Mai Kitsune Waifu

Chapter 1230: Live here!

Chapter 1230 live here!

"You, you actually believe..."

George didn't know what to say for a while.

"Of course I believe, but what does it matter?"

Liu Yi shrugged his shoulders. "Even if you buy this TV station and fire me, I can go to other TV stations to continue to apply and continue to be a reporter. You buy one, I am looking for a second, you buy two. I am looking for a third place. I have the ability to buy all the TV stations, and I admire you."


George was speechless by Liu Yi, who had the financial resources to buy all the TV stations.

"You have grown a tooth decay."

Liu Jun snorted. "But what's the use, you can't change the fact that you are just a small reporter. Can you give a life to you? You can't give it! My daughter must live the life like a princess!" ”

"It’s not a jade food called a princess."

Liu Yi said, "As long as I like her, love her, care about her, she is my princess in my world."


Liu Hongxian did not know whether he was moved or was making a play. He grabbed the arm of Liu Yi and leaned softly on his shoulder.

Liu Jun and George looked at the air and wanted to tear Liu Yi!

"Hey, don't be fooled by this man's words! This man has nothing, but his mouth is the most deceptive!"

"Liu Jun, do you mean to say other people?"

Wu Lian couldn't help but sneer. "The most deceptive thing is that you are right? Liu Jun, if you don't get rid of this old thing, don't blame the old lady, I'm welcome!"

"Lianlian, what are you doing? I am also good for your mother."

"Is it?"

Wu Lian is not a fool. She sneered there. "You haven't been to Wu Lian's door for more than 20 years. How come you think of it now? If I didn't guess wrong, your business will not work. You need it. Sell ​​my daughter in exchange for the benefits?"

"Lianlian, what are you talking about?"

Liu Jun was said to have broken his mind and his face was a bit unsightly. "I will be that kind of person?"

"This is still asking, you are!"

Wu Lian said that she did not care about her face. "Liu Jun, what kind of person are you, you and I are clear! The old lady does not want to marry you for the third time, point to the face and go!"

"Wu Lian, I am giving you opportunities again and again, you don't cherish yourself!"

Liu Jun came to his temper. "Do you think you can keep it? Tell you, you are my daughter. The law recognizes the relationship between our father and daughter! As long as I go to court, I will be able to look back! Don't forget, I have money, buy it. A few judges are not difficult!"

"This uncle, are you brains broken?"

Liu Yi couldn't help but smile. "Is the Rainbow Fairy a teenager? Please come to her for twenty-nine years this year. I have no need to guard. How do you fight a lawsuit, how do you fight for a daughter? We retire 10,000 steps. Even if you can go to court, the court will award the rainbow to you, will she be with you? Will she marry the man you selected? Everyone is an adult, is it a little adult IQ? Finally tell you Once, Hongxian is my woman. You want to find a woman to marry. I just want to recognize my daughter. I think, with your status, you must have a lot of daughters, why bother with our family Hongxian... Oh, we What about the family?"

"You kid, I see you are tired, dare to be against me!"

Liu Junqi wants to vomit blood, but Wu Lian clap his hands and praise.

"Good girl, good, this kind of person is owed!"

"You are very good!"

Liu Junqi’s teeth are gnashing his teeth. “Don’t think that this is the case! Wait for my revenge!”


Liu Yi suddenly laughed. "Does Mr. Liu still have the ability to retaliate against us? Mr. Liu seems to owe three hundred million gambling debts. Is Las Vegas fun? Hey, it costs 300 million and it must be fun. The feeling of getting the money in the project must be very cool?"

"You, how do you know..."

Liu Jun’s face changed greatly. Looking at Liu Yi, these things are top secret. He never told anyone, even his most proud secretary didn’t know about it!

"Don't forget that I am a famous journalist."

Liu Yi took out his own press card from his pocket. "If you want to know people, unless you have nothing to do, Mr. Liu. If I publish the information of these things, I am afraid that Mr. Liu’s shares will fall to the bottom of the valley? I think about it, in that case, Mr. Liu seems to be bankrupt, and your twelve mistresses are estimated to have ran... Hey, the female college student you just recently found is still very good, you promised to give her Buying a sports car, it is estimated that it can't be bought now. It doesn't matter, I look forward to sponsoring you, a bicycle, a sports car, a road race, or a convertible."

"You, you give me a roll!"

Liu Jun broke his mouth.

"I think it should be you giving me a roll!"

Liu Yi is not polite, coldly screaming, "Now your handle is pinched in my hand, I don't want to sleep on the street, I will get out of the way! Don't let me see you later!"

"you you……"

Liu Junqi was half dead, but he was extremely afraid of Liu Yi.

