Mai Kitsune Waifu

Chapter 1270: Slaughterhouse

Chapter 1270 Slaughterhouse

"That's not an ordinary girl."

Tianzhao said, "She is the source of sin! On her body, all the sins in this world are gathered! You will keep her, and sooner or later she will become the scourge of this world."

"Is it? I don't think so."

Liu Yi said, "My woman, she is the kindest person in the world."

Liu Yi stroked the face of Yin Qianxi and said.

"Even if you are these gods, you can't compare them."

"That's because she just woke up."

Tianzhao said, "She is the will of human evil thoughts. As long as human beings have evil thoughts, she will continue to absorb these evil thoughts and become their own strength. And human evil thoughts will continue to exist... Do you understand, sooner or later, one day, She... will be the strongest being in the world."

"The evil is invincible."

Liu Yi said, "And she won't be what you think."

"Can't I compare with her?"

Tianzhao frowned slightly.

"In my heart, you can never compare with her."

Liu Yi kissed Yin Qianxi’s forehead. “Because this woman loves me. And you just want to get cheap from me.”

"I don't know how to lift!"

The first-level **** old lady said coldly, "In Gao Tianyuan, you are too arrogant, even the **** of the sky is not in the eyes! We are willing to marry you, you should be grateful to Dade, desperately grateful!"

"Sorry, I am not such a person."

Liu Yi extended a finger and pointed to the ground. "With yours, it is not worthy of my respect for Liu Yi!"

These Gao Tianyuan guys think that they are high on the top, it is really uncomfortable for Liu Yi to see.

“Too arrogant!”

"This kind of person must punish him!"

"Yes, punish him!"

A group of Gao Tianyuan's gods roared, it seems to be the same as Liu Yi!

"Sister, since he refused you, let me kill him!"

Sasuke’s man said, taking advantage of his own sky cloud sword, went to the front, "kill this guy, we will conquer heaven again!"

"What are you going to do?"

Liu Yi smiled. "Isn't the text, I want to come to Wu?"

He still sat there, holding Yin Qianxi, and didn't even mean to stand up.

"Oh, I don't know the things that are thick and thick, let me be a cloud sword, kill the snake again, and you! Heavenly Emperor!"

Sasuke’s man said, squatting at the sky and cloud sword, and bowed to Liu Yi.

A huge sword shadow descended from the sky, more than ten meters long, and the power was amazing, and it was on the head of Liu Yi.

And Liu Yi still sat there, he just made a snap, and the Tian Congyun sword in the hands of the man who had to be Zuo immediately stopped and could no longer fall.

"Awful... how could this be..."

The man’s face is blushing, but the Tian Congyun sword in his hand is like a cut on an invisible wall, and he can’t fall anymore!

"This is the strength of the man who needs to be Zuo? It is too weak."

Liu Yi laughed, then extended his other hand and flicked it on the glass in front of him.


This wine glass was turned into a meteor and hit the forehead of the man.


The man’s body was immediately blasted and plunged directly into the back wall, like a sculpture, printed on the top of Ignatius’s head.

Ignatius floated a drop of cold sweat on his forehead, and his brow was constantly twitching.

This... what power is this... monster!

Even with only one wine glass, I took the man who had to be killed! This is my most proud son!

His strength is one of the best in Gao Tianyuan. How could it be so bad?

"Is it necessary to be a man, is it a light enemy?"

"Yes... I am too big..."

The man who had been stunned jumped off the wall, rearranged his clothes and hair, and said, "This time, I promise not to lose my hand again!"

"Let me help you."

Night Hui Ji also stood up, surrounded by three flames, "We took this so-called Emperor."

"Yes, here is Gao Tianyuan, can't let this guy relax!"

"Get him together!"

The gods of Gao Tianyuan stood up and prepared to launch their own spells to kill the game.

"Why, do you want to bully more people?"

Liu Yi smiled. "I thought I was a small Emperor?"

"Hey, now you two people, what can you do with a big snake that is not fully awakened?"

"To deal with you, I am still too lazy."

Liu Yi said, clapping his hands, "Let me let the squadron exercise."

The roof of this fairy palace suddenly collapsed, and a beam of light fell into it, appearing in front of Liu Yi.

Seventy-two of the cellars, thirty-six days, a total of one hundred and eighteen gods, and the momentum appeared in Gao Tianyuan.

"Who are you, dare to swear at my high field!"

The old **** of the first level immediately made a fuss, "I am really looking for death!"

She waved the jade pen in her hand and suddenly pulled out a big river and rolled over to the gods.


A mantle swordsman snorted with disdain, then waved his hand in the cellar.

The black sword gas directly separates the big river, and finally directly smashes the first-level **** old lady into two halves.

