Mai Kitsune Waifu

Chapter 1205: Fight against Buddha

Chapter 1205 Fighting against Buddha

Liu Yi stood there and watched the Buddha beads of Tang Sanzang in front of himself.

The Buddha beads stopped in front of Liu Yi, and then the supreme Buddha shrouded himself.

Tang Sanzang’s mouth constantly chanting the Buddhist scriptures and enhancing the power of the beads.

Buddha light is filled in this space, and Liu Yi's body is reflected in gold.

A lot of Buddha shadows appeared in the sky, and every one of them chanted the Buddhist scriptures. It seemed to form a kind of force echo with Tang Sanzang.


Liu Yi extended a hand and grabbed the beads in the hands of Tang Sanzang. The mouth said, "A long time ago, the Buddha chose me, but I didn't go."

"Give me over!"

Tang Sanzang did not believe in the words of Liu Yi. He continued to recite the Buddhist scriptures and read the Diamond Sutra.

Liu Yi asked Xiao Xiao to transfer the mantra of the Diamond Sutra, and then all the power in the body was transformed into Buddha power.

Although his Buddha's power is still incomplete, Liu Yi relies on his own tremendous strength to reproduce this gap!

He followed the Golden Sutra, and the voices of the two people were mixed together and converted into Buddha power, filled with the whole fairy world!

The Buddha's light in the sky!

"All the world, the heavens, the people, the Ashura, the Buddha said, they are all happy, and the faith is pursued!"

At the same time, the two men are at the same time as the thirty-second product of King Kong.

Tang Sanzang’s eyes were round and round, but it could not be stopped. The Buddha’s power of two people broke out at the same time!


A golden Buddha light, straight into the sky!

This Buddha light broke through the triple heaven, the four heavens, and finally rushed to the six heavens!

The Buddha, who was already retreating, suddenly opened his eyes.

"This power..."

"Good pure Buddha power! Is it released by the 旃 功 功 佛?"

Golden-winged Dapeng could not help but ask.

"Do not……"

Buddha shook his head. "This Buddha power belongs to that game."

"What? How is it possible! How could he have such a powerful Buddha power!"

"I want to take back my previous words."

The Buddha smiled bitterly. "This Liu Yi is indeed related to my Buddha...and, the origin is not shallow."

"I’m right, brother, we’ve overtook this Liu Yi, let him enter my Buddha’s door, and it’s the luck of the Six Realms!”

I am sure to smile.

"If this is the case, then it is naturally very good."

Buddha said, "But Liu Yi is quite wild, and this is a person who cultivates the Tao. It is a different way to practice Buddha."

"The same way is the same."

Quasi said, "It is the responsibility of our Buddhism to "refine the Liu Yi. Brother, we must not forget the responsibility of our Buddhism!"

"Well, it seems that 旃 功 功 佛 佛 is not an opponent of Liu Yi."


The Golden-winged Dapeng is somewhat unbelievable. "There is such a great power in Liu Yi, and even the Buddha and the Buddha are not his opponents?"

"His Buddha power is actually above the Buddha."

Buddha said, "This is still the case that his Buddha's power is not complete. When he is complete, perhaps he will surpass me."

"Hey, you can really laugh!"

Golden-winged Dapeng laughed. "Under the heavens, who can surpass you in this Dharma? You are the master of Lingshan, the Buddha of the world! I don't know how many people worship you, the power of your faith, that one is not a pseudo-emperor. The method is beautiful."

"The power of faith is the power that others have given me."

Buddha said, "But the Buddha power of Liu Yi is really amazing."

"After experiencing so many disasters, I finally sat down under the Bodhi tree. How can he and the Buddha be compared to the Buddha?"

Golden-winged Dapeng couldn't help but sneer.

"Everyone's chance is different. This is Liu Yi, his chance is bigger."

Buddha said, "And, he lived in the past and experienced more."

In the eyes of the Buddha, there is a flash of the past that Liu Yi has experienced.

He is in the underworld, the demon world, the Shura world, and even the past 1,500 years. He can see the past of Liu Yi, but he can't see the future of Liu Yi.

This man... his future has not yet become a fixed number. Originally, the Buddha world should not have such a connection with such people, but things have developed to this point. Because they have been planted, even if they are Buddhas, there is no way to change them.

Everyone has the cause of each person. Everyone has the fruit of each person. They are all cultivated by themselves. They can't change the Buddha.

"If the gongs and gongs are not good, who should we send?"

Asked to ask subconsciously.

"The fight against the Buddha."

"Buddha, think of me?"

A handsome man sitting down and raised his head. This man's blond hair is not dyed, but the color after the illusion.

He has a golden armor with a smile on his lips.

"When the battle is over, the Buddha is worthy of defeat. You have to accept the fake emperor."

The quasi-replacement Buddha said.

"Hey, my old grandson hasn’t had a fight for thousands of years. It suddenly made me fight, I’m afraid I have to be a hand."

"The battle over the Buddha, your mana is strong, this mountain, in addition to the Buddha, is you."

