Magus Tech

Vol 2 Chapter 780: Xiaman's identification results

Seeing that Xiaman showed a strong interest in the materials brought by Haas, Shar pursed his lips and turned his eyes next moment, promptly reminding: "Master Xiaman, it's not too early, you should go out, card Miss Ruolin is still waiting for you. will put the materials first and wait until you come back to study?"

Sharman listened to Shar's words for a moment, and then it came back. There were "serious things" to do. Turning his head and looking at Shar and the material in the box, hesitated.

Hesitated for a moment and made a decision.

He is a person who is very particular about enjoyment, so he is well aware of the truth: blind pursuit of enjoyment without any rationality will not last long. If you want to enjoy long-term, you must know how to restrain your heart and give up short-term enjoyment at certain times.

The current material seems to be abnormal, he should stay and study instead of going out to enjoy it.


Taking a deep breath, Xiaman looked at Shar and said, "Shar, you go out now and help me to tell Caroline, I can't go tonight, don't have to wait for me. I will patronize tomorrow she was."

"Adult, do you really want to be like this?" Shar said, a little surprised.

Xiaman's eyes glared slightly: "I've decided, go!"

"Yes." Shahr's neck shrank, and he dared not talk again, and quickly walked out the door.

Haas watched as Shar left, his lips flicked undetectably, revealing a bit of triumph.

At this time, Shaman picked up the wooden box on the table and walked towards the secret room on the side of the room. He said to Haas, "Has, come with me and help me identify this thing."

"Yes, sir!" Haas said quickly, showing some unexpected joy. He followed Xiaman, pushed a heavy iron door, and entered the secret room.

After entering the secret room, you can see that there are many wooden shelves and tables, which are filled with a large number of tools, such as balances, long-handled spoons, brushes, magnifying glasses, carving knives and so on.

In addition, there are a lot of medicaments, red, orange, yellow, green and various colors. I don't know what to do.

This is the private research room of the shaman Shaman, and it is also his guarantee of maintaining his life.

As a low-level wizard with no talent, under normal circumstances, it is difficult to earn enough gold coins to enjoy a luxury life.

However, Xiaman's age brought him extraordinary insights. In addition, when he was young, he followed a teacher to learn a lot of knowledge such as antiquities, plants, biology, and art. Authority.

As a result, he was able to open a shop selling various rare items, and was able to join a secret but powerful organization, protected by security.

This is the aspect he has always been proud of.



Footsteps sounded, Sharman walked into the back room for a long time, looked at the many tools, and suddenly felt a little emotion, turned his head to Haas and said: "Has, remember that when you were last year, you were still here to learn identification knowledge Right."

"Yes." Haas bowed his head in response.

"It's a pity." Xia Man sighed. "Your talent is not good enough. After studying with me for so long, I still can't do things independently. I can only send you to the shop to help."

"Sorry, I let you down." Haas said guiltily.

"Forget it." Xiaman waved his hand. "You are also working hard, but there is really no way to force this kind of talent. By the way, I let you assist me in the identification before. Do you remember those jobs?"


"Well, this time, you will help me prepare for the identification."

"Yes." Haas responded, striding towards a table in the back room, and started to set up a series of tools. His movements were a little rusty, but with carefulness, he did not make any mistakes.

Xiaman saw that Haas was ready and did not evaluate, he directly started, and identified according to a specific process.

I saw that he took the black powder in the box, took a little with a long-handled spoon, put it in a transparent glass bottle, poured it into fresh water to dissolve it, and then divided it into more than ten portions for different treatments.

The first portion was boiled on the fire, cooled, a purple powdery substance was added, and the reaction was observed.

The second portion was diluted with more water and then mixed with a yellow liquid to observe the reaction.

The third part is to lower the temperature until it solidifies, then pour it into a red liquid, and then add three liquids of cyan, blue, and black in order to observe the reaction...

The fourth, fifth, sixth...

For each treatment, Charman would record the corresponding reaction, his brows gradually tightened, and his eyes became more and more dignified.

Shaman took the last liquid and walked into the corner alone. Open an iron box, take a small bottle of golden liquid from it, and carefully drop a drop into the solution of the casting material.

As soon as it was dropped, a large number of bubbles appeared in the casting material solution, which rolled up and down and almost boiled. After a long time, it calmed down and the color had changed to deep red.

"Crimson? This phenomenon seems to be..."

Xiaman stared at the liquid for a while, turned around took his notes from the wooden stand, began to read them, and finally found the records many years ago.

"When reacting with Mank orchid liquid, there will be multiple reactions. If the final color is dark red, it means that the material contains a rich death breath, which is a casting material specially used for the undead spell..."

Sharman read the content in a low voice, his eyes narrowed slightly, and he turned his head to look at Haas. He asked pensively, "Did you consign the customer, did they mention where they came from?"

"I didn't say it, I just said that they came from a small town to the south." Haas replied, "So they won't stay in Delan for too long, I hope I can sell the consignment goods to him as soon as possible. .

"To the south, isn't it Jialan City? Isn't that necromantic spells and casting materials..." Xiaman's eyes rolled quickly, thinking of some rumors that he joined the organization, his lips pursed a little, and the brain quickly thought between contact.

After thinking for a long time, he had several guesses about the truth of the matter. Except that the most dangerous kind of guess is too low, the remaining several may be true.

As for which one it is, you need to know more about it.

If he is lucky, he may get enough benefits from this incident, so that he can enjoy the rest of his life without worry.


"It's only necessary to meet each other." Xiaman whispered.

Look at Haas again and ask: "Has, can you reach them?"

"They gave a contact method, saying that if a customer buys their consignment, they will contact them immediately."

"Very good, you contact them immediately, I want to meet them, the time is up to them."

"Uh, yes, lord."



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