"what is this……"

The old lady was still not dead, and the body was divided into two halves, fell on both sides, and muttered.

"who are you!"

The man who saw him saw these people and was immediately shocked.

They have not so many terrible masters in Gao Tianyuan! Even though each one is stronger than the first-level god, I don’t know how many times!

"They are the soldiers of my heaven."

Liu Yi ordered, "Comrades, we are fighting with Gao Tianyuan, and you are free to play."


These Tuoweiwei looked at Liu Yi’s eyes and were very fanatical. Liu Yi gave orders and they immediately started to act.

"Fast, stop them!"

"Let them know that our Gaotianyuan is amazing!"

The gods of Gao Tianyuan are mad, but here is Gao Tianyuan, how can their sites be put aside in such places!

For the honor of Gao Tianyuan! Be sure to kill!

The gods of Gao Tianyuan took out the power of the pressure box, and they were not the place where the gods were.

The gods in the hands of the gods were swaying, and a face-to-face effort, the gods of the high heavens were slaughtered for the majority.

"This... how could it be..."

They must be stunned, and the gods of Gao Tianyuan, like pigs and dogs, are slaughtered in various ways.

The fairy palace became a slaughterhouse in the blink of an eye, a nightmare for all Gaotianyuan gods.


"I don't want to die!"

These gods have no ability to resist, and all kinds of slaughter, not only will die most of the time, but only some of the remaining strength is still good, and the escape is faster.

But this fairy palace has also become the **** of heaven. Liu Yi sat there, watching the massacre, while watching, while taking out a bottle of Erguotou and drinking it with Yin Qianxi.

"Liu Yi... Isn't that good?"

Yin Qianxi listened to these screams in his ear and asked Liu Yi.

"There is nothing wrong with it. These are all self-picked by them."

Liu Yi shrugged his shoulders. "They want to kill you. They want to occupy my heavenly court. I thought I couldn't see it. As for the sunshine, she thought it was quite good, but she thought it was too simple."

The current Liu Yi, and Ma Yizhen's soul are completely integrated. In the past, the simple character has changed a lot, and the thought has become more and more complicated.

"Emperor! Please stop killing!"

The Azure Grand Emperor now also lost his previous arrogance and directly squatted in front of Liu Yi, pleading.

"Please, stop!"

"Don't pray to him! I want to kill him! Kill him!"

The man must be violent, he was originally to destroy God, this moment is even more angry to the extreme.

The Tian Congyun sword in his hand burst into a strong glory, and then a glimpse.

A huge sword suddenly fell from the sky and fell to Liu Yi.

"Is this also called swordsmanship?"

Liu Yi shook his head. He waved his hand and immediately appeared nine swords!

Liu Yi bounced on the Shura sword, and the black and purple sword immediately flew into the air.

"Hey, such a small sword wants to fight against my Tianyun Yunjian?"

The man who must be screamed, "I really don't know how to live."

"Who don't know what to live, who is it?"

Between the talks, the one-meter-long Shura sword collided with Tian Congyun.


The sword shadow of Tian Congyun’s sword was directly shattered and turned into pieces of pieces, which fell everywhere.

"How is it possible... This is the sky cloud sword..."

The man who must be with him stays there and his body trembles.

"The sky is a part of my sword."

Yin Qianxi said, reaching out and pointing at the sky.

On that day, Cong Yunjian immediately returned to a red-red sword and then fell into her hands.

"My heavenly cloud sword!"

"It’s my sky cloud sword."

Yin Qianxi slowly stood up from Liu Yi’s body. “I remembered it and slowly remembered it... In the past, why did I is you...”

"Yes, I killed you, I personally killed you this evil!"

Sasuke said, "You almost destroyed the entire island! I saved this country!"

"No! It’s you who almost ruined this country!"

In the hands of Yin Qianxi, Tian Congyun pointed to the man of Zuo Zuo and said, "You are the **** of riots... You used to run away with the power of God, and almost destroyed this country. So, you are blaming my head, I am worried about this matter. Will insult your god's reputation! Insult your high-powered reputation!"

"You...what are you talking about..."

The male face of Zuo Zuo is a little embarrassed. "Don't talk nonsense, you are the source of sin, the person who destroys the island is you!"

"Is it still okay?"

Yin Qianxi smiled. "A good man who needs to be a man is really disgusting. If this is Gao Tianyuan, it is really hypocritical. Liu Yi, let's go, I don't want to stay here for a minute."

"Okay, let's go."

Liu Yi regained Yin Qianxi. "The last time I took a hot spring, you haven't given me back, this time I have to replenish me."


Ignatius finally stood up from the chair. "Is it really my life?"

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