Magus Tech

Vol 2 Chapter 608: Psionic incarnation!

"Oh!" Muse chuckled at Martin's words and looked at Martin: "You old guy, it's a bit interesting. In my opinion, it's smarter than the big guy just now. As a reward to you, I can How about killing you in the end?"

"No, let's care more about yourself." Martin yelled, his body took a few steps back and ignored the muse.

Turning his head to look at the other wizards, Martin said very seriously: "You guys, if you can, please help me to hold this crazy woman for ten seconds. I need to use this time to cast the most powerful spells I have. So that this crazy woman can get the lessons she deserves."

"Master Martin, rest assured, we will do it." Martin's words just fell, and the other wizards responded immediately.

"It's time for this woman to get a good look!"

"Master Martin, unless we all die, we will never let the other party affect you!"

"Master Martin, you can rest assured to cast spells, we are on!"

Many voices sounded, and then many wizards rushed towards the muse, releasing their magical spells.

Muse looked at it, but shook his head slightly, with a pityful expression: "Work hard for an unreliable goal, and would rather give up your life? Oh, it's really sad, it's really only ants that can make it Things. Ants like you are doomed not to let you free, then let me fulfill you."

When the words fell, Muse faced the powerful spells released by many wizards, waved his hands violently, and launched a counterattack.


On one side, Martin released the spell very seriously, with the lips opening and closing, the obscure spell sound echoed in the wind.

"Kreite... Er...Aynize..."

Gradually, a powerful mana wave appeared in his body, and golden light leaked from the pores of his body, flowing like a liquid, covering the surface of his body little by little.

With the passage of time, the radiating light became stronger and stronger, and he seemed to be surrounded by light, thus completing some mysterious change of the mechanism of life.

On the other side, many wizards and muses fought fiercely.

A sorceress released a black wind blade enough to cut through the solid wall and cut it towards the back of the muse.

As soon as Muse turned around, he grasped the wind blade in one hand with one hand and smashed it with a bang. With another wave of hand, the shattered wind blade was turned into more than ten small wind knives by her. There were blood-red energy fluctuations on the surface. With a sharp voice, she shot at the wizard who besieged him.

"Ah! Ah! Ah!"

Several screams sounded, and the wizard who besieged him suddenly injured three people, one of whom was extremely injured.

At this time Martin continued to mantra, just three seconds passed.

Many wizards gritted their teeth and then shot, and the two wizards joined forces to release a bucket of lightning bolt, which struck the muse.

Muse reached out and grabbed the lightning, as if he were physically there, and then his eyes sharpened, and the whole lightning burst.

"Ah! Ah! Ah!"

There were also several screams, two wizards who had cast spells were seriously injured, and a wizard who was closer was affected and slightly injured.

At this time Martin was still chanting, and six seconds had passed, more than half.

"Go to hell!"

A wizard roared and spread his arms. The temperature of the surrounding air dropped sharply, and the water was gathered, condensed into ice cones with green corrosive energy, and roared to the muse like an ice storm.

Muse clenched his fist and hit it hard, shaking the whole space, and the ice cone was broken.

Then the muse rushed in front of the spell-casting wizard and punched his head with a punch, several energy shields flashed, and then shattered, the spell-casting wizard's head was shattered.


The headless body shook, fell to the ground, and the blood raged.

At this time Martin was still chanting, the time had passed nine seconds, and it had reached the end.

Another sorcerer stopped and tried not to let Muse affect Martin, so he tried his best to burn a flame all over his body and controlled the flame to attack Muse.

Muse was a fan, like a fanfare.

With a snapping sound, the flame-burning wizard flew out as a whole. After landing, he rolled out a long way before stopping. The flame extinguished quickly, and his breath disappeared.

Ten seconds!

Ten seconds, full interception, six injuries and two deaths.

After paying a heavy price, Martin finally ended the mantra and cast the spell successfully.


I saw that there was a sun in his body, and countless dazzling golden lights desperately searched the corner. In a very short period of time, Martin and golden light merged, and finally Martin turned into light.

Martin became a person made of light.

Plastic energy class, three-ring spell, psionic incarnation!

Muse squinted at Martin’s new form, his eyes narrowed, not nervous, but asked with some playfulness: "Why, this is the most powerful spell you master? This is your hole card? It looks like Isn't it good?"

"Is it!" Martin uttered, his voice as mechanically cold, apparently the reason for the change in body structure, disapproval of Muse's words, "I don't think the same as you. In my opinion, this spell is enough to defeat you It’s enough to use this spell to kill you and avenge the rest of the wizards!"

"Even, so confident?"

"This is not faith, but facts." Martin's cold statement.

"Well, I'm looking forward to your performance." Muse raised his eyebrows.

"You will not be disappointed." Martin uttered a voice and gave the final response. Then the whole person rushed out and approached the muse, but he adopted a close-up attack similar to the previous Barlow.

But after Martin changed into a strange "light" form, the speed was more than several times faster than Barlow, almost in a blink of an eye, just before Muse. Then he punched out, hitting Muse's chest very hard and hit successfully.


Muse's body shook, and the whole person backed away without pain. Instead, he punched out and countered Martin.

Martin didn't make a hard connection, his body moved, flashed behind Muse, and punched again, hitting again.


Muse's body shook There was blood spilling from the corner of his mouth, obviously injured.

"Not bad!"

After being injured, Muse didn't feel angry, but instead smiled, turned back suddenly, and tried to attack Martin again.

Martin is hiding, moving out a full dozens of meters, let Muse hit the air.

Martin, who moved a few tens of meters, looked at the muse and said: "You know, my current state is much faster than you, so I can attack you at will, but it is difficult for you to hit me."


Muse appeared like a teleport behind Martin. He pierced into Martin’s body with one hand, preparing to squeeze Martin’s heart like a wizard before, coldly said: “You’re sure, I can’t really hit What about now?"

"Huh?" Muse's eyes flickered and then froze for a while, as she discovered that after her arm emerged from Martin's chest, she didn't grab her heart, or even grab anything.


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