Their own privacy... he knows it! Damn, how did this kid investigate? Although he was upset, Liu Jun had to admit the words of Liu Yi. If these things were announced, he would be finished!

George also looked at Liu Jun unbelievably, and it turned out that his uncle had such a big bad debt behind him! Even if Liu Hongxian is beautiful again, he will not dare to swear! Family business will be put in!

"Uncle, I think I have something, go back first."

When George finished, he turned and left.

"George, George!"

Liu Jun quickly chased after him and followed.

"Dear, great!"

Liu Hongxian couldn't help but reach out and gave Liu Yi a praise!

"I admit now that you have such a small loss!"

"What is a little lost, your child really can't talk!"

Wu Lian is not as subtle as Liu Hongxian, patted Liu Yi’s shoulder and praised, “My good son-in-law, doing beautifully! You are so good, our family is so beautiful, my future grandson’s blood is well settled! Haha, I have no time to hold my grandson!"

", you are talking nonsense again!"

Liu Hongxian’s face was immediately red again. Liu Yixin said that he should learn from his mother’s mother, and the ability to play Liu Hongxian is too strong!

"Whoever talks nonsense, giving birth to children is a business! Come and come, the rice is eaten in half, and the person who is disgusted with Bara is in a bad mood. Let's eat it, then eat."

After Liu Jun was sent, Liu Yi followed the mother and daughter and continued to eat their dinner. I have to admit that although Wu Lian is very hot, but cooking has a hand, the craft is really good.

Liu Yi thinks that Wu Lian should be a person from the other side of Hunan. Cooking is a bit spicy.

After eating, Liu Yi looked too late and thought it was time to go.

"Aunt, it's almost time, I should go home."

"Come back home?"

Wu Lian looked at Liu Yi with amazement. "My good son-in-law, isn't this your home?"


Liu Hongxian was a little surprised, what is the mother doing?

"Good girl, come, come live today. Anyway, our family is big, and it’s hard to come back. How can you go home when you are dark?"

"Ah? This, is this good?"

Liu Yi was also a little surprised, and said that his "Mother Mother" is too open!

"Good girl, just live here!"

"Mom let you live, let's live."

Liu Hongxian is quite helpless. "You live in my room. I can live with my mother."


Wu Lian immediately screamed, "You are two couples, what are you running to sleep with me! You are rare, I am not rare for you! Roll your sheets with your husband!"

Liu Yi had another cold sweat on his forehead.

"Mom, what are you talking about?"

Liu Hongxian can't smile. "We haven't got married yet, how can we sleep in a house?"

"You are a fool, I am stupid, now the little couple, how can I not sleep together."

Wu Lian screamed, "Oh, I understand, now the technology is old, and there are renting boyfriends on Taobao. I said how can Xiao Liu be so good to see you like this girl... Xiao Liu, you and the aunt To be honest, how much are you hired by her one day?"

"Mom, the more you say the more outrageous!"

Liu Hongxian also took cold sweat, although things are not what she said, but it is almost the same.

"No? Not why you didn't sleep in the same room?"

"Sleep, can't we sleep in a house?"

"It's almost the same, but you don't let my good girl sleep on the ground! If I let you know that you didn't sleep together, fooling my wife, I don't recognize your daughter!"

Wu Lian now looks at how Liu Xing is happy, so he directly ordered Liu Hongxian to die.

"Know, my mother is an adult..."

Liu Hongxian is completely defeated to his mother, and sleeps with Liu Yi... It’s not a big color for Liu Yi - the wolf eats it!

But now the situation is forced, she does not want her mother to find that she is lying ... not to mention, in fact, he and Liu Yi are also the kind of relationship, rolling sheets is a matter of morning and evening ... However, to tell the truth she really I am not mentally prepared... Not to mention my mother is sleeping next to me in the room... Hope, Liu Yi can endure tonight, don’t make mistakes...

"In this case, I have to say it again, that is, I will not give my aunt a face."

Liu Yiyi said in a words, "Then I will stay here tonight."

Liu Hongxian is really thinking about the middle finger, relying on, sleeping with a bed with this lady, how to get the same as going to the death mission!

This **** bastard, the best thing is to get cheap and sell!

Forget it... This guy isn’t the first time like this... I’m depressed when I think about it, and I’m always taken advantage of it!

Liu Hongxian took Liu Yi as a nemesis. Under the urging of Wu Lian, Liu Yi entered his bedroom.

After entering, Liu Yi was a little shocked. He thought that Liu Hongxian’s bedroom should be simpler. He did not expect to brush the wall with pink, and the room was full of dolls.

"This... is this your room?"

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