Mai Kitsune Waifu

Chapter 1253: Ancient god

Chapter 1253, The Ancient God

"Pearl, what strength are you now?"

Liu Yi asked.

The pearl immediately raised his hand and punched it on the ground.


The ground of this Xuanwu station suddenly broke, and a rush of energy rushed toward the bottom.


On the far side of the ground, a huge mushroom cloud rises up and rushes into the air of almost a kilometer in the blink of an eye, blowing from the sky above.

Lying trough...

Liu Yixin said, fortunately, there is no smoke under the heavens, otherwise how much damage will be caused by this!

The power of this boxing is absolutely no less than five heavens! Pearl and Luo Xiaoxiao are different. She does not have any talents, and she relies entirely on her own hard work.

"Ah! It's her!"

Unexpectedly, he was shocked, then pulled up the pearl and looked at her in surprise.

"It turned out to be... so it was..."

"What happened to you? Suddenly interested in women?"

Liu Yi asked.

"No, no, I love the Emperor's heart will not change! But this woman, this woman... Heavenly Emperor, you can really get the treasure!"

"What is the saying?"

Liu Yi took the pearls over, so as not to be poisoned later, and then asked.

"She is the daughter of the Witch King... Absolutely, I will not be wrong."


Liu Yi was shocked. "Wow the Witch King is not a son, it is called Kai!"

"Where, in fact, the Witch King has a little daughter, but it is only a small illness and it took life because of a serious illness."

He pointed at the pearl and said, "She is the reincarnation of the girl, her appearance... exactly the same... Is it so amazing when I see her first sight!"

"Pearl is the reincarnation of the Witch King daughter?"

Liu Yi was stupid after listening to it. "I rely on it, do you want to be so bloody."

"The truth is such a dog blood."

After the shrug shrug his shoulders, "But the little daughter of the Witch King is generally gifted, and you have seen it. The pearl is only five days old. In exchange for any big witch, the speed of cultivation is not so slow."

This is true, the great witches are born to cultivate the immortals, the talent is extremely high, such as Qin Huang, Hou Yi this kind. Qin Huang was born with the ability to control the universe, and then he was born directly with a bad golden body... all monsters! A monster that is uncompromising!

"But with pearls here, I think the Witch King should be jealous of us."

He said, "Because the strength of the little daughter of the Witch King is very weak, it is favored by the Witch King. You are really a treasure to the Emperor of Heaven! Now, the Witch does not dare to act on us."

"I never planned to do anything with pearls."

Liu Yi said, "If the safety of our heavens is to be maintained by a woman, then there is no such thing as heaven. The strength of cultivation is not slow. Pearl, I teach you a set of exercises, and you slowly cultivate. When you fight with the three major tribes, you are also a big battle for us."

The pearl nodded immediately. Really, the strength progressed so slowly that she was very sad.

She always felt that she could not lift her head in front of Liu Yi. After all, the strength of others was already so high, and she was still so low.

Therefore, the pearl has been practicing in the Shura community... I haven’t known how many years of cultivation, and she can’t remember it. However, her strength has just been in the early days of the five-day period, and she can't catch up with Liu Yi's footsteps.

"I believe you."

Liu Yi said to the pearl, "No matter how mediocre people think that your talent is mediocre, you can become a real powerhouse. Because you have a strong heart."

He said, he gave his golden dragon to the pearl.

In fact, when I saw the pearl, Liu Yi always had a sense of sight that smelled people. However, people do not like to talk in front of outsiders, and pearls are dumb.

Pearl went to practice Jin Dan, and Liu Yishun asked him.

"Is the pearl on the world a dumb?"

"Yes, I don't know why."

He later said truthfully, "She will not cry when she was born. She has never spoken since she was sensible. The witch doctor said that she is a natural dumb."

He looked at Liu Yi and said, "Do you really want to use pearls to contain the big witch?"

"No need."

Liu Yi said, "I have a heavenly court, there is a goddess, there is a spell, why rely on a woman."

He said, and he glanced at him. "Afterwards, I never discriminate against the basics. But at this moment, don't let me look down on you."

"I know that you are different."

Afterwards, he laughed and then gave Liu Yi a wink. "Since it is not annoying, why not join us in our camp? Very happy, really."

"Believe it or not, I will send you to **** in minutes!"

"Do not believe, how can I say that I am also a big witch, I still have confidence in fighting with you!"

"Then let's fight one!"

"Okay, I will choose the venue."

"Yes, where to choose?"

"The bed."

