Mai Kitsune Waifu

Chapter 1239: Emperor Qin Shihuang

Chapter 1239 Qin Shihuang

Liu Yi felt that a strange power had entered his body, and then the body seemed to be filled with something!

The power of his soul has become more fulfilling and complete.

And the power of Liu Yi, leaps and bounds at this moment! He has crossed a big dimension, and he has entered the peak of the Five Heavens from the peak of the Four Heavens!

This leap is still the first time!


Liu Yi looked at his own hands and thought about it for a moment. He suddenly understood it.

All of this, I am afraid it is because of the soul of Ma Yizhen!

I used to exchange some souls with Ma Yizhen. At that time, I used the demon sword technique. Ma Yizhen used the spirit absorbing technique and smashed each other's souls.

Now, because of the death of Ma Yizhen, her soul has been sucked into the body by herself, complementing her own shortcomings.

Behind Liu Yi, a gossip suddenly appeared, black and white, and constantly rotated.

Eight Diagrams, the power of yin and yang, now a yin and a yang, Liu Yi is finally complete.

If you say that you are yang, then Ma Yizhen is Yin.

"Hey? You are a fool, it is a bit special."

Feeling that the power of Liu Yi has made a leap, Qin Huang turned his head and looked at Liu Yi, saying, "On your body... I seem to feel a familiar power..."

"I am your enemy."

Liu Yi directly took out the Tianlong sword and pointed to the opposite Qin Shihuang. He said straight away, "The purpose is to destroy your Qin Palace."

"Why? Everyone should be arrogant and arrogant. Your strength is good and should be used for you."

"If you let this rule the world, then there is only endless darkness waiting for this world."

Liu Yi said, "I won't let you succeed."

"Oh, I am discouraged, let me see, how strong you are."

Qin Huang said, his hands licking his Qin Emperor sword, "White, Wang Hao, Meng Yu, Li Xin, still not fast."

As the voice fell, four rays of light descended from the sky, breaking the roof of the hall and falling into the ground of the hall.

The four generals of Qinhuang came out from it. Because of the resurrection of Qin Emperor, the fighting power of these four people began to recover to the peak state.

Liu Yi now understands the words of A, why he has always been the chess piece of the Qin Palace. It turns out that the last step of the resurrection of Qin Huang is to kill all ten days of work. And only have oneself to have this ability.

Although this one is deep, it is loyal. Under the Qin Emperor, there are several good talents. Unfortunately, they assisted the wrong person.

"We meet again."

White plays his own muscles, and then his hand rests on the hilt of the waist. "This time I have recovered my strength, you have to be careful."

Speaking, Bai suddenly pulled out the bronze sword and waved a sword!

In the sword, there was a strong murderousness, and he was escaped by Liu Yiyi.


A lot of cultivators are behind by the sword, directly**!

The main hall was also divided into two, and the sword air filled the outside of the Qin Palace.


"Okay, terrible power, run away!"

These cultivators were scared and fled from Qin Palace.

"Where are you going?"

Wang took a big gun and didn't know when he stood at the door of the main hall and said lazily. "We have something to say to you."

There were tigers in front of the wolves. These cultivators regretted it. They should have heard the words of Liu Yi, and left here... As a result, they can’t go anywhere now!

"Liu Mengzhu, save us!"

"What do you say in the future, we will listen to it! There will be no more heart!"

These cultivators can only put hope on Liu Yi's body, but Liu Yi sighed.

"I will do my best."

Gu Yu looked at him, and the heart was secret, these guys are always like this. When you are safe, you don't take Liu Yi seriously. When you are in danger, you come to hold the thigh of Liu Yi. Who are all, seeing that they are no better than Ma Yi, the woman!

"You are hard to protect yourself, can you manage other people?"

White sneered.

"If I didn't guess wrong, the White General should be the strength of Six Heavens."

Liu Yi said.

"Probably the beginning of the Sixth Heaven."

"Yeah, the strength has not fully recovered."

White is holding his own sword. "Probably because of the reason why my emperor just woke up, after a while, it should return to the strength of Jiuzhongtian."

"So now I can still beat you!"

Liu Yi said that the body broke out with a strong breath.

Tenjin becomes the third layer!

The golden thunder arc swam around him, and his eyebrows of gossip had two runes.

Dry, Kun!

The power of Liu Yi also entered the level of the middle of the six heavens. He appeared in the side of Bai Qi, and whitely waved the sword against Liu Yi.

However, Liu Yi’s speed is faster. He has a whip leg and squats on the white sword.


Looking at the sword that was kicked off in shock, I didn’t know what to say.

"Sorry, the general, the dead, will not appear again."

Said, Liu Yiyi remembered the pendulum, his fist slammed into the white head.

