Mai Kitsune Waifu

Chapter 1202: Liu Yi exit

Chapter 1202 Liu Yi clearance

Chen Cai took two Shura knives and instantly appeared in front of the dragon and Fuhu.

The two Luohan looked at each other and knew the strength of Chen Cai now, so they all made a move.

Two people roared together, and the Buddha's power was filled with sound waves, forming a huge shock wave, coming toward Chen Cai.


Chen Cai and the two Shura knife waved, directly divided the sound waves into four petals, and then spread around Chen Cai.

Chen Cai arrived in front of two Luohan, and the Shura knife in his hand continued to attack.

The black knife light followed one by one, and the two Luohans hurriedly took over the move, using the bodyguard Buddha light to block Chen Cai’s Shura knife.

Chen Cai’s attack is getting more and more rapid. He feels that he is like a flame now, and the more he burns, the more prosperous!

Before the end of the burn, Chen Cai must solve the two of them!


Chen Cai issued the voice of the fighting inside the King of Fighters, and the double knives soon became the afterimage!

The dragon and the tiger are constantly appearing on the knife, and the two people will be defeated.

"I didn't expect that General Chen would really defeat the Dragon and Fuhu Luohan!"

Taibai Jinxing’s eyes flashed with joy. “Great, this is no trouble in heaven!”

Chen Cai was also more fierce in the Vietnam War, and the two Luo Hans were secretly scared.

Is this really a Shura? Why is his strength so terrible!

"Look at me, take your first person!"

Chen Cai said, the double knife is wrong, with a strong knife on it.

The dragon is afraid of the tiger, this knife may really have their life.

But at this time, a flame suddenly fell in the sky, directly on Chen Cai's body, immediately slammed him out and fell to the ground.

And Chen Cai’s time has passed. He is lying on the ground and recovering his flesh and blood, but the whole person is very weak and seems to be like a dying illness.

"Mom...Yes, who is attacking Laozi..."

Chen Cailian did not have the strength to speak.

He wants to sleep now, so he can sleep a lot.

Too white gold stars, they looked up and saw the person who appeared, immediately scared pale.

"Hey... 旃 功 功 ......"

“旃 功 功 功?”

Simarou, they also followed the shock. "Isn't that... Tang Sanzang?"


The dragon and the tiger are facing each other.

A handsome man in a golden red coat is slowly falling from the air.

He has a crown of Buddha on his head and a nine-ring tin can in his hand. It is called a free and easy.

"I didn't expect that there was such a demon in this heaven, which was really worrying."

"You are Tang Sanzang?"

Simarou held the big sword in his hand and asked the 旃 功 功 佛 , "I didn't expect you to come here!"

"The quasi-estimated to the dragon will be defeated, so I will be sent."

The two of the dragons and the tigers made a big red face, which was very harmful.

The two strongest arhats were defeated to Shura.

"Let the Buddha be disappointed."

"It doesn't matter, take a break for two, just hand it over to me."

Tang Sanzang said, in one fell swoop, suddenly, the golden flame of the nine groups flew out of the tin can, and continued to rotate in front of Tang San.

"If you are willing to return to my Buddha, I will give you a way to live. The female donors there, I can also personally pass on to you Dharma to help you cultivate into a female bodhisattva."


This monk is too romantic!

Is he really the legendary Tang Sanzang?

Simarou only felt that he had heard the wrong story.

"How many female donors do you think about?"

Tang Sanzang asked another question.

"You guy, Hugh to harass my boss woman!"

Although Chen Cai was physically weak, he stood up and pointed to Tang Sanzang.

"You are a dead monk..."

"I just help them to practice Buddhism. This donor, is your thoughts too evil?"

"I think it's your thoughts evil! You are a flower monk!"

"Hey, let's overtake you first."

Tang Sanzang said that the tin stick refers to Chen Cai.

A Buddha's fire suddenly fell and fell toward Chen Cai.

"Not good, save people!"

If this Buddha's fire falls on Chen Cai's body, I am afraid that Chen Cai's soul will be burned out!

The night frost they immediately rushed over, but Tang Sanzang's other hand pointed, and a fire wall rose, directly blocking the night frost.

When the Buddha’s fire fell in the eyes of Chen Cai, Chen closed his eyes.

"Mom, twenty years later, my grandfather is a bachelor! No, mom, it's a hero!"

"General Chen!"

"Chen Cai!"

"Awkward man!"

Everyone exclaimed.

At this time, a figure suddenly appeared in front of Chen Cai, he flew a slap, directly shot the flame.


The flame fell in the distance, and a huge red flame cloud rose directly in the distance.

"Who is this?"

Tang Sanzang asked.

"You are cheaper."

It’s not someone else, it’s Liu Yi.

At this time, Liu Yi held his hands and stood in front of Chen Cai, watching Tang Sanzang.


