Magus Tech

Chapter 11: Production of anesthetics

  It is true that the use of drugs may cause some effects on the body, but the use of drugs may be the most convenient and fastest way. Under normal circumstances, it is impossible to maintain a state of consciousness and let the body sleep, but it can be done with special drugs, such as anesthesia.

  There are many types of anesthetics, such as solid type, gas type, and liquid type. What Richard is now trying to prepare is a solid phytoalkaline anesthetic.

   Generally speaking, the preparation of this type of anesthetic is very simple, because many plants contain this ingredient, such as solanaceae, leguminous, ranunculaceae, papaveraceae in dicotyledonous plants. It is only necessary to add plant raw materials to the instrument, and after a series of chemical reactions to remove impurities, high-purity alkaloids can be obtained.

   Richard thought, and operated.

  Complex instruments continue to function, distillation, condensation, filtration, extraction, precipitation, dissolution, crystallization...

"Poo poo", a lot of white vapor came out, "Papa Papa", the lid of the jar kept pulsating, "Tick Tick", a drop of yellow liquid dripped from the horn tube, "Gutter", a large amount came out of the beaker bubble……


   After half a ring, the whole experiment flow reached the final stage. As the temperature of the liquid in a beaker gradually cooled down, a block of crystals precipitated out, showing a muddy yellow color, and the inside seemed to be filled with some dust.

   Richard just glanced at it and shook his head uncontrollably, knowing that the first attempt failed, the reason is simple-there are impurities.

  'S own experimental process is not wrong, and has considered the removal of various impurities, but the entire experiment is up to more than twenty links, subject to the current world production equipment, each link will produce a small error.

   One error and two errors are acceptable, but ten errors and twenty errors are a bit fatal. Quantitative changes accumulate qualitative changes, thoroughly contaminating the crystals of the final product that should be pure and thus unusable.


   Richard shook his head again without any annoyed expression. Since coming to this world for 15 years, I have understood what this world is like, even if I am angry, it is useless. No matter how strict the craftsman is required, there will always be errors in the instruments produced.

  If you want to solve this problem, you can only choose...a different way.

"Solid plant-based anesthetics can't be prepared, so we can only look at whether gas anesthetics and liquid anesthetics can be prepared." Li Cha murmured to himself and found a blank papyrus scroll from the wooden frame on one side , Found a place on the black walnut wooden table to spread out, sitting upright and holding a quill pen to start writing and drawing, and sorting out ideas.


   For the preparation of gas anesthetics, Richard has a record in his mind, that is, the production of the famous "laughing gas", namely nitrous oxide (N20).

   This is a colorless sweet gas, its anesthetic effect, in the history of modern Earth, was discovered by British chemist Humphrey David in 1799. Later, it is widely used in the field of dentists, because it allows patients to lose consciousness while still maintaining consciousness, and can make oral reactions according to the instructions of the dentist, which brings great convenience to the dentist.

  The most important thing is that this gas-type anesthetic is simple in structure and can be prepared by only one thermal decomposition reaction. To be precise, it is heating ammonium nitrate (NH4NO3) to decompose ammonium nitrate into nitrous oxide (N2O) and water (H2O) by heating, and collecting nitrous oxide by drainage.

  Richard thought of this, and wrote the three words "ammonium nitrate" in the very center of the papyrus scroll, but for a moment he was frowned, thinking that there should be no such thing as ammonium nitrate in the current world.

  Because ammonium nitrate is not a natural substance but a chemical product, it was not industrialized until the late 19th century. If you want to use industrial methods, you need to use ammonium sulfate and Chile saltpeter metathesis reaction.

   "Shashasha..." Soon, on the papyrus scroll, the words "ammonium sulfate" and "Chilean saltpetre" were added next to the middle "ammonium nitrate".

   Richard's eyes first fell on ammonium sulfate. Ammonium sulfate is generally obtained by neutralization with ammonium hydroxide and sulfuric acid, followed by crystallization, centrifugal separation and drying. Sulfuric acid has its own, but ammonia hydroxide does not. It needs to be prepared by chemical methods...

   turned his head, and Richard's eyes fell on Chile's saltpetre again. The main component of Chile's saltpeter is sodium nitrate (NaNO3), which can only be synthesized with sodium metal and nitric acid on the basis that raw ore is not available. Nitric acid is easy to say, but sodium is not easy to find in this world. Table salt contains sodium, but to separate it requires electrolysis, which requires electricity...

   "Shasha Sha..." Li Cha wrote more and more on papyrus, and when he finally stopped, he already wrote a full piece. If you follow the operation written on the papyrus scroll, let's not talk about 20 links, but there are fewer than 40 links.

The main reason for this situation is the current technological level of the world. Because there is no industrialization, many raw materials that should be easily obtained are not available. They can only be synthesized with the most basic and common substances. It is bound to increase the workload and difficulty.

   "Hoo", exhaled, rubbing his eyebrows, Richard has decided to temporarily give up the second attempt, look at the third attempt and make a decision.

   The third attempt was to prepare a liquid anesthetic, and Richard was more optimistic about ether (C4H10O).

Ether is an anesthetic that most people know best. Even if it hasn’t been seen in reality, in various sizes of movies, you will often see such a bridge: bad guys use a liquid-soaked handkerchief to cover the victim. The mouth and nose of the reader, UU reading www. The victim inhaled nervously, sucked the volatile liquid into his body, and then passed out in a coma.

   In the bridge section, the liquid in the handkerchief is ether, which is a colorless and transparent liquid, which is very volatile and has an extremely fast anesthesia efficiency.

   But to prepare this ether, it is not an easy task. The industrial preparation method requires alumina as the catalyst. Alumina, or metallic aluminum, is currently in a world similar to the Middle Ages, and its scarcity can be ten times higher than that of gold and gemstones.

  Although the content of aluminum in the earth's crust is second only to oxygen and silicon, it is the third, but due to its weak oxidizability, aluminum compounds are not easily reduced from their compounds, so it has been difficult to separate metallic aluminum. Until 1854 on modern earth, the German chemist Deville used sodium instead of potassium to reduce aluminum chloride to produce pure aluminum ingots. For a long time after that, because it was extremely difficult to produce, aluminum was a treasure that only the emperors and nobles could enjoy.

For example, the French emperor Napoleon III used aluminum forks at the banquet; the Thai king used aluminum bracelets; exhibited with the jewels in the crown at the Paris Exposition in 1855, and the label marked "silver from clay"; 1889 , The London Chemical Society treats vases and cups made of aluminum alloy as gifts, and gives them to Telev...

   In the current world, if you are going to take out alumina from scratch and use it as a catalyst for testing, I am afraid that it will be more difficult than an unarmed farmer killing a giant dragon, but...

   "Is there no way, in the first so-called life remodeling, have you been stumped..." Li Cha murmured to herself, tapping the table lightly.

   "Slap, pop, pop... pop!" Suddenly, Richard stopped his fingers and thought of something, his eyes sharpened, "Wait..."

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