Magus Tech

Chapter 9: Wizards and life remodeling

  When a new day comes, Richard has a general understanding of the wizard and the entire spell system described in the book.

  According to the description in the book, a wizard is a group of people with mysterious powers, who can control the magical changes of energy, matter and even life in nature through special means.

   Generally speaking, wizards do not actively contact ordinary people. They will hide themselves very carefully. Most of the time they will gather with their companions to explore ancient secrets and study more advanced spells.

   Of course, there are different divisions of strength and weakness among wizards, from low to high, divided into first-level wizards, second-level wizards, third-level wizards... and even the highest nine-level wizards.

   Generally speaking, the first-level wizard has the special ability that ordinary people can't resist. It can easily wipe out an elite army, kill the ruler of a kingdom, and easily leave in a thousand troops.

   Second-level wizards are even more powerful and can do things beyond the limits of ordinary people's imagination, such as turning a stone into a rock giant with life, such as turning a person with life into a stone statue without life.

   Third-level wizards are comparable to gods. They have the ability to move mountains and fall into the sea. They can release a spell at will to cause a natural disaster in a place. It can make a place continue to be a drought and become a desert, or a rainstorm can constantly become a country.

   As for fourth-level wizards, fifth-level wizards, and sixth-level wizards, the means of display has been completely unimaginable, creating huge islands in the ocean for living, or transforming the climate of an entire continent into one of my favorite...

   And the seventh-level wizards go up, and even the existence of it is a question to be proved. Only in the only words and phrases handed down in ancient times, there is a vague description.

   In short, the power of the wizard is beyond doubt, as long as you become a wizard, even the weakest wizard, you can defy human kingship and laws.

   Of course, most of the time, most people do not have the talent to become wizards, and even if they have talents, many of them stop at the level of wizard apprentices.

  The apprentice of the wizard is a pre-wizard level, not a formal wizard. Although it can release some spells, it is far from the real wizard. Although their means are also feared by ordinary people, ordinary people have many ways to kill them.

  The most important thing is that wizard apprentices are often unable to confront a whole well-trained army, so they must obey the law and obey the king to a certain extent. Many times, under the pressure of life, sorcerer apprentices often have to depend on a noble and serve the nobility for life.

   Become a real wizard is the desire of every wizard apprentice, but obviously, not so successful. Even becoming a wizard apprentice is difficult, because not everyone has the talent, and the chance of having it is less than 1 in 10,000.

   Only less than one in 10,000 talented people can achieve three life remodeling, complete the transition from mortal to preparatory wizard, and prepare for becoming a real wizard. In addition, more than 9,999/10,000 people can only choose to be a mortal forever.

  The three life remodelings are: astral projection, dharma creation, and energy melting.

   And it’s easy to test a person’s ability to be talented, that is...


   "Pap!" A scroll fell and fell on the table. Richard picked it up and looked up at the scroll, then let go.

   "Pap!" The scroll fell and fell on the table for the second time.

  'S eyes flickered, and Richard picked up the scroll again, staring at it, using all his mental strength to try to lift the scroll, and then let go.

   "Pap!" The reel fell for the third time.

   "Huh--" Richard exhaled and closed his eyes, because he had not slept all night, and was slightly tired at this time. Rubbing his temples, he said to himself: "Sure enough, the probability of 1 in 10,000 is not so easy, otherwise it is not the real world at all, but entertainment novels. In this way, I have no talent, Yes, it is logical and probabilistic.

  Ignoring the possibility that the content in the book is deceptive for a while, then the situation now is that I have struggled to unlock the secret of the wizard book, but it is blocked by reality from the gate of the wizarding world. This is kind of interesting..."

   opened his eyes and looked out the window. The sun in the east had just risen, radiating light to every corner of the earth.

Richard's eyes narrowed slightly, and he said to himself: "Then next, let's see how thick the door of the wizarding world is. I want to try it. Can it be forcibly broken in a scientific way? open.

  If you just rely on the so-called talent to become a wizard, what is the point? Only by relying on science to become a wizard and using science to analyze the principles of the entire wizard system and apply it is really interesting.

   In this way, at least you can figure out most of the truth of the current world, and you can figure out how you came to this **** world. UU reading www.uukanshu. com

   cross? Oh, this joke-like reason in entertainment novels, I don't need it myself, I need a real answer that can be explained by science. "

  Richard stood up and stretched out towards the morning sun. The big sunlight was shining from the window and shining on the dusty air colloid in the room.

   A lot of dust like fine sand, dyed with gold at this moment, dancing in the light, floating ups and downs, looks beautiful.

   Suddenly the dust was turbulent, as if an invisible giant fist blasted into it. Under the action of the air waves, the dust dispersed in panic around.

   "Bang! Bang! Bang!" Richard's bedroom door connecting the study was knocked at this moment.


   "Squeaky", Richard opened the door and saw Edward standing outside, his expression slightly nervous.

   "What's the matter? What's the matter?" Richard asked out loud, knowing that his guard captain wouldn't usually have the expression now.

  Edward said, "His Royal Highness, the housekeeper of Delong has come and said he wants to see you."

   "Delong Butler? See me?" Li Cha frowned slightly.

   Housekeeper Delong is a skinny old man in his 60s. He is the housekeeper of the King of the Blue Lion Kingdom. He theoretically manages the size of the entire palace. Although he is only a servant, he has more power than many court officials and even nobles. I just don't know the other party, and suddenly somehow came, why? Now I can be busy preparing to solve the three life remodeling problems in the wizard book, no time wasted...

"Where is he now?"

   "Just waiting in the lobby."

   "Well, I'll see him." Richard stepped towards the door, "Let's see what happened first."


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