Mai Kitsune Waifu

Chapter 1301: Two things

Chapter 1301 Two Things

"This year's recruits... seems to be pretty good."

Anda went to the front of Liu Yi, reaching out and touching the waist of Liu Yi.

Liu Yi's hairs are all up, and they go straight back.

"General Anda... please show respect."

"What are you thinking!"

Carter scolded, "The general is checking your body! Only strong people can become our rebel!"

When he said this, Liu Yi couldn't help but look at the old man and the thin man next to him. If Carter said this, wouldn't he feel blushing?

Life... it’s full of lies!

"General! This person can't stay!"

Carter once again said, "He is a wanted criminal of the government army! Now the whole world is looking for him!"

"Oh? What crime did he commit?"

Anda asked with interest, "killing? Or fraud?"

"He is an intruder."

In a word, Carter was quiet in the entire garrison. Even Anda snorted, and once again looked at Liu Yi, his eyes changed. "Are you an intruder?"

"Yes, I am the woman who came to save me."

Liu Yi said, "My woman is locked up in the extremely cold hell, and I hope General Anda can help me."

"Quiet hell!"

Everyone was taken aback. "Come there, don't expect her to be released!"

Carter said directly, "The cold **** has a judge who is personally guarded, no one can pass there! No one can escape!"

"Although I don't want to admit it, the extremely cold **** is indeed a terrible place."

Anda nodded. "Our previous generation of commanders were also kept inside. Until now, we have no way to save them. But you are an intruder... maybe there are still some opportunities."


Liu Yi was originally in a heavy mood, but when he heard this, he immediately got some surprises.

Is Ai Wei still saved?

"Yes, but there are two things to say."

General Anda was quite good at speaking. He extended his right hand and raised two fingers. He said slowly, "These two things... are crucial. If you really decide, I will take you to do both." ”

"General, why should you help him?"

Carter didn't understand. "He is wanted!"

"We didn't have the courage to attack the Blackwater Zone. Didn't we have the courage to help an intruder?"

Anda laughed at himself. "Not to mention, this thing does not require us to resist the power of the army. We only need to help a little." The intruder, if he can really do what he wants Doing things is also beneficial to our rebel army."

"What is it, let's talk."

Liu Yi’s hopes are all on Anda’s body.

"This first thing is related to whether you can get rid of the laws of this world."

Anda said, "The world that constitutes this world is a very powerful law. It is impossible for you to completely break it, unless you are a great cosmic god. But we have a way... to some extent, let the law It can only affect a part of you, so that your own ability may be restored."

"Some are enough."

Liu Yi’s strength has been convinced, and as long as he recovers, he has the confidence to defeat those judges.

"This is not that simple."

Anda said, "The reason why you are completely restricted by this world is because the world has another you, he is bound by the law. So if you kill him, then you may be considered dead by the laws of this world, The control of you will relax, and you will be able to release some of the power."

"Is this feasible?"

Aisha listened to some concerns, this method is listening... a little scary!

"How dare you doubt the general!"

On the side of Carter, he crossed his eyebrows and looked like he was going to eat people.

"Your suspicions are justified."

Anda nodded. "So I am asking the intruder. Are you willing to do this? We will not kill him... Do not harm innocent people. It is our principle of rebellion. It is estimated that you will be hand-in-hand. Only then."

"no problem."

Liu Yi did not hesitate to agree.

"You even agreed!"

Aisha was a little surprised. "If you kill him, maybe you will die in another world!"

"In order to save the chick, even if it is my life."

Liu Yi said in an understatement, "What is the next thing?"

"The next thing is about the friend you were arrested."

Anda continued, "extremely cold hell...not so simple. Those who are locked into the extremely cold **** will be brainwashed by the judge. Even if you have saved all of her hardships, I am afraid that she may not be That was the way before..."


Liu Yi brows slightly wrinkled.

"Yeah, brainwashing."

Anda’s eyes were cold, "Do you know why I know this?"

"Please also say straight."