Quasi said, "You should not be humble."

"Yeah, Dasheng, we can rely on you for Lingshan! You can't drop the chain!"

Golden-winged Dapeng said, "You have a strong mana, and Liu Yi is definitely not your opponent!"

"Fighting over the Buddha, you have a hard time."

The Buddha also said.

"Well, since the Buddha has opened up, then my old grandson will take a trip."

After that, the fight against the Buddha Sun Wukong stood up and slowly walked outside.

"I am relieved!"

The golden-winged Dapeng said with a smile to the jade emperor on the side. "Even if the great saints are gone, you will wait to go back."

"This, this is not the first time you said this..."

The Jade Emperor bitterly grimaced. "Every time you say that, but in the end it was beaten back."

"This time is different! Fighting against Buddha, Sun Dasheng! Is he so powerful, you still don't know?"

"I know that I know... but I also know that one hundred and eight people are very powerful. I know that the dragons and the tigers are very powerful. I know that the gongs and gongs are very powerful... But are they still not defeated?"

"They add together, not the opponent of Sun Dasheng!"

Golden-winged Dapeng with a smile, "In short, this time there is a great sacred horse, you can rest assured. Dasheng is the strength of Liuzhongtian, the pseudo-emperor is stronger, can there be six heavens?"

"It should be unlikely... when he took away my heaven, it was like a four-day..."

"That won't be! In just a few days, how could he break through so many strengths!"

Golden-winged Dapeng patted the shoulders of Jade Emperor. "You are waiting for this time!"


Even so, Jade Emperor still has some embarrassment. Liu Yi, it is too miraculous to create a miracle...

I didn’t put this person in my heart before. Who knows that he hit the heavens and almost overthrew his own regime. He used his strategy to deceive his mana. Who knows that after thirty years, he has become even more powerful!

This person can only use two words to describe, miracle!

Because of this, I was defeated and defeated very thoroughly!

Think of this, the jade emperor's heart is very hot!

Liu Yi, let you pay the price sooner or later! Let Sun Dasheng solve you!

The Buddha light slowly receded from the fairy world, and the surrounding ground was directly cut off several layers!

Several places are braving the smoke, and Liu Yi stood in the same place, and the Buddha light flashed.

The Tang Sanzang was sitting on the ground, and the whole man was embarrassed, and many places were burnt.

"Impossible...should not be like this...why...your Buddha strong...even...more than me..."

Tang Sanzang is the reincarnation of the golden scorpion in the sky. He used to listen to the Buddha's lectures every day. Later, he went to the monk as a monk. After experiencing the difficulties of the nine hundred and eighty-one, he became the Taoist martyr.

And Liu Yi, he He De He can, can surpass himself in Buddha power!

Tang Sanzang sat there, and the whole person’s brain could not turn.

"Let's go back."

Liu Yi held his hands and stood there. "I don't want to be your first hundred difficulties. Although it seems to me that your state of mind has not yet experienced home, you should not become a Buddha."

"You are right, right."

Tang Sanzang stood up and stood up. "This is the reason for my failure... I still lack it, my Buddha power is not pure enough!"

"What do you want to do?"

Liu Yi feels that the appearance of Tang Sanzang is somewhat strange.

"The big world, I haven't really seen it!"

Tang Sanzang said, holding out a palm, "I should continue to reincarnate until the day I truly become a Buddha!"

As he said, he reached out and slammed it on his forehead.


Tang Sanzang spurted a blood and fell to the ground.

Lying in the trough... This buddy actually committed suicide! This is not a curse, I rub!

Although his own Dharma has surpassed Tang Sanzang, but on the strength of himself... I am really defeated!

I didn't expect that I had forced Tang Hao to reincarnation... Liu Yi thought that when I was young, I often watched Journey to the West with my family. If my father and mother knew this kind of thing, what should they think...

They must say that they are crazy for the first time! Ok, I might be crazy!

"Oh, now you are really amazing."

Lin Biao jumped out and said, "Lian Teng Tan Gong De Buddha has been defeated by you, and the Tan Gong Gong De Buddha is very famous in our demon world!"

"The reputation of the Sword Emperor is not bigger."

"The meat of the Sword Emperor can't live forever!"

"This is..."

"Is it estimated that the Buddha world will not send troops any more?"

Lin Biao asked.

"I want to say that too."

Liu Yi looked up at the sky. "But we have customers coming to the door."

Talk, a golden figure descends from the sky!

Under his feet, he stepped on a golden cloud, holding a golden stick in his hand, a purple crown on his head, a golden armor in his mouth, a footstep on his feet, and a golden hair on his head.

It can be said that Yushu is in the wind, and it is so chic!

"Yes, it seems that there is a big star that is a household name..."

Liu Yi said subconsciously, "Should I ask him for a signature? He is my childhood idol!"

"You are coming less!"

Lin Biao said, "Don't forget, he is your enemy now!"

"you're right."

Liu Yi nodded. "After still defeating him, I will sign it with him!"

"Your sister!"

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