Chen Cai was surprised for a while, then hugged Liu Yi’s thighs and cried. "Boss, you can come out, want to die!"

Liu Yi has a black line on his face.

"Your knees can be counted off!"

"This heaven is saved!"

The people in heaven are very happy.

"Cheap girl?"

Tang Sanzang did not understand the meaning of Liu Yi's words, and Liu Yi did not see through. This Mr. Tang Hao, indeed, is his own cheap old man. Although I don't know when I have a dew relationship with Longhe, this memory reading is indeed the ability of Longhe. He can get it, absolutely what Long He has done to him!

The woman of the daughter country... definitely not good!

"You know, there is a woman who has been waiting for you in her daughter country. She has turned into a stone statue to wait for you."


Tang Sanzang heard this, but he was unmoved.

"I have become a Buddha, and let go of everything in the dust. Let the past pass, let him go."

"After you have finished a shot, the king of the daughter country has become a stone statue!"

Liu Yi angered, "What are you doing?"

"If you drink a drink, it is not fixed."

Tang Sanzang said, "Maybe, this is already doomed. When she wants to open, she will naturally return to human form."

"This is really irresponsible."

Liu Yi feels that although he is also romantic, he will not leave his own woman. The woman has something, he will appear next to them for the first time.

And this Tang Yan, saying that it is too good to forget, is not good, is ruthless.

A ruthless man, the most terrible.

"In this case, then I will not be merciless."

Liu Yi squeezed his fist. "Tang Sanzang, your handsome face, I am afraid I will suffer today."

"Want to beat me, do you rely on this evil spirit?"

Tang Sanzang said, "While you have some skills, I am proficient in Dharma. The strength is the late five-day period. It is not my opponent because of you. Your current strength, in my opinion, should be in the triple to the fourth. Around the beginning of the day."

"You have a good eye."

Liu Yi nodded. "However, it is enough to hit you."

Liu Yi does not need any transformational spells now, and the strength has reached the level of the early days of the Four Heavens.

This forty years of hard work, he is not white.

Not only has the strength been raised to the four heavens, but it has also broken through the fourth phase of the gods.

"Is it?"

Tang Sanzang said, the tin cane in his hand.

The flames of the Nine-Party flew together to Liu Yi, and there was a meaning to be a group.

The body of Liu Yi was smashed in succession, and a red flame cloud rushed into the sky.

"This, this...what is the trick!"

"With so many years of hard work, isn’t it just a matter of strength?”

The people in the heavens exclaimed, and their faces were very ugly.

"He is just testing the strength of the other side."

The night frost is holding his arms, and his mouth is smiling. "With this kind of attack, I can't help my love."

During the speech, Liu Yi patted the clothes and climbed up from the ground with a calm face.

"Is there no injury?"

Tang Yan looked at Liu Yi, some strange. "It’s a strange situation, or say... I understand, it turns out that the Protoss is not dead? Is your wound already healed?"

"I am indeed a Protoss not dead."

Liu Yi nodded. "But, to resist your attack, you can't use the Protoss."

“How do you compete with me in the early days of the Four Heavens?”

"Is the beginning of the four heavens?"

Liu Yi said that a golden sun appeared in the eyebrows.

God is changing!

Liu Yi entered the third place of the gods, and the strength of the whole person climbed to the peak of the five heavens!

“Five heavens? Is it still the peak?”

Tang Yan was a little surprised. "It seems that I have to praise you. You have such a way of turning against the sky."

"But the key to this is to beat you."

Liu Yi said, as soon as he appeared, he appeared directly in front of Tang Yin.

At the same time, he flew a slap and slammed it on Tang Yan's face.


Tang Yan’s face turned to the side and fingerprints on his right face.

"This slap, I am hitting you for the Queen."

When the voice fell, Liu Yi was another mouth.


Tang Yan’s left face also appeared with five fingerprints. “This slap, I am playing for you!”

"Hero! You are too arrogant!"

Was pumped two mouths, Tang Sanzang also moved the real fire.

"Just want to test your strength, how dare you be so arrogant! Go away!"

A fire ring exploded from Tang Sanzang's body, just like the legendary Master's resistance to the fire ring, directly rushing Liu Yi's body out for a distance.

"Go ahead!"

Tang Sanzang shakes the nine-ring tin cane, and suddenly a flame lotus flies directly toward Liu Yi!

Liu Yi immediately extended his right hand and grabbed the flame lotus.

The flame lotus immediately stopped and was captured by Liu Yi’s moon dream.

“It’s too dangerous to play with fire, you can play safe.”

Liu Yi said, Jiu Xuan Xin Jing launched, that a flame lotus, frozen directly in the air, changed into an ice crystal lotus!

"This is... what power?"

Even Tang Sanzang was shocked!

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