Mai Kitsune Waifu

Chapter 1296: Nowhere to escape

Chapter 1296 has nowhere to escape

A beautiful umbrella blooms in the air, and the parachute pulls Liu Yi and stops his falling trend.

If it is not a small encounter, Liu Yi estimates that he will fall into a small photo! Nima, this **** of power is too pit, this is to help Laozi, or in the pit Laozi!

Liu Yi took a parachute and slowly fell on top of a high-rise building.

“Master, there are several heats nearby that are approaching quickly.”

After Liu Yi fell, he just used a paratrooper to cut the parachute. When he was about to leave, he suddenly heard the reminder of Xiao Yan.

And Liu Yi’s line of sight has a map with three small red dots on it, approaching himself from the third.

It seems that the comers are not good. Liu Yi immediately leaned against the wall. Xiao Yan immediately turned on the optical effect, and made Liu Yi’s body and walls into the same color.

Almost at the same time, the men who stepped on the scooter at three feet descended from the air, and each of them wore silver-white clothes as if they were a uniform. Could it be that these guys are the police in this world?

"Strange, I just saw someone landing here, why are people missing?"

"The parachute is still there and should not go far."

"We are investigating separately."

After the three people talked, they dispersed immediately and left with the scooter.

After they left for a while, Liu Yi came out of stealth. Nima, this land is really dangerous, but fortunately, I have a small umbrella.

"Small, how big is this space?"

When Liu Yizhi was in the past, he told Xiaoyan to launch a satellite and scan the world.

“Not big, only this huge city.”

Xiao Yan said, “The area is 92.23 million square kilometers. It has a huge artificial river. It has been worn from the middle of the city. It is surrounded by farmland and pastures with an area of ​​about 10,400,000 square kilometers. The far side is the border, and below the border is the bottomless abyss."

"What a strange place..."

Liu Yi stood on the top of the tall building and looked at the city below. "It seems that the level of science and technology is better than that of the human world... In other words, have you investigated where the extremely cold **** is?"

"There is a large artificial ice rink in the center of the city. It is not the extremely cold **** that the owner said. I don't know."

Some things are still powerless, after all, just an epoch-making high-tech product. However, the biggest problem with Liu Yi now is where to find the Anda. What is it? I have no ability now, can I find him smoothly?

"Master, there is an internet cafe in front. If we go there, I can invade the host of the world through the above network, and maybe I can find the identity information of Anda."

Xiao Yan reminded.

Oh, yes, I have a bug and I can take advantage of it.

"Okay, let's go downstairs."

Liu Yixin missed the safety of his own chick, so he went straight to the elevator in the roof and prepared to take the elevator.

But there is an electronic code lock on the elevator, which seems to prevent outsiders from entering and leaving.

"Small, break the lock."

Liu Yi told me.

"Okay, master, please wait."

Xiao Yan used fiber to connect to the code lock and began the work of deciphering. Within ten seconds, the elevator door opened.

"Give you a Like!"

Liu Yi praised and walked into the elevator as the elevator slowly descended. The schematic diagram of the Internet cafe route has been placed in the line of sight of Liu Yi, and he can smoothly reach his destination by following this route.

Liu Yi walked out of the building, and various high-rise buildings outside were standing in front of Liu Yi.

On the road, the cars come and go, the pedestrians are flowing, everyone is in a hurry, full of indifference and urgency.

"It’s a cold city."

Liu Yi shrugged his shoulders, and at this time, the LED screens on the surrounding buildings suddenly began to change. After a while, a figure hung on it.

“A first-level wanted, intruder A, once notified, immediately notified the patrolman and notified the bounty of three thousand Union coins.”

I wiped, my image was hung on the big screen so soon? But it looks pretty handsome.

How much is the three thousand Union coins? Not just the price of cabbage?

Liu Yi began to groan in his heart, while Xiao Yan changed his costume, white jacket, attached to a hoodie, and he was pulled over his head to cover his face.

"Although it is very handsome, it is still not good to be seen. Chick, wait for the uncle to save you."

Said, Liu Yi mixed into the crowd and began to move in the direction of the Internet cafe.

It was very safe along the way, and few people would stare at themselves. They were all in a hurry and busy with their own affairs.

Liu Yi put his hands in his pocket and learned how they looked and hurried. Is there a flight of one or two patrolmen on the street, and is still searching for the trace of Liu Yi. They are not expected to notice that the wanted criminals worth 3,000 Union Dollars are swaying from under their eyes.