Liu Yi wrote a whip leg and took the heel from Xuanwutai.

By the way, this guy, the world view has been extremely distorted! I really don't know if I put him in the side, right or wrong.

At this time, in a quiet small village, a lie lying in the ruined temple in the village, while counting the change made during the day, while licking his toes.

"He, this little place is really JB poor!"

I couldn't help but scream, "I will have twenty dollars a day, and even a KFC can't afford it. Tonight, I have to change places. I heard that the industry in the next county is doing well, and I will go there tomorrow!"

He said, he took the change in his pocket and prepared to sleep again.

At this time, he saw that there were half chickens on the supply of the gods. I don’t know how long it took, but it seems to be able to eat.

"Cheng, give me some nightingale."

He said, stepped forward, grabbed the half of the roast chicken, and said to the statue, "You can't eat it anyway, I will digest it for you!"

Said, tearing down the chicken legs, you have to stuff into your mouth.

At this time, the idol suddenly opened his eyes, and the golden pupil stared at the cockroach that bit the chicken leg.

The mouth was stiff and the chicken legs fell to the ground.

The idol shook his shoulder and slowly walked down the stage.

Sitting on the ground, he suddenly realized that he was kneeling on the ground.

"God, god, I am wrong, I will never dare to steal your roast chicken! I beg you to spare me!"

The idol did not take care of this, he reached out and photographed it.


The stones on the body are broken, revealing the human form inside.

He spoke a strong flame and slammed the temple door in front of him. Then, under the foot of the fire cloud, flew directly into the night sky outside.

Almost in the blink of an eye, he turned into a flying meteor and came to the front of a large group company.

The man paused in the air, and then his ears received the information in the city like a radar.

Soon, he fell from the air and burned a flame on his body. When the flame burned out, he had already put on a suit, one hand in his pocket, and the other hand holding a documentary help, like a white-collar worker, into the group building.

The man walked into the elevator and the old man dressed as a doctor walked in before the elevator door closed. The suit man saw him, nodded, and the other party returned, then stood in the elevator together, waiting for the elevator to rise to the 20th floor.

The elevator door opens and the inside is directly a huge room. There was only one desk in the room, and there was a woman sitting there. She heard the sound and immediately turned around to reveal the beautiful appearance.

"Zhu Rong and Shennong are also here, and the man is ready."

In addition to Zhu Rong and Shennong, there are still six people standing in the house. These six people are male and female, but they are all dressed up by modern people.

Although it was an ancient god, when it was born, it accepted modern information and blended with modernity.

The son-in-law sat in a chair and played with a coin in his hand. "You have seen it, and the times are different. The Chinese that we created by Pan Gushen have been made unsatisfactory."

"The niece, daring to ask a question... Why is Fuxi Emperor not?"

Shennong asked him.

"Unfortunately, the Emperor did not succeed in resurrection. He is different from ours. He has experienced more damage... I am afraid, it has already been reincarnation."


A lot of people don't know what to say. For many years, Fuxi was their leader. Now that Fuxi is gone, they are all uncomfortable.

"You can rest assured that even if the Emperor is not there, my daughter is there."

The son-in-law said, standing up from the chair, "Our resurrection of the ancient gods means that the war has begun. They must be busy resurrecting the Witch King... and we must immediately resurrect Pangu! ”

"Resurrection Pangu God... Is this possible?"

At this time, the sentence is a child's image, wearing headphones on his head, chewing bubble gum in his mouth, and stepping on the skateboard under his feet. He couldn’t help but ask when he heard the son-in-law’s words.

"Yes, I have already felt the call of Pangu God to us..."

Nüwa looked a little excited. "You, our chance to regain control of this world is here! We want to resurrect Pangu, take the opportunity to defeat the Great Witch and the Gods, and re-rule the Six Realms!"

"Swear to follow the goddess!"

The people bowed down to the women.


The son-in-law nodded with satisfaction. "I have sent my four holy beasts to inquire about the news of the great witch and the gods. I believe that it will take a long time to send back the news. There are a total of twelve seals in Pangu. Go and destroy the first seat first."

"Yes, the goddess."

The mang nodded, then slammed his skateboard and jumped out of the window.

When he got outside, the skateboard under his feet immediately turned into two green dragons, carrying a sentence and flying away.

"Shen Mang this guy... It’s so love to show off."

Zhu Rong couldn't help but grin and screamed at the side.

"Now, let's wait for the good news of the mans."

The niece laughed. "We are coming to the age of the ancient gods."

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