Mai Kitsune Waifu

Chapter 1286: Pangu Axe

Chapter 1286 Pangu Axe

"Your Majesty, the ancient **** is coming again!"

In the Temple of Heaven, Liu Yi is discussing with Chen Cai about the events of the gods. Suddenly a Tianbing ran in and squatted on the ground and reported to Liu Yi.

"It’s almost the same day."

Liu Yi nodded. "With the guests coming, we can't miss the number of rituals in heaven. Who, who would like to see these ancient gods with me?"

The last time they went directly to their back garden, this time it was very formal and came to see the guests at the gate of heaven.

"Boss, I will accompany you!"

"Frank, I am willing to accompany you!"

For a time, Liu Yi’s generals were all excited, and they all wanted to come.

Liu Yi nodded. "If that's the case, then let me go."

He said, stepping on the clouds at the foot, and came out in a blink of an eye.

The son-in-law stood on the square outside the gate of the heavenly court and watched the dragon patrols and the Shenhuo army patrolling the air. Several ancient gods talked privately.

"This heaven looks like it looks very powerful."

"It seems that we have been sleeping for too long, and the development of the heavens is good."

"Oh, it’s just a bunch of people!"

Zhu Rong did not put these small fish and shrimps in their eyes. Since ancient times, the ancient gods have been unique.

They are not like gods, big witches, they all have ordinary people. The ancient gods were these people, they have not been added, and they have not been reduced. Everyone is as cumbersome as they are to them.

At this time, a large number of people followed Liu Yi.

These people are all heroic, and the pressure on them is definitely not the level of the nine heavens!

Luo Xiaoxiao, Si Marou, night frost, Chen Cai, big, Hou Yi and so on.

"I didn't expect... Heaven is also a master..."

Nüwa’s face is even more ugly. “I always thought that Heaven is just the heavenly court of Heavenly Emperor... Now I understand... It turns out that the strength of heaven is beyond my imagination!”

Nvwa does not know, this is not the full strength of Liu Yi. Liu Yi has sent Gu Yu, Moran, Liu Hongxian, Murong Butterfly and other women to the Shura community to practice, when they come out, it is definitely a group of excellent combat power.

Liu Yi, who owns Shura and Jin Dan, is equal to having a horrible large arsenal!

"You ancient gods, are you coming to my heaven to discuss a glass of wine?"

Liu Yi held his hands and stood in front of everyone, with a faint smile on his lips.

"The Emperor..."

Nüwa looked at Liu Yi and her complex look.

"According to the agreement, I will take over the ancient god..."


Liu Yi smiled, and the son-in-law looked a little light. Didn't the other side want to open?

"As long as you have the ability to pick it up, just you."

"The meaning of the Emperor, is it that we want to be hard?"

The female brow frowned and asked.

"What do you mean, I think the girl-in-law is so smart, probably guess it."

"The Emperor of Heaven, the one-month period has passed, the Pangu Great God has been resurrected, and you can't stop it."

Nvwa said slowly.

"Sorry, you said that Pangu, I didn't see where."

Liu Yi smiles more, "If he is, you may wish to call him to see."

"it is good."

Nüwa is very confident about this point. For a month, the soul of Pangu should have been formed, and the energy absorbed is enough to wake up.

She waved her hand and all the ancient gods fell down and looked pious.

"Respected Pangu God, we are here to sincerely call you."

Pangu and his own soul are connected, as long as he calls, he will come when he hears it.

The son-in-law is there, waiting for the coming of Pangu.

Liu Yi stood opposite them, his hands behind him, motionless, like a sculpture.

"Pang Gu Shen?"

It has been more than an hour since the Pangu gods did not move. The son-in-law finally moved, and she looked up in surprise and looked around.

“Why did Pangu God not appear yet?”

Zhu Rong asked.


The son-in-law looked a little nervous. "It has been a month, Pangu should have long since awakened! Why not respond to my call!"

"Did you shut up Pangu God?"

Zhu Rong face with a twilight, watching Liu Yi.

"If your Pangu **** can be locked up by me, you don't have to expect him to lead you."

Liu Yi smiled and said, "I said, there is no Pangu **** here, please come back. I am sorry, let you run away."

"I can't wait for Pangu, I won't go back!"

Nvwa said, "No matter what method you use to hide Pangu, you can't stop his awakening! The tower is open, the Three Emperors return, this is no one can stop it!"

"I want to protect my own son, and this is no one can stop it."

Liu Yi said, "Nvwa, you still go back, don't force me to do it for you."

"Do you start with it, will we be afraid of you in ancient times?"

When Zhu Rongyi saw Liu Yi, he hated it.

"No matter how powerful your ancient gods were thousands of years ago, it is no longer your time."