When thinking about surfing the Internet, it may cost money. When Liu Yi walked through the crowd, he took out two banknotes from the pocket of a buddy next to him. Although the mana is gone, but Liu Yi is a master of melee, this skill is still very handsome.

The arm next to him still didn't know. He was hit by Liu Yi, and he stunned Liu Yi and then called.

"Hey, buddy, I told you that the sister paper of Justice Road is a cool one... I stole a thousand from my wife in the morning, and went to cool tonight, hehe..."

Liu Yi estimates that this buddy wants to smash the king chicken, but these can not be managed. He went straight into the front of an Internet cafe. After entering, the boss asked directly.

"With an ID card?"

This asked Liu Yiyi, he is not a person in this world, where is the ID card.

"Sorry... didn't bring..."

Liu Yixin said, is this finished?

"Oh, no, no, I have it."

The boss said, come up with an Internet card, "One Union coin for one hour, first ten."

Liu Yi took out a banknote directly and took it on the table.

"The trough, such a large denomination."

The boss was taken aback, five hundred, this buddy looks very rich.

"Come on first."

Liu Yi said with a low voice, "When I come out, I will find it again."

After that, he took the Internet card and turned away.

The boss received the money and screamed twice. "How do you look at this buddy so familiar? Is it a star?"

He began to open the web page to see which star face is Liu Yi.

Liu Yi went to a computer at this time and found that some of the guests next to him were playing some kind of PVP game.

These people are not very old, probably the appearance of junior high school, it seems that Internet cafes have their own ID card for a reason. The current Internet cafes have not been done before. Minors must not enter Internet cafes after age control. But most of the guests in Internet cafes are these children. Without them, they have no major source of income.

However, there are policies under the countermeasures. So soon the Internet cafe boss will get some friends and family ID cards, and get some co-worker network cards to provide to the small pot friends who do not have ID cards. Since the above blocked their financial path, they must clear themselves.

Liu Yi only thought that it would be in the human world. I did not expect that in the world controlled by this judge.

Through the information he got from the Internet, Liu Yi found that the world seems to be no different from the human world. There are also old and sick, people have to run for their livelihood, or they will be eliminated by society.

The world is very large, more than 90 million square kilometers, and regardless of race, regardless of the country, there is only such a huge city, called the alliance.

There are shuttles in the city that are available to the public for travel and can quickly reach every area of ​​the city.

I really didn't expect that there would be such a world, like the human world after decades.

Liu Yi continued to search for information about the world, and Xiao Xiao was still invading the host of the judge to find Anda’s identity information.

"How is the progress?"

Liu Yi asked while browsing the web.

"There is still 50%."

Xiao Xiao answered.

Liu Yi nodded, and he suddenly found a very interesting thing. In this world, there is also a night called Aries. Because this buddy is a network writer that Liu Yi prefers, so pay more attention to it.

Not only the name, but also the same. However, Aries did not write a net text, but was engaged in the work of male superiors. At present, he has shot no more than two hundred action movies, known as men with artifacts.

"It’s a... twisted world..."

Liu Yi didn't know what to say. He suddenly became curious. Will there be another self in this world?

He is planning to investigate, and Yu Guang suddenly swept outside the door.

I saw a few patrolmen coming in from outside the door, and his eyes seemed to fall on him.

"Small, how about cracking?"

"98%, master."

Xiao Yan said.

"Hurry up, we were discovered."

Liu Yi said, reaching out and kneading the remaining 500 pieces of the Union Coin in his hand and then throwing it to the door.

"Oh, who lost 500?"

Liu Yi shouted loudly.

"Grass, my money is gone!"

A shirtless buddy stood up immediately.

"Fart, that's the money that Lao Tzu lost!"

A yellow hair also followed.

"It's mine is mine!"

"my money!"

Some junior high school students have also stood up. They usually take meals on the Internet. They have a big ticket and their eyes are green.

A group of people immediately blocked the door and made a big hit. The entire Internet cafe immediately became a mess. There was a keyboard, and there was a monitor. It was a lively moment!

"Oh, don't fight, don't fight!"

The owner of the Internet cafe who just reported Liu Yi is crying now, and the three thousand pieces are not enough for him to repair these computers.

When Liu Yi was in trouble, he had downloaded the information he wanted and turned and left.

The patrolman was blocked at the gate. Liu Yi went to the window and directly pressed the window sill. He jumped out and fell to the back street.

"He went out from behind!"

"catch him!"


Saving Ai Wei is a big battle

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