At this time, Meng Yu appeared in front of the white, holding a huge shield in his hand, blocking the fist of Liu Yi.


The shield was made of pure bronze and was directly knocked into eight pieces by a punch of Liu Yi.


The scorpion tiger's mouth is blood, and both arms are numb.

"Go together!"

Li Xin and Wang Hao also refused to take care of other people, and joined the battle group with their weapons.

The four generals of Qinhuang, at this time are besieging a person.

"Unexpectedly, my four generals are fighting invincible in the world, and today they will deal with one enemy together."

Qin Huang nodded. "Your strength is really good. You agree with you. If you surrender to you, you must reuse you and seal you as a general." By then, you are under one person and above 10,000."

In a word, everyone is nervous. If Liu Yi is with Qin Huang, is there still a way for them to live?


Liu Yi’s answer made them relieved, but then the following sentence made their hearts come up again. “I’m already a heavenly emperor, and I’m not worse than you.”

"It turned out to be a personal thing."

Qin Huang smiled. "If this is the case, then you can't leave you! Kill him!"

Qin Huang ordered, the four generals became more and more brave, and their strength has slowly climbed to the middle of the six heavens.

If it is to continue to develop, I am afraid I can't cope with it.

Liu Yi is no longer polite, he puts on the ice fire armor directly, and holds the gold gun in his hand.


Liu Yi blocked several generals' attacks and brought a red electric light on the tip of the gun.

"Zi La La!"

The red thunderbolt was waved by him to form a brontosaurus, which hit several generals.

"Thunder of the trial?"

Qin Huang is aware of this thunder and lightning. "And there are some gold guns? Are you still related to the gods?"

"Accurately, I and the gods are also enemies."

Liu Yi said, shaking his rifle, then poked directly into Li Xin’s chest and picked him up.

The Thunder of Judgment has a powerful attribute that smashes the soul of Li Xin and makes him die.

Liu Yi’s gun tipped, and Li Xin’s body collapsed while he was broken.

"The Qin Palace is just like that."

"Damn, die!"

At this time, Meng Yu jumped behind Liu Yi, and the bronze sword in his hand cut over his neck.

And Liu Yitou did not return, he flew an ice dragon behind him, roaring and impacting on the blind body, directly freezing the monk into an ice sculpture, and then fell to the ground and shattered.


Liu Yi turned back and took Wang Hao into two halves, and the head was taken away.

Only white, it’s stupid, he didn’t expect their four generals to win even one face!

"White general, I can't help it."

Liu Yi said that one hand was buckled on the white forehead.

"Go enjoy your next life."

Said, Liu Yi palms pinched, the white head suddenly pinched, like a rotten watermelon.

"Not bad!"

A few of them succumbed to death, Qin Huang not only did not feel bad, but smiled. "Although you only have the strength of seven heavens, but you are not an awkward opponent. It is a pity to kill you."

Said, Qin Huang picked up Qin Huangjian.

"I can't do anything yet."

Liu Yi said, the eyebrows of the eyebrows have another rune, hehe!

The **** of heaven became the fourth heavy, and the power of Liu Yi entered the peak of the six heavens!

Eight dragons with different attributes flew out from his side and rushed toward the Qin Emperor!

"Glyphs are small."

Qin Huang did not put this kind of attack in his eyes. Although the eight dragons seem to be powerful, they are still a lot weaker for his opponents at this level.

He waved the Qin Emperor sword, and his sword was swaying, and all the eight dragons were directly smashed.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, Liu Yi came to him.


Liu Yi slammed his elbows to the lower abdomen of Qin Huang, but was taken down by Qin Huang with his palm.


A force struck out and shattered the ground of the palace into a huge round pit.

"Good power."

Qin Huang smiled. "But it’s still a long way to go."

"Is it? Then continue."

There is not much to say about Liu Yi. The ancient martial arts are displayed in a brain and continue to move toward the Qin Emperor.

Qin Huang left the right sword, constantly blocking the attack of Liu Yi.

Qin Huang is now the mana of the early seven days, and it is more than enough to stop the attack of Liu Yi.

"Although you have the power of the big universe, you also have the power of the big universe. At the level of mana, you can't suppress me, but it's weaker than me."

Qin Huangzui’s mouth is always with a calm smile.

Liu Yi suddenly jumped back two steps and held both fists.

"If that's the case... then increase your strength to level with you."

Said, Liu Yi's body revolves around the golden brilliance, forming a storm that constantly rotates.


Qin Huang began to come to the interest, "I can still improve my strength? Interesting, stumbling is to see, what can you upgrade to."

"Package you are satisfied!"

Liu Yi said that the body burst into a strong golden field.

"God is changing! The fifth is!"

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