"My beloved woman was also locked up in the cold and hell."

Anda did not hide and squat, and said straightforwardly, "But when she was released, she had completely changed. She forgot to swear with me, completely another way. After that, I no longer believe in women. Because once a woman changes her mind, she really won’t look back. So, I advise you, you better go back to your own world, there is no need to offer your life for that woman."

"I believe in my chick."

Liu Yi’s eyes are still firm. “I believe in the love between us.”

"I don't know if you should praise your infatuation, or you should be stupid."

Anda sighed. "But since you have made a decision, I will support you on behalf of the Resistance. For you in this world, I will let the intelligence department collect it. I hope you will consider it again before you find him."

After that, Anda directly turned his head out and left a shadow to Liu Yi.

The world's Anda is much more straightforward than the back of the heavens.

However, if the chick really doesn't love herself... what should I do?

How firm is love? When two people just started to fall in love, the other party is beautiful in each other's eyes. If you say something bad, you might even have a fart. But after getting along for a long time, the problems of both sides have gradually increased, and there may be some minor problems. In the eyes of the other party, they will be magnified infinitely and become the reason for quarreling. After a long time, I dislike each other, and the sweet time has passed.

How long is freshness? Seven years? One year, maybe even a month.

There is no one in the world who can always strengthen love, because everyone's taste will change.

And what about Ai? When she loves herself, she is willing to give herself life and even everything. But if... she doesn't love herself?

Liu Yizhen is really hard to imagine. If Ai Wei doesn't love himself, what would it be like?

Maybe he will be sad to die, because those good times in memory will turn into nightmares. The original sweetness became bitter, entangled him until he began to numb, began to be hated by love, and finally changed from hate to irrelevant.

Sometimes you can control a lot of things, like money, like a career. But sometimes, there are things you can't control, such as feelings, like life.

But in any case, Liu Yi is willing to believe in her own chick. He and the chick have experienced so many things, and have survived so many hardships, waiting for a whole 1300 years... chick, not too long, please wait for me!

Extremely cold hell.

Ai was locked in a transparent glass trough with a strange helmet on top of it, with some lines connected.

"How is brainwashing going?"

A judge asked the person in charge here. "It has been almost a week. Should it be completed? This woman is a singular point. There is only one she exists in two worlds. If brainwashing is successful, maybe she will become a terrible Fighting power."

"This this……"

The person in charge is a bit embarrassed.

"Why, is the progress a bit slow? That is normal. After all, she is a bit special. Should it be more than 70%?"

"No, no..."

The person in charge shook his head.

"50%? Should I have it?"

"Also... no..."


The judge was a little surprised. "Is it only three or forty? It’s really amazing. I can’t think of this woman’s willpower."

"Also, there are no three or forty..."

"How much is that, you said!"

"Hundreds, zero percent..."

The person in charge looked a nervous person.


The judge was shocked. "Are you kidding? After a week, the progress is zero! Are you eating?"

"I don't know why this is..."

The person in charge quickly explained that "the brainwashing procedure has been fiercely resisted, and we have no way to brainwash. This woman is too powerful..."

"Use the largest output!"

The judge said, "Make sure this woman is completely transformed!"

"Maximum output? We have never used such a strong output!"

The person in charge immediately said, "If you force the output, it may lead to the death of this woman! Even if the body is ok, it may lead to brain death!"

"Reassured, she is very strong!"

The judge snorted, "Just do what I said! Be sure to thoroughly wash this woman! Go ahead and do it!"

"Okay, okay..."

The judge's order cannot be rebelled, and the responsible person has to start executing the order.

He changed the program and couldn't help but look up at the sleepy Ai.

This woman... What is she insisting on? Brainwashing is like a hypnosis. It is in a most comfortable environment, and then slowly let her lose herself, thus accepting the judgment of the judge. But this woman's willpower is strong, and in her feelings, there is a person, she will never give up the same!

OK, let me see, what step can you stick to!

The person in charge has turned the output power to the maximum.

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