After separating from miyuki, I went to my classroom, which is class E, the boys started roasting their groups and getting to know each other, I think that all classes are the same, creating small groups and getting to know each other.

Tatsuya reached his seat by his side, Erika raising her hand to greet him and on the other side was Misuki laughing at me.

Erika: I'm going to be a neighbor all year long.

Misuki: We're going to be a neighbor, I hope it's a p.l.e.a.s.u.r.e.

Tatsuya: It seems that being surrounded by two beautiful ladies is going to be a test, I will be taking care of you girls.

Tatsuya began to use his ability to pamper in erika, when I tell them that, erika felt a little tremor in her heart as her lips are red, but she said with a smile.

Erika: You seem like a whole Don Juan assuring you compliments to the Tatsuya girls. Look how this Misuki is blushing. It seems that you already have experience with the women.

Tatsuya: That's not true. Erika has never had a girlfriend, but that doesn't mean she can't get compliments to some ladies' hair.

Tatsuya continued to focus on Erika so that the ability was still in effect, and it seems that it worked because they are more red and this time he could hardly accuse him.

To leave a break, tell me to use my terminal on my desk by manually as quickly as possible, seeing Erika from the corner of my eyes seems a bit disappointed not to keep talking to her.

Boy: What a speed you have and friend if it's weird to get someone to use all manual.

Tatsuya: Seriously, they're weird, uhhh sorry I don't know what to call you.

Leo: My name is Saijou Leonhart. My father is average and my mother is in a room, but I still look Japanese, my name is western, you can call me leo.

Tatsuya: Okay, I'm Shiba tatsuya, you can call me tatsuya.

Leo: It's okay tatsuya what magic you specialize in.

Tatsuya: My practical skills are quite insufficient, so I plan to become a magical engineer.

Leo: I see ... no doubt you look smart.

Erika: Tatsuya you're going to be a makoshi.

Leo: Tatsuya who is that.

Erika: How impolite to say who [that] to a lady is surely why you're not popular, it's not true tatsuya.

Tatsuya: It's true Leo you can't say that to a girl who just met.

Erika is happy to speak for her.

Leo: The hundred for referring to me like that, but what does that have to do with whether it is popular or not just because you're beautiful, don't stretch.

Erika: Appearance is important, but suspending someone careless as you and wild would not understand.

Tatsuya is watching how they begin to move, erika and leo are the same as the series, tatsuya smiles internally at a joke.

Tatsuya: I see you are sorry for that, they get along so surely they were dating in the past nor is it certainly erika and leo.

Misuki stopped intervening when he told her that, while Leo and Erika were stunned by what I said after a while they began to fly almost to it.

Erika: What are you saying tatsuya never serious girlfriend of this kind would rather date someone different than with him as someone like.

Erika, after reacting, commented to tell me fervently that it had nothing to do with Leo, of course I also used my ability to agitate more.

Leo: How dare you mean by that.

Erika: What you heard.

While tatsuya grabs the innocent.

Tatsuya: I see what a hundred guys opens up confused but erika what do you mean, {with someone like} I couldn't hear very well.

Erika turned red when I remember what I say, luckily I don't hear it tatsuya.

Erika: Note worry, it was nothing, let's go misuki, let's almost begin classes.

After sitting erika and misuki estrus a teacher then that everyone returned to their seats as talk.

Teacher: Good morning, guys. I want to make it easy for you to enter the school. I am the integration counselor of this school, Ono Haruka. I am here to provide tutoring to each of you. There are 16 counselors in the school. and woman, and we will be responsible for a class at each level.

Yanagisawa-sensei and I have been assigned to this class.

After the presentation, everything went on like in the canon after finishing Leo, Erika, Misuku and I went to the cafeteria of the school.


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