our own talents and we all have our own shortcomings.

The Difference between Reality Marbles and the effects of human nature

"A Reality Marble focuses more in the sense that it is a manifestation of the current state of order soul."

an artificial manifestation which is composed of two layers: the inner layer which is the inner world of self and the outer layer which is created through the projection of one's reality marble onto the physical world.

In the Former, One can be omnipotent but can't bring anyone from the real-world into it-that would mean that One must create a bounded field within one's self which can house real physical objects or living beings… an impossible feat in the use of Magecraft, the art which specifically focuses upon replication of scientific feats through the use of supernatural means."

"The projection of a reality marble is like that of a bounded field -Temporary artificial field created through Magecraft which will have to follow the laws of limitation. "


Another extreme example of words can influence the world around you. Making subtle changes in verbal syntax can change the meaning of a chant such is the case and explanation of why Emiya Shirou and Archer uses different incarnation/chant/aria despite having the same reality marble Unlimited Blade Works

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