Magus Tech

Vol 2 Chapter 1160: Spell Preparation

"I have to say that you are better than I thought." Richard faced Noan Road.

"Maybe we can talk about it again?" Richard said right. "I can provide you with the resources you want to help you solve the problems you have encountered in exchange for you to work for me."

"To be honest, I really don't want to kill you now. After all, like you, I don't see much. It's better to stay or stay."

After speaking, Richard looked at Noan.

Noan frowned deeply, as if thinking, looking away at Barry hiding in the corner.

Barry shuddered, his eyes were round, and there was a strong reaction. If it wasn't for his strength, he really wanted to shout loudly.

What... what's going on! Just now, he has made such a big concession, has not reached a cooperation yet? Not so good just now, why did you suddenly turn your face again?

It's been a long time since we played, can we still shake hands and then kill him in turn?

No, this kind of thing will never work.


Barry swallowed hard and looked at Richard, his eyes blinking, as if he was fighting psychologically.

The next moment, with a cruel heart, "knocked" on the ground with one knee, because he felt that as a wizard, he still needed some dignity. Kneeling on one knee represents his surrender. If you kneel, you are begging for mercy, which is too shameful.

Keeping kneeling on one knee, Barry looked up at Richard, organized a language, squeezed a smile, and said: "That... there were too many people in the square outside, so it's hard to say too much. Here, when there are few people, I can tell the truth.

In fact, I can make a few more steps. As long as you kill this **** Noan, I can let you borrow the Blood Code all the time without returning it.

In addition, if you encounter problems, as long as the ancestors can help, you can help anytime, anywhere. In other words, as long as my ancestors are under my control, I can do my best for you.

This... is it alright? "

With an extremely sincere attitude, Barry spoke of almost unimaginable preferential conditions, and looked to Richard for a reply.

Richard did not rush to answer, just gave a smile and looked at Noan again.

The meaning is clear, even though Barry gave in so much, he still prefers to cooperate with Noan.

I don’t know if Nuoan understands this meaning, or if he is not prepared to give in, and said coldly: "Why, do you think I will be like Barry, and obey you? Delusion!

I tell you, stranger, I can live or die, and once kneeled. But since I stood up, I would never kneel again, even if it was dead. I advise you to take back all your ridiculous ideas.

I said, you and I are a kind of person, have you ever seen yourself submit to yourself? "

Richard looked at Noan for a few seconds, exhaled, and shook his head: "Actually, I don't think we are a human being. Because, under the same circumstances, I will not be as rigid as you, and will be more flexible. Only Only when you touch the absolute principle will you be so determined.

At the beginning, I resolutely destroyed a city and won a tragic victory. I am skeptical about your determination, whether I can win. "

"Do you doubt it? Just you, I will show you that I am qualified." Noan shouted, several tentacles on his body stretched out sharply, and the end lit up like a huge gem inlaid. , And then shoot out a ray of energy with a high-energy response.


Richard's eyebrows moved, stepped on, and dodge quickly.

"Puff puff!"

The first few rays hit the air, and the subsequent rays followed the relentless attack, constantly shooting at the vital points of Li Cha's body.


After a few seconds, the frequency of the light is getting faster and faster, and the number is increasing, and the entire underground space becomes ample, like the scene of a large carnival party. However, each color of light did not show any carnival atmosphere, but with the breath of death, it fell to all corners and pierced holes.


After more than ten seconds, the release of light has reached its limit, and almost the entire underground space is covered by energy light.

"Go to hell!"

Noan seemed to finally lock Richard's body, shouted, and gathered all the lights together, blasting in one direction.


Seeing that Richard's speed in the dodge had just slowed down, a bucket of energy light was swept through, and the entire upper body, including the head, evaporated directly.


Noan breathed a sigh of relief after watching it, sitting pale on the ground, glaring at half of Richard's body falling to the ground, muttering: "Finally dead... It seems that you are not much stronger than me... ...At most you are... quack!"

Halfway through the words, Noan shut his mouth suddenly, his expression stiffened.

I saw half of Richard's body falling on the ground, twisted and transparent, and disappeared. Then, less than half a meter away from the corpse, a brand new and complete Richard was sketched out of the air.

"You... how is this possible!" Noan looked at it, screaming out of gait, and an unprecedented sense of frustration in his heart.

After all, seeing that he was attacking with all his strength and finally killing the enemy, the enemy returned to normal in just one second, and no one could accept it.

"How could you not hurt at all?" Noan couldn't help it.

"Cough cough." Li Cha coughed softly, a reddish red flushed from his face, his body trembling slightly. When I flipped my hand, I didn't know where to find two tubes of grass-green potions. I frowned and drank, looking towards Noan, and said, "Actually, don't be too frustrated. Your attack still made me suffer. Hurt."

"But it's not a but an internal injury, so the surface can't be seen." Li Cha said slowly, speaking, showing the empty glass tube of the pharmacy, "Speaking of it, you successfully let me The effect of drinking this thing for many days is in vain. At this point, I am very unhappy."

"Then, don't blame me for being rude." Richard said, putting away the empty glass tube, his face sank, and raised his hand. "It's my turn."

Noan listened, his face slightly changed, propped up his weak body to stand up, and he was ready to defend.

However, Richard's attack was faster than he thought. He only heard the sound of "boom", and a blood-red energy lance hit his body and exploded violently.

The attack didn't hurt him too much, but it was just the beginning of an attack.

Raising his eyes, he saw that Li Cha gave birth to dozens of thick and thick blood spears in front of him in an instant, waving his hands one by one continuously and continuously flying towards him.


The blood spear kept hitting and exploding. Although Noan could barely bear it, his body shook and was forced to step back step by step.

After a few seconds passed, more than a dozen blood spears were exhausted, and Noan finally breathed a sigh of relief. He was about to catch his breath and glanced at Li Cha. His body suddenly cooled, and he saw Li Cha whispering the last syllables of a spell at this time, preparing for an unknown powerful spell.

Obviously, Richard blasted more than ten blood spears. He didn't think he could be killed, but used to cover himself to prepare the spell.

The question is, as powerful as Richard, it takes special time to prepare. How terrifying will the spells released be?

Noan thought nervously, then narrowed his eyes and knew the answer.

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