Liu Yi slowly said, "My words only say once, the second time, it is a fist."

"I... let's go back..."

The niece looked blank and slowly stood up.


The gods saw that the son-in-law was like this, heartache, sad, and no one would be happy!

When the ancient **** of the calf, when fell to this point, I have to listen to people!

A heavenly emperor, why is it so! If Pangu is there, if Fuxi is still alive, they will not be insulted!


At this time, Zhu Rong suddenly stood up, but with anger.

His eyes were like a flame burning, and a dull roar in his mouth.

"I have had enough! Nüwa, you are no longer suitable to lead us! We are ancient gods and need new leaders!"

"Zhu Rong, what are you going to do?"

The son-in-law was a little surprised and looked at the flaming vulcan.

"You are too weak! Lost the face of our ancient gods!"

Zhu Rong said, "The glory of our ancient gods for thousands of years cannot be so ruined! I, Zhu Rong, want to reawaken the prestige of the ancient gods!"

"Oh? It seems like there is a good show."

Liu Yi eyebrows pick one, "need to buy a movie ticket?"

"Emperor, don't be arrogant!"

Zhu Rong said, "When thousands of years ago, when Grandpa hit the world, you still don't know where to mix!"

"Sorry, it’s been thousands of years now. Do you need me to show you the calendar?"

Liu Yi took out his mobile phone and made a stroke.

"Less these useless, the Emperor, don't think that you are amazing! Tell you, my ancient **** is the ancient **** after all, even if the Pangu **** has not yet awakened, I have a way to kill you!"


Liu Yi’s curiosity came up. “I just want to know, what is the method?”

"Zhu Rong, you calm down!"

The son-in-law advised, "Now is not the time to start the war!"

She has been forbearing for so long, and has been waiting for Pangu to wake up. If you are impulsive, such as Zhu Rong, it is likely to bring the entire ancient **** into a dead end!

"Nvwa, go on your side!"

Zhu Rong is not at all rude to the son-in-law. He angered and yelled, "I wish Rong Rong is the agent of the ancient gods!"

"Why do you say that?"

The son-in-law is also a little angry. What do you want to do, and why do you want to die?

"Just because I have this!"

Zhu Rong said, as soon as he reached out, a golden axe appeared in his palm.

As soon as this axe appeared, all the ancient gods were stunned!

The golden glow of the axe blooms like the sun rises, reflecting the whole heaven!

A strong force spread out and shocked around!

When the niece saw the axe, she was directly eclipsed.

"Zhu Rong, you are crazy! You actually stole the Pangu Axe!"

"This ancient axe is hidden and hidden. It is better to let me use it!"

Zhu Rong laughed and said, "I will use Panguax to kill this **** Heavenly Emperor and let him know that the ancient gods are powerful!"

Pangu axe, that is the legendary Pangu used to open the axe?

Liu Yi was somewhat surprised.

"Your Majesty, be careful!"

Afterwards, I reminded, "The ancient axe is boundless, and even Pangu himself is difficult to control! The power above the axe is enough to open the ground!"


Liu Yi nodded and watched the Pangu axe with vigilance.

The Pangu axe is golden, and the axe blade is engraved with nine silver dragons.

As Zhu Rong entered the power, one of the silver dragons became a dazzling gold.

"Although my strength is only enough to open a golden dragon, it is enough to kill you!"

Said, he raised his axe.

Behind him, a huge panguin appeared, his height was close to 10,000 meters, and he was carrying a golden axe in his hand. This kind of attack is a bit similar to Chen Cai’s Shura god, but the power is strong and I don’t know how much!

This axe carries the power of Pangu!

Even if it is Liu Yi, I have to be right.

The huge axe fell, as if it really could open the world!

Zhu Rong is full of confidence, his own Pangu axe, will definitely kill the Emperor!

This axe fell instantly and went straight to Liu Yi.

And Liu Yi stood there, only wearing the diamond emperor, and then extending his right hand, only took the right axe and took the giant axe.


The whole heaven was trembling, like a magnitude 10 earthquake!

The power storm spread out and spread the stone bricks on the ground!

Liu Yi did not move, and the right palm held the Pangu axe.

"Sure enough."

Liu Yi said, "It’s a pity that your strength is less than 10%."

"Zhu Rong, I will help you!"

"I am coming too!"

A lot of ancient gods rushed to Zhu Rong, and then the palm of his hand was attached to him and gave him a credit.

The rest of the ancient gods are the loyal loyalty of the niece, and I don’t know what to do.

"At this time, I can only fight!"

Emperor Jun said, "Mother, let's go together!"

Said, he also ran to help Zhu Rong.

"The matter is here... then fight!"

Nvwa also stunned and jumped.

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