Magus Tech

Vol 2 Chapter 1504: Sun rise

One second, two seconds, three seconds...

   Ten seconds, thirty seconds, sixty seconds...

   After a while, on the square crystal, the green curve was pressed against the red curve. Lorentz could not help but broke the quiet atmosphere: "It has been a minute."

   "It's a minute." Richard listened and nodded, and agreed, "The energy in the'sun in the bottle' has been positive for a minute."

"So, is the ninth set of plans really correct? The'Sun in a Bottle' plan, is this...successful?" Lorentz replied, with excitement and disbelief in his face, and the rest of the management was similar, " In this case, does it mean that we have got endless energy?"

"I can't say that yet," Richard said reasonably. "At present, we have only cracked the secret of endless energy, and we need to continue to work hard to get endless energy. But... after all, this is indeed a success that cannot be ignored. It is an important milestone of the'Sun in a Bottle' plan. We are very close to the endless energy."

   "Beep beep!"

  Richard's words fell. At the end of a cabinet-shaped instrument next to it, a red warning light flashed and a beep sounded.

The governor Schrödinger quickly ran over and checked: "Lord Richard, the core area is constantly outputting energy forward, reaching the preset warning line. We need to find a consumption outlet immediately, otherwise we have to limit the positive To the output energy."

   "Then turn off the external energy supply line of the castle, connect the energy output from the core area to the main line, and supply the auxiliary equipment with energy. Let us take the first step of this endless energy." Li said.

   "Okay." Schrödinger nodded and listened to the instrument skillfully. After a while, the movement stopped, took a deep breath, and under the watch of many people in the room, solemnly pressed a dark yellow button on the instrument.


   Many instruments in the room are still running normally, but the overhead light is suddenly dimmed, but within a second, new light is born.

At the beginning,    was a bit dim, like lighting a candle.

   After a blink of an eye, this "candle" seemed to be dripped into fuel suddenly, the light was bright, and the brightness instantly exceeded that before.

  Not only this room, all the lights in the outside corridor and the rest of the rooms have become extremely bright.

   In the end, on the ground, the appearance of many buildings of the entire Bright Castle followed up.

   The silver-white wall produced a beam of dazzling light, which shot in all directions.

  Looking from a distance, the outline of the entire bright castle becomes blurred, and it is impossible to distinguish each stone building specifically, like a huge sun rising from the top of the mountain.

The area around   , which has been dark for more than three years since the beginning of the dark era, faded quickly under the huge sun. suddenly turned on...



In the square in front of the city hall, people who attended the medal-giving ceremony are gathering here.

   Not long before the first-level combat readiness alarm sounded, someone ran into the auditorium and reported some things to Jasmine, the city's master. Immediately afterwards, Jasmine announced that the ceremony was temporarily suspended, leaving everyone to leave the safe exit and go to the square to wait for the next notice.

  Standing on the square, you can see that the energy shield on the top of the head is getting darker from transparent to sea blue. This is the phenomenon of full power on, indicating that the whole city is likely to be dangerously hit next.

   This made a crowd unable to discuss, trying to figure out what was going on.

   Is the army of strange creatures resurgent again?

   Or is there a new enemy?

   Everyone is puzzled.

  Compared with everyone, Bob, Philip, Frank, and Machu, in addition to doubting the cause of evacuation, there is another thing that doubts.

At the corner of the square, Bob, Philip, and Frank all looked straight at Machu. Machu couldn't help saying: "Can you change your eyes? If you want me to say something, you will believe it. coincidence?"

  Bob didn't answer at all, just kept looking at Machu.

Machu sighed: "Hey, you are like that, it's boring. Think about it with your brain, you can know what'doom' can't change things. After all, even if it's'doom', it's Frank's experience Not right.

Whatever his "doom" means, the opposite will happen, and what I mean, the same thing will happen-I said an accident, there was an accident that actually stopped the medal-giving ceremony, and I said it sounded a level The combat readiness warning immediately sounded the first-level combat readiness warning.

   This is not the same thing at all, how can we talk together? Besides, ‘Doom’ is Frank’s, not mine, and this thing cannot be transferred from one person to another, so the previous thing is definitely a coincidence! coincidence! "

After listening to it, Bob glanced at Machu and said with a smile: "You know, what you are like now is very similar to Frank some time ago-they all tried to deny it, but in the end you will recognize the reality of.

  Is ‘doom’ on your body transferred from Frank, I’m not sure, but why your ‘doom’ is what you say, unlike Frank, I’m a bit guessing.

That's why "doom" is called "doom" because it is difficult to control, it will bring you disaster in silence, and you try to control it deliberately, it makes your situation more unexpectedly. Horrible. "

"Hey, you guys are really overdone." Machu often breathed out a breath. "I told you that I studied at a university high school in this city, and the school teacher taught me a very important thing. , That is to say logic in everything. There is no logic at all in the case of'doom', really as you said, then I will say something deliberately now, can I make a mess?"

"For example...cough cough..." Just do it, Machu cleared his throat I hope that from the next moment, the whole world will have unexpected changes, I hope that time can go back, I can There are countless golds falling beside me...I hope that the dark days that have lasted for so many years outside the city will end in an instant, and a sun will rise from the mountain, so that I can dry the quilts and clothes. The province is all musty... …"

Machu said more and more excitedly, and said for a long time, then smiled at himself, and looked at Bob a few times: "Look, I said so much, did not change anything, fully explain, "doom" theory It’s unreliable...why am I not right, why do you still look at me like this and keep your eyes so big..."

  Machu suddenly saw Philip sticking out a finger, and he pointed to him behind his back.

   "Huh?" Machu turned around unknown, looking towards the rear.

   The next moment, his breath stopped.

   saw that outside the sea blue energy shield, on the horizon far away from Atlanta, a very bright light suddenly emerged, quickly dispelling the darkness and making the whole area light up.

   That... that is a sun that is slowly rising from the ground.

   His words...right again...


   Machu felt that his entire world view was instantly subverted, his body strength was pumped away, and he could hardly stand to fall to the ground.

Franco behind    looked at Machu, but with a relieved expression, it seemed that he finally gave a burden to others, and the whole person began to relax.


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